## Translators: This is an example name for a new course, seen when filling out the form to create a new course.
<inputclass="new-course-name"id="new-course-name"type="text"name="new-course-name"requiredplaceholder="${_('e.g. Introduction to Computer Science')}"/>
<spanclass="tip">${_("The public display name for your course. This cannot be changed, but you can set a different display name in Advanced Settings later.")}</span>
<spanclass="tip tip-error is-hiding"></span>
<inputclass="new-course-name"id="new-course-name"type="text"name="new-course-name"requiredplaceholder="${_('e.g. Introduction to Computer Science')}"aria-describedby="tip-new-course-name tip-error-new-course-name"/>
<spanclass="tip"id="tip-new-course-name">${_("The public display name for your course. This cannot be changed, but you can set a different display name in Advanced Settings later.")}</span>
## Translators: This is an example for the name of the organization sponsoring a course, seen when filling out the form to create a new course. The organization name cannot contain spaces.
## Translators: "e.g. UniversityX or OrganizationX" is a placeholder displayed when user put no data into this field.
<inputclass="new-course-org"id="new-course-org"type="text"name="new-course-org"requiredplaceholder="${_('e.g. UniversityX or OrganizationX')}"/>
<spanclass="tip">${_("The name of the organization sponsoring the course.")} <strong>${_("Note: This is part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed.")}</strong> ${_("This cannot be changed, but you can set a different display name in Advanced Settings later.")}</span>
<spanclass="tip tip-error is-hiding"></span>
<inputclass="new-course-org"id="new-course-org"type="text"name="new-course-org"requiredplaceholder="${_('e.g. UniversityX or OrganizationX')}"aria-describedby="tip-new-course-org tip-error-new-course-org"/>
<spanclass="tip"id="tip-new-course-org">${_("The name of the organization sponsoring the course.")} <strong>${_("Note: This is part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed.")}</strong> ${_("This cannot be changed, but you can set a different display name in Advanced Settings later.")}</span>
## Translators: This is an example for the number used to identify a course, seen when filling out the form to create a new course. The number here is short for "Computer Science 101". It can contain letters but cannot contain spaces.
<spanclass="tip">${_("The unique number that identifies your course within your organization.")} <strong>${_("Note: This is part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed and it cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
<spanclass="tip"id="tip-new-course-number">${_("The unique number that identifies your course within your organization.")} <strong>${_("Note: This is part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed and it cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
## Translators: This is an example for the "run" used to identify different instances of a course, seen when filling out the form to create a new course.
<spanclass="tip">${_("The term in which your course will run.")} <strong>${_("Note: This is part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed and it cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
<spanclass="tip"id="tip-new-course-run">${_("The term in which your course will run.")} <strong>${_("Note: This is part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed and it cannot be changed.")}</strong></span>
## Translators: This is an example name for a new content library, seen when filling out the form to create a new library. (A library is a collection of content or problems.)
<inputclass="new-library-org"id="new-library-org"type="text"name="new-library-org"requiredplaceholder="${_('e.g. UniversityX or OrganizationX')}"/>
<spanclass="tip">${_("The public organization name for your library.")} ${_("This cannot be changed.")}</span>
<spanclass="tip tip-error is-hiding"></span>
<inputclass="new-library-org"id="new-library-org"type="text"name="new-library-org"requiredplaceholder="${_('e.g. UniversityX or OrganizationX')}"aria-describedby="tip-new-library-org tip-error-new-library-org"/>
<spanclass="tip"id="tip-new-library-org">${_("The public organization name for your library.")} ${_("This cannot be changed.")}</span>
<spanclass="tip">${_("The {em_start}major version number{em_end} of your library. Minor revisions are tracked as edits happen within a library.").format(em_start='<strong>', em_end='</strong>')}</span>
<spanclass="tip"id="tip-new-library-number">${_("The {em_start}major version number{em_end} of your library. Minor revisions are tracked as edits happen within a library.").format(em_start='<strong>', em_end='</strong>')}</span>