Commit f8625660 by Vik Paruchuri

add previous answer display

parent e97af7cf
......@@ -72,49 +72,18 @@ class SelfAssessmentModule(XModule):
Sample file:
Insert problem text here.
Insert grading rubric here.
Thanks for submitting!
Insert problem text here.
Insert grading rubric here.
Thanks for submitting!
#Parse definition file
dom2 = etree.fromstring("<selfassessment>" + self.definition['data'] + "</selfassessment>")
#Extract problem, submission message and rubric from definition file
self.rubric = "<br/><br/>" + ''.join([etree.tostring(child) for child in only_one(dom2.xpath('rubric'))])
self.problem = ''.join([etree.tostring(child) for child in only_one(dom2.xpath('problem'))])
self.submit_message = etree.tostring(dom2.xpath('submitmessage')[0])
#Forms to append to problem and rubric that capture student responses.
#Do not change ids and names, as javascript (selfassessment/ depends on them
problem_form = ('<section class="sa-wrapper"><textarea name="answer" '
'id="answer" cols="50" rows="5"/><br/>'
'<input type="button" value="Check" id ="show" name="show" url="{0}"/>'
'<p id="rubric"></p></section><br/><br/>').format(system.ajax_url)
rubric_form = ('<br/><br/>Please assess your performance given the above rubric: <br/>'
'<br/><section class="sa-wrapper"><select name="assessment" id="assessment">'
'<option value="incorrect">Incorrect</option><option value="correct">'
'<input type="button" value="Save" id="save" name="save" url="{0}"/>'
'<p id="save_message"></p></section><br/><br/>').format(system.ajax_url)
#Combine problem, rubric, and the forms
self.problem = ''.join([self.problem, problem_form])
self.rubric = ''.join([self.rubric, rubric_form])
#Display the problem to the student to begin with
self.html = self.problem
#Initialize variables
self.answer = ""
self.score = 0
......@@ -148,6 +117,40 @@ class SelfAssessmentModule(XModule):
self.score = instance_state['correct_map']['self_assess']['npoints']
self.correctness = instance_state['correct_map']['self_assess']['correctness']
#Parse definition file
dom2 = etree.fromstring("<selfassessment>" + self.definition['data'] + "</selfassessment>")
#Extract problem, submission message and rubric from definition file
self.rubric = "<br/><br/>" + ''.join([etree.tostring(child) for child in only_one(dom2.xpath('rubric'))])
self.problem = ''.join([etree.tostring(child) for child in only_one(dom2.xpath('problem'))])
self.submit_message = etree.tostring(dom2.xpath('submitmessage')[0])
#Forms to append to problem and rubric that capture student responses.
#Do not change ids and names, as javascript (selfassessment/ depends on them
problem_form = ('<section class="sa-wrapper"><textarea name="answer" '
'id="answer" cols="50" rows="5"/><br/>'
'<input type="button" value="Check" id ="show" name="show" url="{0}"/>'
'<p id="rubric"></p></section><br/><br/>').format(system.ajax_url)
rubric_form = ('<br/><br/>Please assess your performance given the above rubric: <br/>'
'<br/><section class="sa-wrapper"><select name="assessment" id="assessment">'
'<option value="incorrect">Incorrect</option><option value="correct">'
'<input type="button" value="Save" id="save" name="save" url="{0}"/>'
'<p id="save_message"></p></section><br/><br/>').format(system.ajax_url)
#Combine problem, rubric, and the forms
if self.answer is not "" :
answer_html="<br/><br/>Previous Answer: <br/>{0}<br/><br/>".format(self.answer)
self.problem = ''.join([self.problem, answer_html, problem_form])
self.problem = ''.join([self.problem, problem_form])
self.rubric = ''.join([self.rubric, rubric_form])
#Display the problem to the student to begin with
self.html = self.problem
def get_score(self):
return {'score': self.score}
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