Commit f81d88e3 by AlasdairSwan

ECOM-1547 created new template and Sass file for new footer. Wrapped it in a…

ECOM-1547 created new template and Sass file for new footer. Wrapped it in a feature flag and updated previously named footer-edx-new.html to footer-edx-v2.html to better track/name updates to the footer going forward.
ECOM-1547 removed data-updated attributes from body
ECOM-1548 added JS file that inits analytics event listener and makes ajax call to API to get footer and HTML and add it to the DOM
ECOM-1547 code review cleanup
ECOM-1547 rebase and Sass appraoch update after @talbs the IE9 killer slayed the mighty beast.
ECOM-1547 updated file names and added comments in light of @talbs review of PR
ECOM-1547 update to social media link styles and nav link order
ECOM-1547 added translations to screenreader text
ECOM-1547 fixed test and renamed files in line with @talbs's pending PR
ECOM-1547 cleaned up file naming
parent 11ca11a4
......@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ lms/static/sass/lms-main.scss
......@@ -342,6 +342,9 @@ FEATURES = {
# Show the mobile app links in the footer
# Use version 3 of the footer (added May 2015)
# Let students save and manage their annotations
......@@ -1173,6 +1176,7 @@ dashboard_js = (
discussion_js = sorted(rooted_glob(COMMON_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/discussion/**/*.js'))
rwd_header_footer_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'js/common_helpers/rwd_header_footer.js'))
footer_edx_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'js/footer-edx.js'))
staff_grading_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/staff_grading/**/*.js'))
open_ended_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/open_ended/**/*.js'))
notes_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/notes/**/*.js'))
......@@ -1329,6 +1333,18 @@ PIPELINE_CSS = {
'output_filename': 'css/lms-style-xmodule-annotations.css',
'style-edx-footer': {
'source_filenames': [
'output_filename': 'css/lms-footer-edx.css',
'style-edx-footer-rtl': {
'source_filenames': [
'output_filename': 'css/lms-footer-edx-rtl.css',
......@@ -1421,6 +1437,10 @@ PIPELINE_JS = {
'ccx': {
'source_filenames': ccx_js,
'output_filename': 'js/ccx.js'
'footer_edx': {
'source_filenames': footer_edx_js,
'output_filename': 'js/footer_edx.js'
......@@ -1765,16 +1785,25 @@ MKTG_URL_LINK_MAP = {
################# Social Media Footer Links #######################
# The names list controls the order of social media
# links in the footer.
# The footer URLs dictionary maps social footer names
# to URLs defined in configuration.
......@@ -1825,6 +1854,18 @@ SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_DISPLAY = {
"title": _("Reddit"),
"icon": "fa-reddit-square"
"vk": {
# Translators: This is the website name of Please
# translate this the way that VK advertises in your language.
"title": _("VK"),
"icon": "fa-vk"
"weibo": {
# Translators: This is the website name of Please
# translate this the way that Weibo advertises in your language.
"title": _("Weibo"),
"icon": "fa-weibo"
"youtube": {
# Translators: This is the website name of Please
# translate this the way that YouTube advertises in your language.
var edx = edx || {};
(function($) {
'use strict';
edx.footer = (function() {
var _fn = {
el: '#footer-edx-v3',
init: function() {
_fn.$el = _fn.$el || $( _fn.el );
* Only continue if the expected element
* to add footer to is in the DOM
if ( _fn.$el.length > -1 ) {
analytics: {
init: function() {
_fn.$el = _fn.$el || $( _fn.el );
* Only continue if the expected element
* to add footer to is in the DOM
if ( _fn.$el.length > -1 ) {;
eventListener: function() {
if ( ) {
_fn.$el.on( 'click', 'a', );
track: function( event ) {
var $link = $( event.currentTarget );
// Only tracking external links
if ( $link.hasClass('external') ) { '', {
category: 'outbound_link',
label: $link.attr('href')
footer: {
get: function() {
url: '',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'html',
success: function( data ) {
_fn.footer.render( data );
render: function( html ) {
_fn.$el.html( html );
return {
load: _fn.init,
// Initialize the analytics events;
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
@import 'shared/fields';
@import 'shared/forms';
@import 'shared/footer';
@import 'shared/footer-edx'; // Replaces most of the footer partial. Will update footer to remove edx specific styles once feature flag removed.
@import 'shared/header';
@import 'shared/course_object';
@import 'shared/course_filter';
## Note: This Sass infrastructure is repeated in application-extend1 and application-extend2, but needed in order to address an IE9 rule limit within CSS -
// lms - css application architecture
// ====================
// libs and resets *do not edit*
@import 'bourbon/bourbon'; // lib - bourbon
@import 'vendor/bi-app/bi-app-rtl'; // set the layout for left to right languages
// BASE *default edX offerings*
// ====================
// base - utilities
@import 'base/variables';
@import 'base/mixins';
## -------
## Set up this file to import an edX theme library if the environment
## indicates that a theme should be used. The assumption is that the
## theme resides outside of this main edX repository, in a directory
## called themes/<theme-name>/, with its base Sass file in
## themes/<theme-name>/static/sass/_<theme-name>.scss. That one entry
## point can be used to @import in as many other things as needed.
% if env["FEATURES"].get("USE_CUSTOM_THEME", False):
// import theme's Sass overrides
@import '${env.get('THEME_NAME')}';
% endif
// base - assets
@import 'base/font_face';
footer#footer-edx-v3 {
@import 'base/extends';
// base - starter
@import 'base/base';
// base - elements
@import 'elements/typography';
// shared - platform
@import 'shared/footer-edx';
## Note: This Sass infrastructure is repeated in application-extend1 and application-extend2, but needed in order to address an IE9 rule limit within CSS -
// lms - css application architecture
// ====================
// libs and resets *do not edit*
@import 'bourbon/bourbon'; // lib - bourbon
@import 'vendor/bi-app/bi-app-ltr'; // set the layout for left to right languages
// BASE *default edX offerings*
// ====================
// base - utilities
@import 'base/variables';
@import 'base/mixins';
## -------
## Set up this file to import an edX theme library if the environment
## indicates that a theme should be used. The assumption is that the
## theme resides outside of this main edX repository, in a directory
## called themes/<theme-name>/, with its base Sass file in
## themes/<theme-name>/static/sass/_<theme-name>.scss. That one entry
## point can be used to @import in as many other things as needed.
% if env["FEATURES"].get("USE_CUSTOM_THEME", False):
// import theme's Sass overrides
@import '${env.get('THEME_NAME')}';
% endif
// base - assets
@import 'base/font_face';
footer#footer-edx-v3 {
@import 'base/extends';
// base - starter
@import 'base/base';
// base - elements
@import 'elements/typography';
// shared - platform
@import 'shared/footer-edx';
......@@ -27,4 +27,3 @@
% endif
@import 'build-lms'; // shared app style assets/rendering
// edX theme: LMS Footer
// ====================
@import '../base/grid-settings';
@import 'neat/neat'; // lib - Neat
$edx-footer-link-color: rgb(0, 158, 231);
$edx-footer-bg-color: rgb(252,252,252);
// Aggressively scoped for Drupal
// ==============================
// These styles are being loaded on Drupal, LMS and WordPress
// sites so the scope has to be aggressive to override default
// CMS styles
footer#footer-edx-v3 {
@include outer-container;
@include box-sizing(border-box);
background: $edx-footer-bg-color;
padding: 20px;
p {
@include font-size(14);
@include line-height(14);
font-family: $sans-serif;
.legal-notices {
a {
@include font-size(14);
@include line-height(14);
@include margin-right(20px);
color: $edx-footer-link-color;
&:last-of-type {
@include margin-right(0);
.external-links {
@include span-columns(12);
.external-links {
margin-top: 5px;
.footer-logo {
margin-bottom: 30px;
.legal-notices {
margin: 20px 0 30px;
.openedx-link {
width: 141px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
a {
display: inline-block;
img {
width: 100%;
.mobile-app-links {
@include clearfix();
.social-media-links {
margin-bottom: 30px;
.sm-link {
@include float(left);
@include margin(0, 0, 10px, 12px);
@include font-size(28);
@include line-height(28);
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
line-height: 1;
position: relative;
display: inline;
background: none;
text-align: center;
&:first-of-type {
@include margin-left(0);
&:hover {
opacity: 0.7;
.icon {
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
color: $edx-footer-link-color;
.app-link {
@include float(left);
@include margin-right(10px);
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
&:last-of-type {
@include margin-right(0);
img {
height: 40px;
@include media( $edx-bp-large ) {
padding: 20px 10px;
.site-details {
@include span-columns(7);
.external-links {
@include span-columns(5);
.mobile-app-links {
@include float(right);
.social-media-links {
width: calc();
margin-bottom: 40px;
@include media( $edx-bp-huge ) {
.footer-logo {
@include span-columns(2);
.site-details {
@include span-columns(6);
.external-links {
@include span-columns(4);
.social-media-links {
margin-bottom: 50px;
## mako
<%! from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse %>
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
## WARNING: These files are specific to and are not used in installations outside of that domain. Open edX users will want to use the file "footer.html" for any changes or overrides.
<footer id="footer-edx-v3" role="contentinfo" aria-label="${_("Page Footer")}">
<h2 class="sr footer-about-title">${_("About edX")}</h2>
<div class="footer-logo">
<img alt="edX logo" src="${static.url('images/edx-theme/edx-header-logo.png')}">
<div class="site-details">
<nav class="site-nav" aria-label="${_("About edX")}">
<a href="${marketing_link('ABOUT')}">${_("About")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('BLOG')}">${_("Blog")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('NEWS')}">${_("News")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('FAQ')}">${_("FAQs")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('CONTACT')}">${_("Contact")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('JOBS')}">${_("Jobs")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('DONATE')}">${_("Donate")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('DONATE')}">${_("Sitemap")}</a>
<nav class="legal-notices" aria-label="${_("Legal")}">
<a href="${marketing_link('TOS')}">${_("Terms of Service &amp; Honor Code")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('PRIVACY')}">${_("Privacy Policy")}</a>
<a href="${marketing_link('PRIVACY')}">${_("Website Accessibility Policy")}</a>
<p class="copyright">
## Using "edX Inc." explicitly here for copyright purposes (settings.PLATFORM_NAME is just "edX", and this footer is only used on
## Site operators: Please do not remove this paragraph! This attributes back to edX and makes your acknowledgement of edX's trademarks clear.
<p>&copy; ${settings.COPYRIGHT_YEAR} edX Inc. All rights reserved except where noted. EdX, Open edX and the edX and Open edX logos are registered trademarks of trademarks of edX Inc.</p>
<div class="openedx-link">
<a href="" title="${_("Powered by Open edX")}">
<img alt="${_("Powered by Open edX")}" src="">
<div class="external-links">
<div class="social-media-links">
## Translators: This is the website name of Please
## translate this the way that Facebook advertises in your language.
<a href="${settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get('facebook', '#')}" class="sm-link external" title="${_("Facebook")}" rel="noreferrer">
<span class="icon fa fa-facebook-square element-invisible"></span>
## Translators: This is the website name of Please
## translate this the way that Twitter advertises in your language.
<a href="${settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get('twitter', '#')}" class="sm-link external" title="${_("Twitter")}" rel="noreferrer">
<span class="icon fa fa-twitter element-invisible"></span>
## Translators: This is the website name of Please
## translate this the way that LinkedIn advertises in your language.
<a href="${settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get('linkedin', '#')}" class="sm-link external" title="${_("LinkedIn")}" rel="noreferrer">
<span class="icon fa fa-linkedin-square element-invisible"></span>
## Translators: This is the website name of Please
## translate this the way that Google+ advertises in your language.
<a href="${settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get('facebook', '#')}" class="sm-link external" title="${_("Google+")}" rel="noreferrer">
<span class="icon fa fa-weibo element-invisible"></span>
## Translators: This is the website name of Please
## translate this the way that Meetup advertises in your language.
<a href="${settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get('facebook', '#')}" class="sm-link external" title="${_("Meetup")}" rel="noreferrer">
<span class="icon fa fa-vk element-invisible"></span>
<div class="mobile-app-links">
<a href="${settings.MOBILE_STORE_URLS.get('apple', '#')}" class="app-link external">
<img class="app-store" alt="${_("Apple app on Apple Store")}" src="${static.url('images/app/app_store_badge_135x40.svg')}">
<a href="${settings.MOBILE_STORE_URLS.get('google', '#')}" class="app-link external">
<img class="google-play" alt="${_("Android app on Google Play")}" src="${static.url('images/app/google_play_badge_45.png')}">
## % endif
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/vendor/noreferrer.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<%block name="js_extra">
<%static:js group='footer_edx'/>
......@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@ dir_rtl = 'rtl' if get_language_bidi() else 'ltr'
if theme_enabled() and not is_microsite():
footer_file = 'theme-footer.html'
elif settings.FEATURES.get('IS_EDX_DOMAIN', False) and settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_FOOTER_V3', True) and not is_microsite():
footer_file = microsite.get_template_path('footer-edx-v3.html')
elif settings.FEATURES.get('IS_EDX_DOMAIN', False) and not is_microsite():
footer_file = microsite.get_template_path('footer-edx-new.html')
footer_file = microsite.get_template_path('footer-edx-v2.html')
footer_file = microsite.get_template_path('footer.html')
......@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@
{# For now we don't support overriden Django templates in microsites. Leave footer blank for now which is better than saying Edx.#}
{% elif IS_EDX_DOMAIN %}
{% include "footer-edx-new.html" %}
{% elif IS_EDX_DOMAIN and not ENABLE_FOOTER_V3 %}
{% include "footer-edx-v2.html" %}
{% include "footer-edx-v3.html" %}
{% else %}
{% include "footer.html" %}
{% endif %}
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