helpMessage:gettext('When you click "Reset Password", a message will be sent to your email address. Click the link in the message to reset your password.')
helpMessage:gettext('When you click "Reset Your Password", edX will send a message '+
'to the email address for your edX account. Click the link in the message to '+
<span class="u-field-title field-label"><%- title %></span>
<button class="u-field-link u-field-link-title-<%- id %> " id="u-field-link-<%- id %>" aria-describedby="u-field-message-help-<%- id %>"><%- linkTitle %></button>
<span class="u-field-message" id="u-field-message-<%- id %>">
<label class="u-field-title field-label" for="field-input-<%- id %>"><%- title %></label>
<input class="field-input input-text" type="text" id="field-input-<%- id %>" title="Input field for <%- id %>" aria-describedby="u-field-message-help-<%- id %>" name="input" value="<%- value %>" />
<span class="u-field-message" id="u-field-message-<%- id %>">
<small class="account-settings-header-subtitle"><%- gettext("These settings include basic information about your account. You can also specify additional information and see your linked social accounts on this page.") %></small>