Commit f7a7fbd3 by Michael Roytman Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #16006 from edx/mroytman/EDU-1165

refactor and add multiple filter functionality to
parents 247f2835 282220da
......@@ -174,6 +174,15 @@ class PaginationTestCase(AssetsTestCase):
self.assert_correct_filter_response(self.url, 'asset_type', 'OTHER')
self.url, 'asset_type', 'Documents')
self.url, 'asset_type', 'Documents,Images')
self.url, 'asset_type', 'Documents,OTHER')
#Verify invalid request parameters
self.assert_invalid_parameters_error(self.url, 'asset_type', 'edX')
self.assert_invalid_parameters_error(self.url, 'asset_type', 'edX, OTHER')
self.assert_invalid_parameters_error(self.url, 'asset_type', 'edX, Images')
# Verify querying outside the range of valid pages
......@@ -247,24 +256,46 @@ class PaginationTestCase(AssetsTestCase):
Get from the url w/ a filter option and ensure items honor that filter
requested_file_types = settings.FILES_AND_UPLOAD_TYPE_FILTERS.get(
filter_value, None)
filter_value_split = filter_value.split(',')
requested_file_extensions = []
all_file_extensions = []
for requested_filter in filter_value_split:
if requested_filter == 'OTHER':
for file_type in settings.FILES_AND_UPLOAD_TYPE_FILTERS:
file_extensions = settings.FILES_AND_UPLOAD_TYPE_FILTERS.get(
requested_filter, None)
if file_extensions is not None:
resp = self.client.get(
url + '?' + filter_type + '=' + filter_value, HTTP_ACCEPT='application/json')
json_response = json.loads(resp.content)
assets_response = json_response['assets']
if filter_value is not '':
content_types = [asset['content_type'].lower()
for asset in assets_response]
if filter_value is 'OTHER':
all_file_type_extensions = []
for file_type in settings.FILES_AND_UPLOAD_TYPE_FILTERS:
if 'OTHER' in filter_value_split:
for content_type in content_types:
self.assertNotIn(content_type, all_file_type_extensions)
# content_type is either not any defined type (i.e. OTHER) or is a defined type (if multiple
# parameters including OTHER are used)
self.assertTrue(content_type in requested_file_extensions or content_type not in all_file_extensions)
for content_type in content_types:
self.assertIn(content_type, requested_file_types)
self.assertIn(content_type, requested_file_extensions)
def assert_invalid_parameters_error(self, url, filter_type, filter_value):
Get from the url w/ invalid filter option(s) and ensure error is received
resp = self.client.get(
url + '?' + filter_type + '=' + filter_value, HTTP_ACCEPT='application/json')
self.assertEquals(resp.status_code, 400)
......@@ -1257,7 +1257,8 @@ ADVANCED_PROBLEM_TYPES = [
# Files and Uploads type filter values
"Images": ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif', 'image/tiff', 'image/tif', 'image/x-icon'],
"Images": ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif', 'image/tiff', 'image/tif', 'image/x-icon',
'image/svg+xml', 'image/bmp', 'image/x-ms-bmp', ],
"Documents": [
......@@ -1271,7 +1272,25 @@ FILES_AND_UPLOAD_TYPE_FILTERS = {
"Audio": ['audio/mpeg', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/x-wav', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/wav', 'audio/aac', 'audio/x-m4a',
'audio/mp4', 'audio/x-ms-wma', ],
"Code": ['application/json', 'text/html', 'text/javascript', 'application/javascript', 'text/css', 'text/x-python',
'application/x-java-jnlp-file', 'application/xml', 'application/postscript', 'application/x-javascript',
'application/java-vm', 'text/x-c++src', 'text/xml', 'text/x-scss', 'application/x-python-code',
'application/java-archive', 'text/x-python-script', 'application/x-ruby', 'application/mathematica',
'text/coffeescript', 'text/x-matlab', 'application/sql', 'text/php', ]
# Default to no Search Engine
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