As referred to in `course staff documentation <>`_, there is a built-in template in edX Studio that uses a sample JavaScript application.
This sample application has students select two different shapes, a cone and a
cube. The correct state is when the cone is selected and the cube is not
.. image:: ../images/JavaScriptInputExample.png
:alt: Image of the sample JavaScript application, with the cone selected
You can `download files for that application <>`_.
You must upload these files in Studio to use them in a problem.
The following information steps through this example to demonstrate how to apply
the guidelines in `Custom JavaScript Display and Grading`.
Example getState() Function
In the example, the ``state`` variable is initialized for the cylinder and cube
in the ``WebGLDemo.js`` file:
.. code-block:: javascript
var state = {
'selectedObjects': {
'cylinder': false,
'cube': false
User interactions toggle the ``state`` values of the cylinder and cube between
``true`` and ``false``.
The ``getState()`` function in the sample application returns the state as a
JSON string:
.. code-block:: javascript
function getState() {
return JSON.stringify(state);
Example setState() Function
In the example, when a student clicks **Check**, the ``state`` variable is saved
so that the student can later return to the application and find it in the same