Commit f63aa0f5 by Don Mitchell

Pylint and pep8 hygiene

parent 59b31474
......@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ class LocMapperStore(object):
# C0103: varnames and attrs must be >= 3 chars, but db defined by long time usage
# pylint: disable = C0103
def __init__(self, host, db, collection, port=27017, user=None, password=None,
def __init__(
self, host, db, collection, port=27017, user=None, password=None,
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.locator import CourseLocator
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import draft
class SplitMigrator(object):
Copies courses from old mongo to split mongo and sets up location mapping so any references to the old
......@@ -58,7 +59,6 @@ class SplitMigrator(object):
return new_course_id
def _copy_published_modules_to_course(self, new_course, old_course_loc, old_course_id, user_id):
Copy all of the modules from the 'direct' version of the course to the new split course.
......@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ class SplitMigrator(object):
# children which meant some pointers were to non-existent locations in 'direct'
def _add_draft_modules_to_course(self, new_course_id, old_course_id, old_course_loc, user_id):
update each draft. Create any which don't exist in published and attach to their parents.
......@@ -159,8 +158,10 @@ class SplitMigrator(object):
new_parent.children.insert(new_parent_cursor, new_usage_id)
new_parent = self.split_modulestore.update_item(new_parent, user_id)
def _get_json_fields_translate_children(self, xblock, old_course_id, published):
Return the json repr for explicitly set fields but convert all children to their usage_id's
fields = self.get_json_fields_explicitly_set(xblock)
# this will too generously copy the children even for ones that don't exist in the published b/c the old mongo
# had no way of not having parents point to draft only children :-(
......@@ -172,7 +173,6 @@ class SplitMigrator(object):
for child in fields['children']]
return fields
def get_json_fields_explicitly_set(self, xblock):
Get the json repr for fields set on this specific xblock
......@@ -642,9 +642,11 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# DHM: Should I rewrite this to take a new xblock instance rather than to construct it? That is, require the
# caller to use XModuleDescriptor.load_from_json thus reducing similar code and making the object creation and
# validation behavior a responsibility of the model layer rather than the persistence layer.
def create_item(self, course_or_parent_locator, category, user_id,
def create_item(
self, course_or_parent_locator, category, user_id,
usage_id=None, definition_locator=None, fields=None,
force=False, continue_version=False):
force=False, continue_version=False
Add a descriptor to persistence as the last child of the optional parent_location or just as an element
of the course (if no parent provided). Return the resulting post saved version with populated locators.
......@@ -773,7 +775,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
self, org, prettyid, user_id, id_root=None, fields=None,
master_branch='draft', versions_dict=None, root_category='course',
Create a new entry in the active courses index which points to an existing or new structure. Returns
the course root of the resulting entry (the location has the course id)
......@@ -848,9 +850,11 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
new_id = self.structures.insert(draft_structure)
draft_structure['original_version'] = new_id
self.structures.update({'_id': new_id},
{'_id': new_id},
{'$set': {"original_version": new_id,
'blocks.{}.edit_info.update_version'.format(root_usage_id): new_id}})
'blocks.{}.edit_info.update_version'.format(root_usage_id): new_id}}
if versions_dict is None:
versions_dict = {master_branch: new_id}
......@@ -1351,17 +1355,19 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
return None
index_entry = self.course_index.find_one({'_id': locator.course_id})
if (locator.version_guid is not None
and index_entry['versions'][locator.branch] != locator.version_guid
and not force) or (force and continue_version):
is_head = (
locator.version_guid is None or
index_entry['versions'][locator.branch] == locator.version_guid
if (is_head or (force and not continue_version)):
return index_entry
raise VersionConflictError(
return index_entry
def _version_structure(self, structure, user_id):
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import draft
class TestMigration(unittest.TestCase):
Test the split migrator
# Snippet of what would be in the django settings envs file
db_config = {
......@@ -113,18 +116,21 @@ class TestMigration(unittest.TestCase):
self.create_random_units(self.old_mongo, both_vert, self.draft_mongo, draft_both)
# vertical in draft only (x2)
location = location.replace(category='vertical', name=uuid.uuid4().hex)
draft_vert = self._create_and_get_item(self.draft_mongo,
draft_vert = self._create_and_get_item(
location, {}, {'display_name': 'Draft vertical'}, runtime)
self.create_random_units(self.draft_mongo, draft_vert)
location = location.replace(category='vertical', name=uuid.uuid4().hex)
draft_vert = self._create_and_get_item(self.draft_mongo,
draft_vert = self._create_and_get_item(
location, {}, {'display_name': 'Draft vertical2'}, runtime)
self.create_random_units(self.draft_mongo, draft_vert)
# and finally one in live only (so published has to skip 2)
location = location.replace(category='vertical', name=uuid.uuid4().hex)
live_vert = self._create_and_get_item(self.old_mongo,
live_vert = self._create_and_get_item(
location, {}, {'display_name': 'Live vertical end'}, runtime)
self.create_random_units(self.old_mongo, live_vert)
......@@ -134,17 +140,19 @@ class TestMigration(unittest.TestCase):
# now the other one w/ the conditional
# first create some show children
indirect1 = self._create_and_get_item(self.old_mongo,
indirect1 = self._create_and_get_item(
location.replace(category='discussion', name=uuid.uuid4().hex),
"", {'display_name': 'conditional show 1'}, runtime
indirect2 = self._create_and_get_item(self.old_mongo,
indirect2 = self._create_and_get_item(
location.replace(category='html', name=uuid.uuid4().hex),
"", {'display_name': 'conditional show 2'}, runtime
location = location.replace(category='conditional', name=uuid.uuid4().hex)
metadata = {
'xml_attributes' : {
'xml_attributes': {
'sources': [live_vert.location.url(), ],
'completed': True,
......@@ -167,11 +175,11 @@ class TestMigration(unittest.TestCase):
location = location.replace(category='about', name='overview')
_overview = self._create_and_get_item(self.old_mongo, location, "<p>test</p>", {}, runtime)
location = location.replace(category='course_info', name='updates')
_overview = self._create_and_get_item(self.old_mongo,
_overview = self._create_and_get_item(
location, "<ol><li><h2>Sep 22</h2><p>test</p></li></ol>", {}, runtime
def create_random_units(self, store, parent, cc_store=None, cc_parent=None):
Create a random selection of units under the given parent w/ random names & attrs
......@@ -218,7 +226,6 @@ class TestMigration(unittest.TestCase):
self.compare_dags(presplit, conditional, self.split_mongo.get_item(locator), published)
def compare_dags(self, presplit, presplit_dag_root, split_dag_root, published):
# check that locations match
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