Commit f52e3cf8 by Ben Patterson

Workaround for `cb() never called` errors


Intermittent "cb() never called!" errors on npm installs for platform.
This is likely due to a race condition on installing OS-specific bits that are built during time of install. When more than one compilation takes place at one time, this error can occur.


Detect the error and re-run the install. (When retrying, one or all of the bits have been compiled. So running it again just finishes the install.)
parent 695e5c07
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import os
import re
import sys
from paver.easy import sh, task
from paver.easy import sh, task, BuildFailure
from .utils.envs import Env
from .utils.timer import timed
......@@ -132,10 +132,19 @@ def node_prereqs_installation():
Configures npm and installs Node prerequisites
cb_error_text = "Subprocess return code: 1"
sh("test `npm config get registry` = \"{reg}\" || "
"(echo setting registry; npm config set registry"
" {reg})".format(reg=NPM_REGISTRY))
sh('npm install')
# Error handling around a race condition that produces "cb() never called" error. This
# ought to disappear when we upgrade npm to 3 or higher. TODO: clean this up when we do that.
sh('npm install')
except BuildFailure, error_text:
if cb_error_text in error_text:
print "npm install error detected. Retrying..."
sh('npm install')
def python_prereqs_installation():
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