Commit f4cf3315 by Don Mitchell

Add temporary args to swallow deprecated parms.

parent 38153f95
......@@ -397,11 +397,14 @@ class ModuleStoreBase(ModuleStore):
Implement interface functionality that can be shared.
# pylint: disable=W0613
def __init__(
doc_store_config=None, # ignore if passed up
metadata_inheritance_cache_subsystem=None, request_cache=None,
modulestore_update_signal=None, xblock_mixins=()
modulestore_update_signal=None, xblock_mixins=(),
# temporary parms to enable backward compatibility. remove once all envs migrated
db=None, collection=None, host=None, port=None, tz_aware=True, user=None, password=None
Set up the error-tracking logic.
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