Commit f4ba65c5 by Matthew Mongeau

Show and hide search correctly. Added loading icon.

parent a0eefd1e
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ if Backbone?
@sidebar_header_height = 87
@template = _.template($("#thread-list-template").html())
@current_search = ""
reloadDisplayedCollection: (thread) =>
thread_id = thread.get('id')
......@@ -133,6 +134,9 @@ if Backbone?
showSearch: ->
setTimeout (-> @$(".post-search-field").focus()), 200
......@@ -142,15 +146,20 @@ if Backbone?
if @$(".browse").hasClass('is-dropped')
$("body").bind "click", @toggleTopicDrop
$("body").bind "keydown", @setActiveItem
$("body").unbind "click", @toggleTopicDrop
$("body").unbind "keydown", @setActiveItem
hideTopicDrop: ->
$("body").unbind "click", @toggleTopicDrop
$("body").unbind "keydown", @setActiveItem
setTopic: (event) ->
item = $('a')
......@@ -195,14 +204,18 @@ if Backbone?
return name
filterTopic: (event) ->
item = $('li')
if item.find("span.board-name").data("discussion_id") == "#all"
item = item.parent()
discussionIds = item.find(".board-name[data-discussion_id]"), (board) -> $(board).data("discussion_id").id
filtered = @collection.filter (thread) =>
_.include(discussionIds, thread.get('commentable_id'))
@displayedCollection.reset filtered
if @current_search != ""
@clearSearch @filterTopic, event
item = $('li')
if item.find("span.board-name").data("discussion_id") == "#all"
item = item.parent()
discussionIds = item.find(".board-name[data-discussion_id]"), (board) -> $(board).data("discussion_id").id
filtered = @collection.filter (thread) =>
_.include(discussionIds, thread.get('commentable_id'))
@displayedCollection.reset filtered
sortThreads: (event) ->
@$(".sort-bar a").removeClass("active")
......@@ -219,21 +232,35 @@ if Backbone?
performSearch: (event) ->
if event.which == 13
url = DiscussionUtil.urlFor("search")
text = @$(".post-search-field").val()
$elem: @$(".post-search-field")
data: { text: text }
url: url
type: "GET"
success: (response, textStatus) =>
if textStatus == 'success'
# TODO: Perhaps reload user info so that votes can be updated.
# In the future we might not load all of a user's votes at once
# so this would probably be necessary anyway
searchFor: (text, callback, value) ->
@current_search = text
url = DiscussionUtil.urlFor("search")
$elem: @$(".post-search-field")
data: { text: text }
url: url
type: "GET"
$loading: $
loadingCallback: =>
@$(".post-list").html('<li class="loading"><div class="loading-animation"></div></li>')
loadedCallback: =>
if callback
callback.apply @, [value]
success: (response, textStatus) =>
if textStatus == 'success'
# TODO: Perhaps reload user info so that votes can be updated.
# In the future we might not load all of a user's votes at once
# so this would probably be necessary anyway
clearSearch: (callback, value) ->
@searchFor("", callback, value)
setActiveItem: (event) ->
if event.which == 13
......@@ -1006,6 +1006,9 @@ body.discussion {
.post-list {
background-color: #ddd;
.loading {
padding: 15px 0;
a {
position: relative;
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