Commit f4703b40 by Brian Wilson Committed by Ashley Penney

add test-with-settings

parent 553528cd
......@@ -4,14 +4,16 @@ Created on Jan 17, 2013
@author: brian
import logging
import os
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import cStringIO
import sys
from django.test import TestCase
from student.models import User, TestCenterRegistration, TestCenterUser
# This is stupid! Because I import a function with the word "test" in the name,
# the unittest framework tries to run *it* as a test?! Crazy!
from student.models import get_tc_registration
from django.core import management
from student.models import User, TestCenterRegistration, TestCenterUser, get_tc_registration
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -49,7 +51,40 @@ class PearsonTestCase(TestCase):
Base class for tests running Pearson-related commands
import_dir = mkdtemp(prefix="import")
export_dir = mkdtemp(prefix="export")
def tearDown(self):
def delete_temp_dir(dirname):
if os.path.exists(dirname):
for filename in os.listdir(dirname):
os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
# clean up after any test data was dumped to temp directory
def test_missing_demographic_fields(self):
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
username = 'baduser'
User.objects.create_user(username, '{}'.format(username), 'fakepass')
options = {}
self.assertRaises(BaseException, management.call_command, 'pearson_make_tc_user', username, **options)
output_string = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form errors encountered:') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: city') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: first_name') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: last_name') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: country') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: phone_country_code') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: phone') >= 0)
self.assertTrue(output_string.find('Field Form Error: address_1') >= 0)
sys.stdout = old_stdout
def test_create_good_testcenter_user(self):
testcenter_user = create_tc_user("test1")
......@@ -68,10 +103,15 @@ class PearsonTestCase(TestCase):
accommodation_code = 'NONE'
testcenter_user = create_tc_user(username)
registration = create_tc_registration(username, course_id, exam_code, accommodation_code)
output_dir = "./tmpOutput"
options = { 'destination' : output_dir }
with self.settings(PEARSON={ 'LOCAL_EXPORT' : output_dir }):
#options = { 'destination' : self.export_dir }
options = { '--dest-from-settings' : None }
with self.settings(PEARSON={ 'LOCAL_EXPORT' : self.export_dir }):
management.call_command('pearson_export_cdd', **options)
print 'Files found: {}'.format(os.listdir(self.export_dir))
self.assertEquals(len(os.listdir(self.export_dir)), 1, "Expect cdd file to be created")
management.call_command('pearson_export_ead', **options)
print 'Files found: {}'.format(os.listdir(self.export_dir))
self.assertEquals(len(os.listdir(self.export_dir)), 2, "Expect ead file to also be created")
# TODO: check that files were output....
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