Commit f45eddc1 by Alexander Kryklia


parent cf70a986
......@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ Feature: LTI component
Scenario: LTI component in LMS is not rendered
Given the course has correct LTI credentials
And the course has a LTI component with incorrect fields
And the course has an LTI component with incorrect fields
Then I view the LTI and it is not rendered
Scenario: LTI component in LMS is rendered
Given the course has correct LTI credentials
And the course has a LTI component filled with correct fields
And the course has an LTI component filled with correct fields
Then I view the LTI and it is rendered
Scenario: LTI component in LMS is rendered incorrectly
Given the course has incorrect LTI credentials
And the course has a LTI component filled with correct fields
And the course has an LTI component filled with correct fields
Then I view the LTI but incorrect_signature warning is rendered
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def set_incorrect_lti_passport(_step):
i_am_registered_for_the_course(coursenum, metadata)
@step('the course has a LTI component filled with correct fields$')
@step('the course has an LTI component filled with correct fields$')
def add_correct_lti_to_course(_step):
category = 'lti'
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def add_correct_lti_to_course(_step):
@step('the course has a LTI component with incorrect fields$')
@step('the course has an LTI component with incorrect fields$')
def add_incorrect_lti_to_course(_step):
category = 'lti'
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