<p>${_("Every course must have an Admin. If you're the Admin and you want transfer ownership of the course, click Add admin access to make another user the Admin, then ask that user to remove you from the Course Team list.")}</p>
<p>${_("Every course must have an Admin. If you are the Admin and you want to transfer ownership of the course, click Add admin access to make another user the Admin, then ask that user to remove you from the Course Team list.")}</p>
<p>${_("There are three access roles for libraries: User, Staff, and Admin.")}</p>
<p>${_("Users can view library content and can reference or use library components in their courses, but they cannot edit the contents of a library.")}</p>
<p>${_("Staff are content co-authors. They have full editing privileges on the contents of a library.")}</p>
<p>${_("Admins have full editing privileges and can also add and remove other team members. There must be at least one user with Admin privileges in a library.")}</p>
<p>${_("Library Users can view library content and can reference or use library components in their courses, but they cannot edit the contents of a library.")}</p>
<p>${_("Library Staff are content co-authors. They have full editing privileges on the contents of a library.")}</p>
<p>${_("Library Admins have full editing privileges and can also add and remove other team members. There must be at least one user with the Admin role in a library.")}</p>
Rescoring runs in the background, and status for active tasks will appear in the 'Pending Instructor Tasks' table. To see status for all tasks submitted for this problem and student, click on this button:
Rescoring runs in the background, and status for active tasks will appear in the 'Pending Tasks' table. To see status for all tasks submitted for this problem and student, click on this button:
<p><inputtype="button"name="task-history-single"value="Show Background Task History for Student"data-endpoint="/courses/PU/FSc/2014_T4/instructor/api/list_instructor_tasks"aria-describedby="task-history-single-help"></p>
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
Rescoring runs in the background, and status for active tasks will appear in the 'Pending Instructor Tasks' table. To see status for all tasks submitted for this problem and student, click on this button:
Rescoring runs in the background, and status for active tasks will appear in the 'Pending Tasks' table. To see status for all tasks submitted for this problem and student, click on this button:
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.partition_scheme import get_cohorted_
${_("Enter email addresses and/or usernames separated by new lines or commas.")}<br/>
${_("Note: Users must have an activated {platform_name} account before they can be enrolled as a beta tester.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
${_("Note: Users must have an activated {platform_name} account before they can be enrolled as beta testers.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}