Commit f351c442 by Chris Dodge Committed by Jonathan Piacenti

cdodge/optimized-save-child-postition: create an optimized version of…

cdodge/optimized-save-child-postition: create an optimized version of save_child_position which minimized the number of round trips to MongoDB

don't refetch the current child, it's not really needed and it can be a bit expensive
parent 2731e59b
......@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@ from api_manager.utils import generate_base_uri
from projects.serializers import BasicWorkgroupSerializer
from .serializers import UserSerializer, UserCountByCitySerializer, UserRolesSerializer
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey, CourseKey
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import Location
from xmodule.modulestore import InvalidLocationError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AUDIT_LOG = logging.getLogger("audit")
......@@ -88,12 +91,41 @@ def _save_content_position(request, user, course_key, position):
parent_descriptor, parent_key, parent_content = get_course(request, user, parent_content_id) # pylint: disable=W0612
parent_descriptor, parent_key, parent_content = get_course_child(request, user, course_key, parent_content_id) # pylint: disable=W0612
child_descriptor, child_key, child_content = get_course_child(request, user, course_key, child_content_id) # pylint: disable=W0612
if not child_descriptor:
if not parent_descriptor:
return None
saved_content = get_current_child(parent_content)
return unicode(saved_content.scope_ids.usage_id)
# no need to fetch the actual child descriptor (avoid round trip to Mongo database), we just need
# the id
child_key = None
child_key = UsageKey.from_string(child_content_id)
except InvalidKeyError:
child_key = Location.from_deprecated_string(child_content_id)
except (InvalidLocationError, InvalidKeyError):
if not child_key:
return None
# call an optimized version
_save_child_position(parent_content, child_key)
return child_content_id
def _save_child_position(parent_descriptor, target_child_location):
Faster version than what is in the LMS since we don't need to load/traverse children descriptors,
we just compare id's from the array of children
for position, child_location in enumerate(parent_descriptor.children, start=1):
if child_location == target_child_location:
# Only save if position changed
if position != parent_descriptor.position:
parent_descriptor.position = position
# Save this new position to the underlying KeyValueStore
def _manage_role(course_descriptor, user, role, action):
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