<p>Online learners who receive a passing grade for a course will receive a certificate of mastery from edX and the underlying X University that offered the course. For example, a certificate of mastery for MITx’s 6.002x Circuits & Electronics will come from edX and MITx.</p>
<p>Online learners who receive a passing grade for a course will receive a certificate
of mastery at the discretion of edX and the underlying X University that offered
the course. For example, a certificate of mastery for MITx’s 6.002x Circuits &
Electronics will come from edX and MITx.</p>
<p>If you passed the course, your certificate of mastery will be delivered online
through edx.org. So be sure to check your email in the weeks following the final
grading – you will be able to download and print your certificate. Note: At this
time, edX is holding certificates for learners connected with Cuba, Iran, Syria
and Sudan pending confirmation that the issuance is in compliance with U.S.