Commit f2944334 by Victor Shnayder

Merge pull request #1387 from MITx/feature/zoldak/courseware-unit-tests

Add unit tests for lms courseware access
parents 676e80bd 91b8a95e
import factory
from student.models import (User, UserProfile, Registration,
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from datetime import datetime
import uuid
class UserProfileFactory(factory.Factory):
FACTORY_FOR = UserProfile
user = None
name = 'Robot Studio'
courseware = 'course.xml'
class RegistrationFactory(factory.Factory):
FACTORY_FOR = Registration
user = None
activation_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
class UserFactory(factory.Factory):
username = 'robot'
email = ''
password = 'test'
first_name = 'Robot'
last_name = 'Tester'
is_staff = False
is_active = True
is_superuser = False
last_login =
date_joined =
class GroupFactory(factory.Factory):
name = 'test_group'
class CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory(factory.Factory):
FACTORY_FOR = CourseEnrollmentAllowed
email = ''
course_id = 'edX/test/2012_Fall'
import unittest
import time
from mock import Mock
from django.test import TestCase
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from factories import CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory
import courseware.access as access
class AccessTestCase(TestCase):
def test__has_global_staff_access(self):
u = Mock(is_staff=False)
u = Mock(is_staff=True)
def test__has_access_to_location(self):
location = Location('i4x://edX/toy/course/2012_Fall')
self.assertFalse(access._has_access_to_location(None, location,
'staff', None))
u = Mock()
u.is_authenticated.return_value = False
self.assertFalse(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'staff', None))
u = Mock(is_staff=True)
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'instructor', None))
# A user has staff access if they are in the staff group
u = Mock(is_staff=False)
g = Mock() = 'staff_edX/toy/2012_Fall'
u.groups.all.return_value = [g]
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'staff', None))
# A user has staff access if they are in the instructor group = 'instructor_edX/toy/2012_Fall'
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'staff', None))
# A user has instructor access if they are in the instructor group = 'instructor_edX/toy/2012_Fall'
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'instructor', None))
# A user does not have staff access if they are
# not in either the staff or the the instructor group = 'student_only'
self.assertFalse(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'staff', None))
# A user does not have instructor access if they are
# not in the instructor group = 'student_only'
self.assertFalse(access._has_access_to_location(u, location,
'instructor', None))
def test__has_access_string(self):
u = Mock(is_staff=True)
self.assertFalse(access._has_access_string(u, 'not_global', 'staff', None))
u._has_global_staff_access.return_value = True
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_string(u, 'global', 'staff', None))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, access._has_access_string, u, 'global', 'not_staff', None)
def test__has_access_descriptor(self):
# TODO: override DISABLE_START_DATES and test the start date branch of the method
u = Mock()
d = Mock()
d.start = time.gmtime(time.time() - 86400) # make sure the start time is in the past
# Always returns true because DISABLE_START_DATES is set in
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_descriptor(u, d, 'load'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, access._has_access_descriptor, u, d, 'not_load_or_staff')
def test__has_access_course_desc_can_enroll(self):
u = Mock()
yesterday = time.gmtime(time.time() - 86400)
tomorrow = time.gmtime(time.time() + 86400)
c = Mock(enrollment_start=yesterday, enrollment_end=tomorrow)
c.metadata.get = 'is_public'
# User can enroll if it is between the start and end dates
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_course_desc(u, c, 'enroll'))
# User can enroll if authenticated and specifically allowed for that course
# even outside the open enrollment period
u = Mock(email='', is_staff=False)
u.is_authenticated.return_value = True
c = Mock(enrollment_start=tomorrow, enrollment_end=tomorrow, id='edX/test/2012_Fall')
c.metadata.get = 'is_public'
allowed = CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory(,
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_course_desc(u, c, 'enroll'))
# Staff can always enroll even outside the open enrollment period
u = Mock(email='', is_staff=True)
u.is_authenticated.return_value = True
c = Mock(enrollment_start=tomorrow, enrollment_end=tomorrow, id='edX/test/Whenever')
c.metadata.get = 'is_public'
self.assertTrue(access._has_access_course_desc(u, c, 'enroll'))
# Non-staff cannot enroll outside the open enrollment period if not specifically allowed
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