Commit f25478b3 by Calen Pennington

Consolidate access to metadata, and allow some of it to be inherited between modules

parent 2a9eba38
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
# User submitted a problem, and hasn't reset. We don't want
# more submissions.
if self.lcp.done and self.rerandomize == "always":
if self.lcp.done and self.metadata['rerandomize'] == "always":
check_button = False
save_button = False
......@@ -184,15 +184,15 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
# TODO: Should be converted to: self.explanation=only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@explain'), default="closed")
self.explain_available = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@explain_available'))
display_due_date_string = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@due'))
if len(display_due_date_string) > 0:
display_due_date_string = self.metadata.get('due', None)
if display_due_date_string is not None:
self.display_due_date = dateutil.parser.parse(display_due_date_string)
#log.debug("Parsed " + display_due_date_string + " to " + str(self.display_due_date))
self.display_due_date = None
grace_period_string = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@graceperiod'))
if len(grace_period_string) > 0 and self.display_due_date:
grace_period_string = self.metadata.get('graceperiod', None)
if grace_period_string is not None and self.display_due_date:
self.grace_period = parse_timedelta(grace_period_string)
self.close_date = self.display_due_date + self.grace_period
#log.debug("Then parsed " + grace_period_string + " to closing date" + str(self.close_date))
......@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
self.max_attempts = None
self.show_answer = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@showanswer'))
self.show_answer = self.metadata.get('showanwser', 'closed')
if self.show_answer == "":
self.show_answer = "closed"
self.rerandomize = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@rerandomize'))
self.rerandomize = self.metadata.get('rerandomize', 'always')
if self.rerandomize == "" or self.rerandomize == "always" or self.rerandomize == "true":
self.rerandomize = "always"
elif self.rerandomize == "false" or self.rerandomize == "per_student":
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ class SequenceModule(XModule):
'content': child.get_html(),
'title': "\n".join(
for grand_child in child.get_children()
if grand_child.display_name is not None
if 'metadata' in grand_child.metadata
'progress_status': Progress.to_js_status_str(progress),
'progress_detail': Progress.to_js_detail_str(progress),
......@@ -82,11 +82,9 @@ class XModule(object):
self.shared_state = shared_state = self.location.url() =
self.display_name = kwargs.get('display_name', '')
self.type = self.location.category
self.metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', {})
self._loaded_children = None
self.graded = kwargs.get('graded', False)
self.format = kwargs.get('format')
def get_name(self):
name = self.__xmltree.get('name')
......@@ -188,6 +186,9 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin):
js = {}
js_module = None
# A list of metadata that this module can inherit from its parent module
inheritable_metadata = ('graded', 'due', 'graceperiod', 'showanswer', 'rerandomize')
def load_from_json(json_data, system, default_class=None):
......@@ -215,7 +216,11 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin):
return cls(system=system, **json_data)
def load_from_xml(xml_data, system, org=None, course=None, default_class=None):
def load_from_xml(xml_data,
This method instantiates the correct subclass of XModuleDescriptor based
on the contents of xml_data.
......@@ -282,32 +287,48 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin):
Current arguments passed in kwargs:
location: A keystore.Location object indicating the name and ownership of this problem
goals: A list of strings of learning goals associated with this module
display_name: The name to use for displaying this module to the user
format: The format of this module ('Homework', 'Lab', etc)
graded (bool): Whether this module is should be graded or not
shared_state_key: The key to use for sharing StudentModules with other
modules of this type
metadata: A dictionary containing the following optional keys:
goals: A list of strings of learning goals associated with this module
display_name: The name to use for displaying this module to the user
format: The format of this module ('Homework', 'Lab', etc)
graded (bool): Whether this module is should be graded or not
due (string): The due date for this module
graceperiod (string): The amount of grace period to allow when enforcing the due date
showanswer (string): When to show answers for this module
rerandomize (string): When to generate a newly randomized instance of the module data
self.system = system
self.definition = definition if definition is not None else {} = Location(kwargs.get('location')).name
self.type = Location(kwargs.get('location')).category
self.url = Location(kwargs.get('location')).url()
self.display_name = kwargs.get('display_name')
self.format = kwargs.get('format')
self.graded = kwargs.get('graded', False)
self.metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', {})
self.shared_state_key = kwargs.get('shared_state_key')
# For now, we represent goals as a list of strings, but this
# is one of the things that we are going to be iterating on heavily
# to find the best teaching method
self.goals = kwargs.get('goals', [])
self._child_instances = None
def inherit_metadata(self, metadata):
Updates this module with metadata inherited from a containing module.
Only metadata specified in self.inheritable_metadata will
be inherited
# Set all inheritable metadata from kwargs that are
# in self.inheritable_metadata and aren't already set in metadata
for attr in self.inheritable_metadata:
if attr not in self.metadata and attr in metadata:
self.metadata[attr] = metadata[attr]
def get_children(self):
"""Returns a list of XModuleDescriptor instances for the children of this module"""
if self._child_instances is None:
self._child_instances = [self.system.load_item(child) for child in self.definition.get('children', [])]
self._child_instances = []
for child_loc in self.definition.get('children', []):
child = self.system.load_item(child_loc)
return self._child_instances
......@@ -322,10 +343,14 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin):
Returns a constructor for an XModule. This constructor takes two arguments:
instance_state and shared_state, and returns a fully nstantiated XModule
return partial(self.module_class, system, self.url, self.definition,
return partial(
class DescriptorSystem(object):
def __init__(self, load_item, resources_fs):
......@@ -29,6 +29,18 @@ class XmlDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
xml_object = etree.fromstring(xml_data)
metadata = {}
for attr in ('format', 'graceperiod', 'showanswer', 'rerandomize', 'due'):
from_xml = xml_object.get(attr)
if from_xml is not None:
metadata[attr] = from_xml
if xml_object.get('graded') is not None:
metadata['graded'] = xml_object.get('graded') == 'true'
if xml_object.get('name') is not None:
metadata['display_name'] = xml_object.get('name')
return cls(
cls.definition_from_xml(xml_object, system),
......@@ -37,7 +49,5 @@ class XmlDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
graded=xml_object.get('graded') == 'true',
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def grade_sheet(student, course, student_module_cache):
for module in yield_descendents(child):
yield module
graded = getattr(s, 'graded', False)
graded = s.metadata.get('graded', False)
scores = []
for module in yield_descendents(s):
(correct, total) = get_score(student, module, student_module_cache)
......@@ -105,29 +105,27 @@ def grade_sheet(student, course, student_module_cache):
#We simply cannot grade a problem that is 12/0, because we might need it as a percentage
graded = False
scores.append(Score(correct, total, graded, module.display_name))
scores.append(Score(correct, total, graded, module.metadata.get('display_name')))
section_total, graded_total = graders.aggregate_scores(scores, s.display_name)
section_total, graded_total = graders.aggregate_scores(scores, s.metadata.get('display_name'))
#Add the graded total to totaled_scores
format = getattr(s, 'format', "")
subtitle = getattr(s, 'subtitle', format)
format = s.metadata.get('format', "")
if format and graded_total.possible > 0:
format_scores = totaled_scores.get(format, [])
totaled_scores[format] = format_scores
'section': s.display_name,
'section': s.metadata.get('display_name'),
'scores': scores,
'section_total': section_total,
'format': format,
'subtitle': subtitle,
'due': getattr(s, "due", ""),
'due': s.metadata.get("due", ""),
'graded': graded,
chapters.append({'course': course.display_name,
'chapter': c.display_name,
chapters.append({'course': course.metadata.get('display_name'),
'chapter': c.metadata.get('display_name'),
'sections': sections})
grader = course_settings.GRADER
......@@ -137,17 +137,17 @@ def toc_for_course(user, request, course_location, active_chapter, active_sectio
sections = list()
for section in chapter.get_display_items():
active = (chapter.display_name == active_chapter and
section.display_name == active_section)
active = (chapter.metadata.get('display_name') == active_chapter and
section.metadata.get('display_name') == active_section)
sections.append({'name': section.display_name,
'format': getattr(section, 'format', ''),
'due': getattr(section, 'due', ''),
sections.append({'name': section.metadata.get('display_name'),
'format': section.metadata.get('format', ''),
'due': section.metadata.get('due', ''),
'active': active})
chapters.append({'name': chapter.display_name,
chapters.append({'name': chapter.metadata.get('display_name'),
'sections': sections,
'active': chapter.display_name == active_chapter})
'active': chapter.metadata.get('display_name') == active_chapter})
return chapters
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def get_section(course, chapter, section):
chapter_module = None
for _chapter in course_module.get_children():
if _chapter.display_name == chapter:
if _chapter.metadata.get('display_name') == chapter:
chapter_module = _chapter
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def get_section(course, chapter, section):
section_module = None
for _section in chapter_module.get_children():
if _section.display_name == section:
if _section.metadata.get('display_name') == section:
section_module = _section
......@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ def add_histogram(module):
def get_html():
module_id =
histogram = grade_histogram(module_id)
print histogram
render_histogram = len(histogram) > 0
staff_context = {'definition': json.dumps(module.definition, indent=4),
'metadata': json.dumps(module.metadata, indent=4),
'element_id': module.location.html_id(),
'histogram': json.dumps(histogram),
'render_histogram': render_histogram,
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ $(function() {
<h3><a href="${reverse('courseware_section', args=format_url_params([chapter['course'], chapter['chapter'], section['section']])) }">
${ section['section'] }</a> ${"({0:.3n}/{1:.3n}) {2}".format( float(earned), float(total), percentageString )}</h3>
%if 'due' in section and section['due']!="":
due ${section['due']}
<div class="staff_info">
${definition | h}
definition = ${definition | h}
metadata = ${metadata | h}
%if render_histogram:
<div id="histogram_${element_id}" class="histogram" data-histogram="${histogram}"></div>
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