Commit f24e09fc by Braden MacDonald

Merge pull request #9732 from open-craft/fix-add-component

Fix add component buttons to be backward compatible
parents 0a434e43 7647fd9f
......@@ -574,6 +574,25 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "common/js/spec_helpers/aja
it('also works for older-style add component links', function () {
// Some third party xblocks (problem-builder in particular) expect add
// event handlers on custom <a> add buttons which is what the platform
// used to use instead of <button>s.
// This can be removed once there is a proper API that XBlocks can use
// to add children or allow authors to add children.
renderContainerPage(this, mockContainerXBlockHtml);
$(".add-xblock-component-button").each(function() {
var htmlAsLink = $($(this).prop('outerHTML').replace(/(<\/?)button/g, "$1a"));
EditHelpers.verifyXBlockRequest(requests, {
"category": "discussion",
"type": "discussion",
"parent_locator": "locator-group-A"
it('shows a notification while creating', function () {
var notificationSpy = EditHelpers.createNotificationSpy();
renderContainerPage(this, mockContainerXBlockHtml);
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview", "common/js/compo
function ($, _, gettext, BaseView, ViewUtils, AddXBlockButton, AddXBlockMenu) {
var AddXBlockComponent = BaseView.extend({
events: {
'click .new-component .new-component-type button.multiple-templates': 'showComponentTemplates',
'click .new-component .new-component-type button.single-template': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component .new-component-type .multiple-templates': 'showComponentTemplates',
'click .new-component .new-component-type .single-template': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component .cancel-button': 'closeNewComponent',
'click .new-component-templates .new-component-template .button-component': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component-templates .cancel-button': 'closeNewComponent'
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