Commit f109e5b0 by Will Daly

Changed order of arguments to test tasks so that the report

directory is created before it is cleaned.
parent 151aa1c0
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ end
task :clean_reports_dir do
desc "Clean coverage files, to ensure that we don't use stale data to generate reports."
# We delete the files but preserve the directory structure
# so that has a place to put the reports.
sh("find #{REPORT_DIR} -type f -delete")
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ TEST_TASK_DIRS = []
task "test_acceptance_#{system}", [:harvest_args] => [:clean_test_files, "#{system}:gather_assets:acceptance", "fasttest_acceptance_#{system}"]
desc "Run acceptance tests without collectstatic"
task "fasttest_acceptance_#{system}", [:harvest_args] => [:clean_reports_dir, :predjango, report_dir] do |t, args|
task "fasttest_acceptance_#{system}", [:harvest_args] => [report_dir, :clean_reports_dir, :predjango] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:harvest_args => '')
run_acceptance_tests(system, report_dir, args.harvest_args)
......@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ Dir["common/lib/*"].select{|lib|}.each do |lib|
report_dir = report_dir_path(lib)
desc "Run tests for common lib #{lib}"
task "test_#{lib}" => [:clean_reports_dir, report_dir] do
task "test_#{lib}" => [report_dir, :clean_reports_dir] do
ENV['NOSE_XUNIT_FILE'] = File.join(report_dir, "nosetests.xml")
cmd = "nosetests #{lib}"
test_sh(run_under_coverage(cmd, lib))
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