Commit f0f25296 by Diana Huang

Update documentation

parent 19401f29
......@@ -144,7 +144,21 @@ def _check_post(request):
def get_next_submission(request, course_id):
TODO: fill in this documentation
Makes a call to the grading controller for the next essay that should be graded
Returns a json dict with the following keys:
'success': bool
'submission_id': a unique identifier for the submission, to be passed back
with the grade.
'submission': the submission, rendered as read-only html for grading
'rubric': the rubric, also rendered as html.
'submission_key': a key associated with the submission for validation reasons
'error': if success is False, will have an error message with more info.
required = set(['location'])
......@@ -155,12 +169,10 @@ def get_next_submission(request, course_id):
p = request.POST
location = p['location']
return HttpResponse(_get_next_submission(course_id,, location),
def _get_next_submission(course_id, grader_id, location):
return peer_grading_service().get_next_submission(location, grader_id)
response = peer_grading_service().get_next_submission(location, grader_id)
return HttpResponse(response,
except GradingServiceError:
log.exception("Error from grading service. server url: {0}"
......@@ -169,7 +181,18 @@ def _get_next_submission(course_id, grader_id, location):
def save_grade(request, course_id):
TODO: fill in this documentation
Saves the grade of a given submission.
The request should have the following keys:
location - problem location
submission_id - id associated with this submission
submission_key - submission key given for validation purposes
score - the grade that was given to the submission
feedback - the feedback from the student
A json object with the following keys:
success: bool indicating whether the save was a success
error: if there was an error in the submission, this is the error message
required = set(['location', 'submission_id', 'submission_key', 'score', 'feedback'])
......@@ -197,7 +220,20 @@ def save_grade(request, course_id):
def is_student_calibrated(request, course_id):
TODO: fill in this documentation
Calls the grading controller to see if the given student is calibrated
on the given problem
In the request, we need the following arguments:
location - problem location
Json object with the following keys
success - bool indicating whether or not the call was successful
calibrated - true if the grader has fully calibrated and can now move on to grading
- false if the grader is still working on calibration problems
total_calibrated_on_so_far - the number of calibration essays for this problem
that this grader has graded
required = set(['location'])
......@@ -221,7 +257,26 @@ def is_student_calibrated(request, course_id):
def show_calibration_essay(request, course_id):
TODO: fill in this documentation
Fetch the next calibration essay from the grading controller and return it
In the request
location - problem location
A json dict with the following keys
'success': bool
'submission_id': a unique identifier for the submission, to be passed back
with the grade.
'submission': the submission, rendered as read-only html for grading
'rubric': the rubric, also rendered as html.
'submission_key': a key associated with the submission for validation reasons
'error': if success is False, will have an error message with more info.
......@@ -233,12 +288,9 @@ def show_calibration_essay(request, course_id):
grader_id =
p = request.POST
location = p['location']
return HttpResponse(_next_calibration_essay(course_id, grader_id, location),
def _next_calibration_essay(course_id, grader_id, location):
return peer_grading_service().show_calibration_essay(location, grader_id)
response = peer_grading_service().show_calibration_essay(location, grader_id)
return HttpResponse(response, mimetype="application/json")
except GradingServiceError:
log.exception("Error from grading service. server url: {0}"
......@@ -248,6 +300,20 @@ def _next_calibration_essay(course_id, grader_id, location):
def save_calibration_essay(request, course_id):
Saves the grader's grade of a given calibration.
The request should have the following keys:
location - problem location
submission_id - id associated with this submission
submission_key - submission key given for validation purposes
score - the grade that was given to the submission
feedback - the feedback from the student
A json object with the following keys:
success: bool indicating whether the save was a success
error: if there was an error in the submission, this is the error message
actual_score: the score that the instructor gave to this calibration essay
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def _check_access(user, course_id):
def get_next(request, course_id):
Get the next thing to grade for course_id and with the location specified
in the .
in the request.
Returns a json dict with the following keys:
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