Commit f0c9aa39 by Sarina Canelake

Provide `set_many` methods for Lms and Mongo KeyValueStores

Refactor new set_many and update XBlock version number.
parent 8300bb5e
......@@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ class MongoKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
raise InvalidScopeError(key.scope)
def set_many(self, update_dict):
"""set_many method. Implementations should accept an `update_dict` of
key-value pairs, and set all the `keys` to the given `value`s."""
# It appears that `set` simply updates an in-memory db, rather than calling down
# to a real db; need to figure out if this is the case.
for key, value in update_dict.iteritems():
self.set(key, value)
def delete(self, key):
if key.scope == Scope.children:
self._children = []
......@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ class XModuleCourseFactory(Factory):
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(new_course, k, v)
# Save the data we've just created before we update mongo datastore
# Update the data in the mongo datastore
return new_course
......@@ -12,9 +12,14 @@ from .models import (
import logging
from django.db import DatabaseError
from xblock.runtime import KeyValueStore, InvalidScopeError
from xblock.core import Scope
from xblock.core import KeyValueMultiSaveError, Scope
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InvalidWriteError(Exception):
......@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ class ModelDataCache(object):
defaults={'state': json.dumps({}),
'module_type': key.block_scope_id.category,
elif key.scope == Scope.content:
field_object, _ = XModuleContentField.objects.get_or_create(
......@@ -345,6 +350,55 @@ class LmsKeyValueStore(KeyValueStore):
def set_many(self, kv_dict):
Provide a bulk save mechanism.
`kv_dict`: A dictionary of dirty fields that maps
xblock.DbModel._key : value
saved_fields = []
# field_objects maps a field_object to a list of associated fields
field_objects = dict()
for field in kv_dict:
# check field for validity
if field.field_name in self._descriptor_model_data:
raise InvalidWriteError("Not allowed to overwrite descriptor model data", field.field_name)
if field.scope not in self._allowed_scopes:
raise InvalidScopeError(field.scope)
# if the field is valid
field_object = self._model_data_cache.find_or_create(field)
# if this field_object isn't already in the dictionary
# add it
if field_object not in field_objects.keys():
field_objects[field_object] = []
# update the list of associated fields
# special case when scope is for the user state
if field.scope == Scope.user_state:
state = json.loads(field_object.state)
state[field.field_name] = kv_dict[field]
field_object.state = json.dumps(state)
# The remaining scopes save fields on different rows, so
# we don't have to worry about conflicts
field_object.value = json.dumps(kv_dict[field])
for field_object in field_objects:
# Save the field object that we made above
# If save is successful on this scope, add the saved fields to
# the list of successful saves
saved_fields.extend([field.field_name for field in field_objects[field_object]])
except DatabaseError:
log.error('Error saving fields %r', field_objects[field_object])
raise KeyValueMultiSaveError(saved_fields)
def delete(self, key):
if key.field_name in self._descriptor_model_data:
raise InvalidWriteError("Not allowed to deleted descriptor model data", key.field_name)
import json
from mock import Mock
from mock import Mock, patch
from functools import partial
from courseware.model_data import LmsKeyValueStore, InvalidWriteError
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ from courseware.tests.factories import StudentPrefsFactory, StudentInfoFactory
from xblock.core import Scope, BlockScope
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from django.test import TestCase
from django.db import DatabaseError
from xblock.core import KeyValueMultiSaveError
def mock_field(scope, name):
......@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ class TestStudentModuleStorage(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.desc_md = {}
student_module = StudentModuleFactory(state=json.dumps({'a_field': 'a_value'}))
student_module = StudentModuleFactory(state=json.dumps({'a_field': 'a_value', 'b_field': 'b_value'}))
self.user = student_module.student
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(Scope.user_state, 'a_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.kvs = LmsKeyValueStore(self.desc_md, self.mdc)
......@@ -110,13 +112,13 @@ class TestStudentModuleStorage(TestCase):
"Test that setting an existing user_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('a_field'), 'new_value')
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
self.assertEquals({'b_field': 'b_value', 'a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_set_missing_field(self):
"Test that setting a new user_state field changes the value"
self.kvs.set(user_state_key('not_a_field'), 'new_value')
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'a_value', 'not_a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
self.assertEquals({'b_field': 'b_value', 'a_field': 'a_value', 'not_a_field': 'new_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_delete_existing_field(self):
"Test that deleting an existing field removes it from the StudentModule"
......@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ class TestStudentModuleStorage(TestCase):
"Test that deleting a missing field from an existing StudentModule raises a KeyError"
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.kvs.delete, user_state_key('not_a_field'))
self.assertEquals(1, StudentModule.objects.all().count())
self.assertEquals({'a_field': 'a_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
self.assertEquals({'b_field': 'b_value', 'a_field': 'a_value'}, json.loads(StudentModule.objects.all()[0].state))
def test_has_existing_field(self):
"Test that `has` returns True for existing fields in StudentModules"
......@@ -138,6 +140,35 @@ class TestStudentModuleStorage(TestCase):
"Test that `has` returns False for missing fields in StudentModule"
def construct_kv_dict(self):
""" construct a kv_dict that can be passed to set_many """
key1 = user_state_key('field_a')
key2 = user_state_key('field_b')
new_value = 'new value'
newer_value = 'newer value'
return {key1: new_value, key2: newer_value}
def test_set_many(self):
"""Test setting many fields that are scoped to Scope.user_state """
kv_dict = self.construct_kv_dict()
for key in kv_dict:
self.assertEquals(self.kvs.get(key), kv_dict[key])
def test_set_many_failure(self):
"""Test failures when setting many fields that are scoped to Scope.user_state """
kv_dict = self.construct_kv_dict()
# because we're patching the underlying save, we need to ensure the
# fields are in the cache
for key in kv_dict:
self.kvs.set(key, 'test_value')
with patch('', side_effect=DatabaseError):
with self.assertRaises(KeyValueMultiSaveError) as exception_context:
self.assertEquals(len(exception_context.exception.saved_field_names), 0)
class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -176,6 +207,10 @@ class TestMissingStudentModule(TestCase):
class StorageTestBase(object):
A base class for that gets subclassed when testing each of the scopes.
factory = None
scope = None
key_factory = None
......@@ -188,7 +223,10 @@ class StorageTestBase(object):
self.user = UserFactory.create()
self.desc_md = {}
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([mock_descriptor([mock_field(self.scope, 'existing_field')])], course_id, self.user)
self.mock_descriptor = mock_descriptor([
mock_field(self.scope, 'existing_field'),
mock_field(self.scope, 'other_existing_field')])
self.mdc = ModelDataCache([self.mock_descriptor], course_id, self.user)
self.kvs = LmsKeyValueStore(self.desc_md, self.mdc)
def test_set_and_get_existing_field(self):
......@@ -234,6 +272,37 @@ class StorageTestBase(object):
"Test that `has` return False for an existing Storage Field"
def construct_kv_dict(self):
key1 = self.key_factory('existing_field')
key2 = self.key_factory('other_existing_field')
new_value = 'new value'
newer_value = 'newer value'
return {key1: new_value, key2: newer_value}
def test_set_many(self):
"""Test that setting many regular fields at the same time works"""
kv_dict = self.construct_kv_dict()
for key in kv_dict:
self.assertEquals(self.kvs.get(key), kv_dict[key])
def test_set_many_failure(self):
"""Test that setting many regular fields with a DB error """
kv_dict = self.construct_kv_dict()
for key in kv_dict:
self.kvs.set(key, 'test value')
with patch('', side_effect=[None, DatabaseError]):
with self.assertRaises(KeyValueMultiSaveError) as exception_context:
exception = exception_context.exception
self.assertEquals(len(exception.saved_field_names), 1)
self.assertEquals(exception.saved_field_names[0], 'existing_field')
class TestSettingsStorage(StorageTestBase, TestCase):
factory = SettingsFactory
......@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
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