Commit f099a7e9 by Adam Palay

fix issue where video player renders twice (TNL-3064)

parent 44b40b3f
......@@ -92,12 +92,11 @@ class StubYouTubeHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler):
self._send_video_response(youtube_id, "I'm youtube.")
elif 'get_youtube_api' in self.path:
# Delay the response to simulate network latency
time.sleep(self.server.config.get('time_to_response', self.DEFAULT_DELAY_SEC))
if self.server.config.get('youtube_api_blocked'):
self.send_response(404, content='', headers={'Content-type': 'text/plain'})
# Delay the response to simulate network latency
time.sleep(self.server.config.get('time_to_response', self.DEFAULT_DELAY_SEC))
# Get the response to send from YouTube.
# We need to do this every time because Google sometimes sends different responses
# as part of their own experiments, which has caused our tests to become "flaky"
......@@ -596,7 +596,11 @@ function (VideoPlayer, i18n) {
'[Video info]: YouTube returned an error for ' +
'video with id "' + + '".'
// If the video is already loaded in `_waitForYoutubeApi` by the
// time we get here, then we shouldn't load it again.
if (!self.htmlPlayerLoaded) {
......@@ -384,13 +384,36 @@ class YouTubeVideoTest(VideoBaseTest):
def test_video_with_youtube_blocked(self):
def test_video_with_youtube_blocked_with_default_response_time(self):
Scenario: Video is rendered in HTML5 mode when the YouTube API is blocked
Given the YouTube API is blocked
And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5" mode
Then the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode
And only one video has rendered
# configure youtube server
'youtube_api_blocked': True,
self.metadata = self.metadata_for_mode('youtube_html5')
# The video should only be loaded once
self.assertEqual(len('video')), 1)
def test_video_with_youtube_blocked_delayed_response_time(self):
Scenario: Video is rendered in HTML5 mode when the YouTube API is blocked
Given the YouTube server response time is greater than 1.5 seconds
And the YouTube API is blocked
And the course has a Video component in "Youtube_HTML5" mode
Then the video has rendered in "HTML5" mode
And only one video has rendered
# configure youtube server
......@@ -404,6 +427,9 @@ class YouTubeVideoTest(VideoBaseTest):
# The video should only be loaded once
self.assertEqual(len('video')), 1)
def test_html5_video_rendered_with_youtube_captions(self):
Scenario: User should see Youtube captions for If there are no transcripts
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