Commit f048a584 by louyihua

i18n: Make values that has 'display_name' be displayed localized in editor

Dictionary values like Boolean, or some other value types which has 'display_name' can now be displayed with the localized version.
parent d01af063
......@@ -756,9 +756,12 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(XModuleMixin, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates, XBlock):
Can be limited by extending `non_editable_metadata_fields`.
def jsonify_value(field, json_choice):
if isinstance(json_choice, dict) and 'value' in json_choice:
if isinstance(json_choice, dict):
json_choice = dict(json_choice) # make a copy so below doesn't change the original
json_choice['value'] = field.to_json(json_choice['value'])
if 'display_name' in json_choice:
json_choice['display_name'] = get_text(json_choice['display_name'])
if 'value' in json_choice:
json_choice['value'] = field.to_json(json_choice['value'])
json_choice = field.to_json(json_choice)
return json_choice
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