Commit ef23c19b by Calen Pennington

Prevent queries into split using deprecated CourseLocators, BlockUsageLocators,…

Prevent queries into split using deprecated CourseLocators, BlockUsageLocators, or DefinitionLocators
parent 1a682dac
......@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Gets the course descriptor for the course identified by the locator
if not isinstance(course_id, CourseLocator):
if not isinstance(course_id, CourseLocator) or course_id.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(course_id)
......@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Note: we return the course_id instead of a boolean here since the found course may have
a different id than the given course_id when ignore_case is True.
if not isinstance(course_id, CourseLocator):
if not isinstance(course_id, CourseLocator) or course_id.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
return False
......@@ -804,6 +804,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
the course or the block w/in the course do not exist for the given version.
raises InsufficientSpecificationError if the usage_key does not id a block
if not isinstance(usage_key, BlockUsageLocator) or usage_key.deprecated:
# The supplied UsageKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
return False
if usage_key.block_id is None:
raise InsufficientSpecificationError(usage_key)
......@@ -823,7 +827,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
raises InsufficientSpecificationError or ItemNotFoundError
if not isinstance(usage_key, BlockUsageLocator):
if not isinstance(usage_key, BlockUsageLocator) or usage_key.deprecated:
# The supplied UsageKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(usage_key)
......@@ -856,6 +860,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
For split,
you can search by ``edited_by``, ``edited_on`` providing a function testing limits.
if not isinstance(course_locator, CourseLocator) or course_locator.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
return []
course = self._lookup_course(course_locator)
items = []
qualifiers = qualifiers.copy() if qualifiers else {} # copy the qualifiers (destructively manipulated here)
......@@ -910,6 +918,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
:param locator: BlockUsageLocator restricting search scope
if not isinstance(locator, BlockUsageLocator) or locator.deprecated:
# The supplied locator is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(locator)
course = self._lookup_course(locator.course_key)
parent_id = self._get_parent_from_structure(BlockKey.from_usage_key(locator), course.structure)
if parent_id is None:
......@@ -924,6 +936,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
Return an array of all of the orphans in the course.
if not isinstance(course_key, CourseLocator) or course_key.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(course_key)
detached_categories = [name for name, __ in XBlock.load_tagged_classes("detached")]
course = self._lookup_course(course_key)
items = set(course.structure['blocks'].keys())
......@@ -952,6 +968,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
'edited_on': when the course was originally created
if not isinstance(course_key, CourseLocator) or course_key.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(course_key)
if not (course_key.course and and
return None
index = self.get_course_index(course_key)
......@@ -969,6 +989,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
'edited_on': when the change was made
if not isinstance(course_key, CourseLocator) or course_key.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(course_key)
course = self._lookup_course(course_key).structure
return {
'original_version': course['original_version'],
......@@ -987,6 +1011,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
'edited_on': when the change was made
if not isinstance(definition_locator, DefinitionLocator) or definition_locator.deprecated:
# The supplied locator is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(definition_locator)
definition = self.db_connection.get_definition(definition_locator.definition_id)
if definition is None:
return None
......@@ -999,6 +1027,10 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
next versions, these do include those created for other courses.
:param course_locator:
if not isinstance(course_locator, CourseLocator) or course_locator.deprecated:
# The supplied CourseKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(course_locator)
if version_history_depth < 1:
return None
if course_locator.version_guid is None:
......@@ -1882,7 +1914,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
change to this item, it raises a VersionConflictError unless force is True. In the force case, it forks
the course but leaves the head pointer where it is (this change will not be in the course head).
if not isinstance(usage_locator, BlockUsageLocator):
if not isinstance(usage_locator, BlockUsageLocator) or usage_locator.deprecated:
# The supplied UsageKey is of the wrong type, so it can't possibly be stored in this modulestore.
raise ItemNotFoundError(usage_locator)
......@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(CourseComparisonTest):
for course_id, course_key in self.course_locations.iteritems() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
self.fake_location = self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID].course_key.make_usage_key('vertical', 'fake')
mongo_course_key = self.course_locations[self.MONGO_COURSEID].course_key
self.fake_location =, mongo_course_key.course,'vertical', 'fake')
self.xml_chapter_location = self.course_locations[self.XML_COURSEID1].replace(
category='chapter', name='Overview'
......@@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ def export_to_xml(modulestore, contentstore, course_key, root_dir, course_dir):
# export the static tabs
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, xml_centric_course_key, 'static_tab', 'tabs', '.html')
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, course_key, xml_centric_course_key, 'static_tab', 'tabs', '.html')
# export the custom tags
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, xml_centric_course_key, 'custom_tag_template', 'custom_tags')
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, course_key, xml_centric_course_key, 'custom_tag_template', 'custom_tags')
# export the course updates
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, xml_centric_course_key, 'course_info', 'info', '.html')
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, course_key, xml_centric_course_key, 'course_info', 'info', '.html')
# export the 'about' data (e.g. overview, etc.)
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, xml_centric_course_key, 'about', 'about', '.html')
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, course_key, xml_centric_course_key, 'about', 'about', '.html')
# export the grading policy
course_run_policy_dir = policies_dir.makeopendir(
......@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ def _export_field_content(xblock_item, item_dir):
field_content_file.write(dumps(module_data.get(field_name, {}), cls=EdxJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
def export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, course_key, category_type, dirname, file_suffix=''):
items = modulestore.get_items(course_key, qualifiers={'category': category_type})
def export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, source_course_key, dest_course_key, category_type, dirname, file_suffix=''):
items = modulestore.get_items(source_course_key, qualifiers={'category': category_type})
if len(items) > 0:
item_dir = export_fs.makeopendir(dirname)
for item in items:
adapt_references(item, course_key, export_fs)
adapt_references(item, dest_course_key, export_fs)
with + file_suffix, 'w') as item_file:
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.django import ASSET_IGNORE_REGEX
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import DuplicateCourseError
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo.base import MongoRevisionKey
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -588,6 +589,7 @@ def _import_course_draft(
# IMPORTANT: Be sure to update the sequential in the NEW namespace
seq_location = seq_location.map_into_course(target_course_id)
sequential = store.get_item(seq_location, depth=0)
non_draft_location = module.location.map_into_course(target_course_id)
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
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