Commit eeac479c by Don Mitchell

Merge pull request #3901 from edx/dhm/opaque-dont-skip

Dhm/opaque dont skip
parents 8809c5f0 62bccd4e
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIsInstance(test_chapter, SequenceDescriptor)
# refetch parent which should now point to child
test_course = modulestore('split').get_course(
self.assertIn(test_chapter.location.block_id, test_course.children)
self.assertIn(test_chapter.location, test_course.children)
with self.assertRaises(DuplicateCourseError):
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from mock import Mock, patch
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
from django.conf import settings
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
from util.request import safe_get_host
from textwrap import dedent
......@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@ class SplitMigrator(object):
fields=self._get_json_fields_translate_references(module, course_key, True)
awaiting_adoption[module.location] = new_locator.block_id
for draft_location, new_block_id in awaiting_adoption.iteritems():
awaiting_adoption[module.location] = new_locator
for draft_location, new_locator in awaiting_adoption.iteritems():
for parent_loc in self.draft_modulestore.get_parent_locations(draft_location):
old_parent = self.draft_modulestore.get_item(parent_loc)
new_parent = self.split_modulestore.get_item(
self.loc_mapper.translate_location(old_parent.location, False)
# this only occurs if the parent was also awaiting adoption
if new_block_id in new_parent.children:
if any(new_locator == child.version_agnostic() for child in new_parent.children):
# find index for module: new_parent may be missing quite a few of old_parent's children
new_parent_cursor = 0
......@@ -145,36 +145,36 @@ class SplitMigrator(object):
sibling_loc = self.loc_mapper.translate_location(old_child_loc, False)
# sibling may move cursor
for idx in range(new_parent_cursor, len(new_parent.children)):
if new_parent.children[idx] == sibling_loc.block_id:
if new_parent.children[idx].version_agnostic() == sibling_loc:
new_parent_cursor = idx + 1
new_parent.children.insert(new_parent_cursor, new_block_id)
new_parent.children.insert(new_parent_cursor, new_locator)
new_parent = self.split_modulestore.update_item(new_parent,
def _get_json_fields_translate_references(self, xblock, old_course_id, published):
Return the json repr for explicitly set fields but convert all references to their block_id's
# FIXME change split to take field values as pythonic values not json values
def get_translation(location):
Convert the location and add to loc mapper
return self.loc_mapper.translate_location(location, published, add_entry_if_missing=True)
result = {}
for field_name, field in xblock.fields.iteritems():
if field.is_set_on(xblock):
if isinstance(field, Reference):
result[field_name] = unicode(self.loc_mapper.translate_location(
getattr(xblock, field_name), published, add_entry_if_missing=True
field_value = getattr(xblock, field_name)
if isinstance(field, Reference) and field_value is not None:
result[field_name] = get_translation(field_value)
elif isinstance(field, ReferenceList):
result[field_name] = [
ele, published, add_entry_if_missing=True
)) for ele in getattr(xblock, field_name)
get_translation(ele) for ele in field_value
elif isinstance(field, ReferenceValueDict):
result[field_name] = {
key: unicode(self.loc_mapper.translate_location(
subvalue, published, add_entry_if_missing=True
for key, subvalue in getattr(xblock, field_name).iteritems()
key: get_translation(subvalue)
for key, subvalue in field_value.iteritems()
result[field_name] = field.read_json(xblock)
......@@ -66,7 +66,12 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
json_data = self.module_data.get(block_id)
if json_data is None:
# deeper than initial descendant fetch or doesn't exist
self.modulestore.cache_items(self, [block_id], lazy=self.lazy)
course_info = course_entry_override or self.course_entry
course_key = CourseLocator(
course_info.get('org'), course_info.get('offering'), course_info.get('branch'),
self.modulestore.cache_items(self, [block_id], course_key, lazy=self.lazy)
json_data = self.module_data.get(block_id)
if json_data is None:
raise ItemNotFoundError(block_id)
......@@ -112,9 +117,12 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem):
converted_fields = self.modulestore.convert_references_to_keys(
block_locator.course_key, class_, json_data.get('fields', {}), self.course_entry['structure']['blocks'],
kvs = SplitMongoKVS(
json_data.get('fields', {}),
field_data = KvsFieldData(kvs)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class DefinitionLazyLoader(object):
object doesn't force access during init but waits until client wants the
definition. Only works if the modulestore is a split mongo store.
def __init__(self, modulestore, block_type, definition_id):
def __init__(self, modulestore, block_type, definition_id, field_converter):
Simple placeholder for yet-to-be-fetched data
:param modulestore: the pymongo db connection with the definitions
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class DefinitionLazyLoader(object):
self.modulestore = modulestore
self.definition_locator = DefinitionLocator(block_type, definition_id)
self.field_converter = field_converter
def fetch(self):
......@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ class SplitMongoKVS(InheritanceKeyValueStore):
if isinstance(self._definition, DefinitionLazyLoader):
persisted_definition = self._definition.fetch()
if persisted_definition is not None:
fields = self._definition.field_converter(persisted_definition.get('fields'))
# do we want to cache any of the edit_info?
self._definition = None # already loaded
......@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.split_migrator import SplitMigrator
from xmodule.modulestore.mongo import draft
from xmodule.modulestore.tests import test_location_mapper
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.test_split_w_old_mongo import SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper
from import nottest
from xblock.fields import Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict
class TestMigration(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
Test the split migrator
......@@ -181,8 +180,8 @@ class TestMigration(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
# compare all fields but children
for name in presplit_dag_root.fields.iterkeys():
if name != 'children':
for name, field in presplit_dag_root.fields.iteritems():
if not isinstance(field, (Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict)):
getattr(presplit_dag_root, name),
getattr(split_dag_root, name),
......@@ -190,19 +189,7 @@ class TestMigration(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
split_dag_root.location, name, getattr(presplit_dag_root, name), getattr(split_dag_root, name)
# test split get_item using old Location: old draft store didn't set revision for things above vertical
# but split does distinguish these; so, set revision if not published
if not published:
location = draft.as_draft(presplit_dag_root.location)
location = presplit_dag_root.location
refetched = self.split_mongo.get_item(location)
refetched.location, split_dag_root.location,
"Fetch from split via old Location {} not same as new {}".format(
refetched.location, split_dag_root.location
# compare children
if presplit_dag_root.has_children:
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