Commit ed2358ab by Don Mitchell

Merge pull request #4063 from edx/dhm/mongo_tweaks

Fix wiki search query
parents 14ad71f2 4959f3b8
......@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
:param wiki_slug: the course wiki root slug
:return: list of course locations
courses = self.collection.find({'': wiki_slug})
courses = self.collection.find({'_id.category': 'course', '': wiki_slug})
# the course's run == its name. It's the only xblock for which that's necessarily true.
return [Location._from_deprecated_son(course['_id'], course['_id']['name']) for course in courses]
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fs.files:
Index needed thru 'category' by `_get_all_content_for_course` and others. That query also takes a sort
which can be `uploadDate`, `display_name`,
# again, uploadDate may also be a freq sort.
ensureIndex({'_id.tag': 1, '': 1, '_id.course': 1, '_id.category': 1})
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