Commit ece785ff by Troy Sankey

Implement the newrelic_custom_metrics middleware

Use this middleware and its helpers to accumulate custom New Relic
metrics on a per-request basis.  If, while handling a request, the app
does not accumulate any metrics, this middleware is a very lightweight

This commit also enables the middleware!

parent c089ea42
This is an interface to the newrelic_custom_metrics middleware. Functions
defined in this module can be used to report custom metrics to New Relic. For
import newrelic_custom_metrics
newrelic_custom_metrics.accumulate('xb_user_state.get_many.num_items', 4)
There is no need to do anything else. The metrics are automatically cleared
before the next request.
from newrelic_custom_metrics import middleware
def accumulate(name, value):
Queue up a custom New Relic metric for the current request. At the end of
the request, the newrelic_custom_metrics middleware will batch report all
queued metrics to NR.
Q: What style of names should I use?
A: Metric names should be comma delimited, becoming more specific from left
to right.
Q: What type can values be?
A: numbers only.
Q: What happens when I call this multiple times with the same name?
A: Like-named metrics will be accumulated using the sum.
middleware.NewRelicCustomMetrics.accumulate_metric(name, value)
def increment(name):
Increment a custom New Relic metric representing a counter.
Here we simply accumulate a new custom metric with a value of 1, and the
middleware should automatically aggregate this metric.
accumulate(name, 1)
Middleware for handling the storage, aggregation, and reporing of custom New
Relic metrics.
This middleware will only call on the newrelic agent if there are any metrics
to report for this request, so it will not incur any processing overhead for
request handlers which do not record custom metrics.
import newrelic.agent
import request_cache
REQUEST_CACHE_KEY = 'newrelic_custom_metrics'
class NewRelicCustomMetrics(object):
The middleware class. Make sure to add below the request cache in
def _get_metrics_cache(cls):
Get a reference to the part of the request cache wherein we store New
Relic custom metrics related to the current request.
return request_cache.get_cache(name=REQUEST_CACHE_KEY)
def accumulate_metric(cls, name, value):
Accumulate a custom metric (name and value) in the metrics cache.
metrics_cache = cls._get_metrics_cache()
metrics_cache.setdefault(name, 0)
metrics_cache[name] += value
def _batch_report(cls):
Report the collected custom metrics to New Relic.
metrics_cache = cls._get_metrics_cache()
for metric_name, metric_value in metrics_cache.iteritems():
newrelic.agent.add_custom_parameter(metric_name, metric_value)
# Whether or not there was an exception, report any custom NR metrics that
# may have been collected.
def process_response(self, request, response): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Django middleware handler to process a response
return response
def process_exception(self, request, exception): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Django middleware handler to process an exception
return None
Tests for newrelic custom metrics.
from django.test import TestCase
from mock import patch, call
import newrelic_custom_metrics
class TestNewRelicCustomMetrics(TestCase):
Test the newrelic_custom_metrics middleware and helpers
def test_cache_normal_contents(self, mock_newrelic_agent):
Test normal usage of collecting and reporting custom New Relic metrics
newrelic_custom_metrics.accumulate('hello', 10)
newrelic_custom_metrics.accumulate('world', 10)
newrelic_custom_metrics.accumulate('world', 10)
# based on the metric data above, we expect the following calls to newrelic:
nr_agent_calls_expected = [
call('hello', 10),
call('world', 20),
call('foo', 2),
# fake a response to trigger metrics reporting
'fake request',
'fake response',
# Assert call counts to newrelic.agent.add_custom_parameter()
expected_call_count = len(nr_agent_calls_expected)
measured_call_count = mock_newrelic_agent.add_custom_parameter.call_count
self.assertEqual(expected_call_count, measured_call_count)
# Assert call args to newrelic.agent.add_custom_parameter(). Due to
# the nature of python dicts, call order is undefined.
mock_newrelic_agent.add_custom_parameter.has_calls(nr_agent_calls_expected, any_order=True)
......@@ -1096,6 +1096,7 @@ MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (
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