Commit ece35f44 by Calen Pennington

Give a general purpose rake command for running django-admin in the right way…

Give a general purpose rake command for running django-admin in the right way for either the lms or the cms
parent f1262b77
......@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ def select_executable(*cmds)
cmds.find_all{ |cmd| system("which #{cmd} > /dev/null 2>&1") }[0] || fail("No executables found from #{cmds.join(', ')}")
def django_admin(system, env, command, *args)
django_admin = ENV['DJANGO_ADMIN_PATH'] || select_executable('', 'django-admin')
return "#{django_admin} #{command} --settings=#{system}.envs.#{env} --pythonpath=. #{args.join(' ')}"
task :default => [:pep8, :pylint, :test]
......@@ -57,8 +61,7 @@ end
desc "Run all django tests on our djangoapps"
task :test => LMS_REPORT_DIR do
ENV['NOSE_XUNIT_FILE'] = File.join(LMS_REPORT_DIR, "nosetests.xml")
django_admin = ENV['DJANGO_ADMIN_PATH'] || select_executable('', 'django-admin')
sh("#{django_admin} test --settings=lms.envs.test --pythonpath=. $(ls lms/djangoapps)")
sh(django_admin(:lms, :test, 'test', *Dir['lms/djangoapps'].each))
desc <<-desc
......@@ -67,12 +70,17 @@ desc <<-desc
task :lms, [:env] => [] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:env => 'dev')
django_admin = ENV['DJANGO_ADMIN_PATH'] || select_executable('', 'django-admin')
sh("#{django_admin} runserver --settings=lms.envs.#{args.env} --pythonpath=.")
sh(django_admin(:lms, args.env, 'runserver'))
task :runserver => :lms
desc "Run django-admin <action> against the specified system and environment"
task "django-admin", [:action, :system, :env, :options] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:env => 'dev', :system => 'lms', :options => '')
sh(django_admin(args.system, args.env, args.action, args.options))
task :package do
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