Commit eb856963 by Ned Batchelder

Tests for safe_exec

parent 5d4b61c7
import textwrap
import unittest
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from codejail.safe_exec import safe_exec, not_safe_exec
dedent = textwrap.dedent
class SafeExecTests(object):
"""The tests for `safe_exec`, will be mixed into specific test classes below."""
def test_set_values(self):
g, l = {}, {}
self.safe_exec("a = 17", g, l)
self.assertEqual(l['a'], 17)
def test_division(self):
g, l = {}, {}
# No future division: 1/2 is 0.
self.safe_exec("a = 1/2", g, l)
self.assertEqual(l['a'], 0)
# Future division: 1/2 is 0.5.
self.safe_exec("a = 1/2", g, l, future_division=True)
self.assertEqual(l['a'], 0.5)
def test_assumed_imports(self):
g, l = {}, {}
# Using string without importing it is bad.
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
self.safe_exec("a = string.ascii_lowercase[0]", g, l)
# Using string with an assumed import is fine.
self.safe_exec("a = string.ascii_lowercase[0]", g, l, assumed_imports=["string"])
self.assertEqual(l['a'], 'a')
# Can also import with a shorthand.
self.safe_exec("a = op.join('x', 'y')", g, l, assumed_imports=[("op", "os.path")])
self.assertEqual(l['a'][0], 'x')
self.assertEqual(l['a'][-1], 'y')
class TestSafeExec(SafeExecTests, unittest.TestCase):
"""Run SafeExecTests, with the real safe_exec."""
def safe_exec(self, *args, **kwargs):
safe_exec(*args, **kwargs)
class TestNotSafeExec(SafeExecTests, unittest.TestCase):
"""Run SafeExecTests, with not_safe_exec."""
def setUp(self):
if safe_exec is not_safe_exec:
raise SkipTest
def safe_exec(self, *args, **kwargs):
not_safe_exec(*args, **kwargs)
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