Commit eb848328 by Sarina Canelake

Merge pull request #4325 from edx/victor/update-activation-email-text

Update activation email text
parents 0976f803 26d975c2
<%namespace file="../main.html" import="stanford_theme_enabled" />
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
${_("Thank you for signing up for {platform_name}.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
${_("Thank you for signing up for {platform_name}! To activate "
"your account, please copy and paste this address into your web "
"browser's address bar:").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
${_("To get started, please activate your account by clicking on the link below"
" (you may also copy and paste the link into your browser's address"
" bar).").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
% if is_secure:
https://${ site }/activate/${ key }
......@@ -11,15 +12,40 @@ ${_("Thank you for signing up for {platform_name}! To activate "
http://${ site }/activate/${ key }
% endif
## Temporary hack until we develop a better way to adjust language
% if stanford_theme_enabled():
${_("If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't "
% if settings.PLATFORM_NAME == "edX":
${_("Activation ensures that you can register for {platform_name} courses and"
" access the courseware."
" If you require assistance, please use our web form at"
" {contact_us} or email {info_address}.").format(
${_("We hope you enjoy learning with {platform_name}!").format(
${_("The {platform_name} Team").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
${_("This email was automatically sent by {site_name} because someone "
"attempted to create an {platform_name} account using this email address. If you "
"did not attempt to create this account and do not activate the account, "
"you will no longer receive emails from {platform_name}.").format(
% elif stanford_theme_enabled(): ## Temporary hack until we develop a better way to adjust language
${_("If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't "
"receive any more email from us. Please do not reply to this e-mail; "
"if you require assistance, check the about section of the "
"{platform_name} Courses web site.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
% else:
${_("If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't "
${_("If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't "
"receive any more email from us. Please do not reply to this e-mail; "
"if you require assistance, check the help section of the "
"{platform_name} web site.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
"{platform_name} website.").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
% endif
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
${_("Your account for {platform_name}").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
${_("Activate Your {platform_name} Account").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
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