Commit ea579bf5 by Braden MacDonald Committed by E. Kolpakov

Workaround an issue with capa modules

parent e768fb9a
......@@ -2182,6 +2182,16 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
existing_block_info = dest_structure['blocks'].get(new_block_key, {})
# Inherit the Scope.settings values from 'fields' to 'defaults'
new_block_info['defaults'] = new_block_info['fields']
# <workaround>
# CAPA modules store their 'markdown' value (an alternate representation of their content) in Scope.settings rather than Scope.content :-/
# markdown is a field that really should not be overridable - it fundamentally changes the content.
# capa modules also use a custom editor that always saves their markdown field to the metadata, even if it hasn't changed, which breaks our override system.
# So until capa modules are fixed, we special-case them and remove their markdown fields, forcing the inherited version to use XML only.
if usage_key.block_type == 'problem' and 'markdown' in new_block_info['defaults']:
del new_block_info['defaults']['markdown']
# </workaround>
new_block_info['fields'] = existing_block_info.get('fields', {}) # Preserve any existing overrides
if 'children' in new_block_info['defaults']:
del new_block_info['defaults']['children'] # Will be set later
......@@ -274,6 +274,10 @@ class TestSplitCopyTemplate(MixedSplitTestCase):
problem_block_course =[0])
self.assertEqual(problem_block_course.display_name, problem_library_display_name)
# Check that when capa modules are copied, their "markdown" fields (Scope.settings) are removed. (See note in
# Override the display_name and weight:
new_display_name = "The Trouble with Tribbles"
new_weight = 20
Markdown is supported
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