Commit ea428273 by E. Kolpakov

Switched to filtering by response type rather than input type

parent fcbc8446
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from .capa_base import CapaMixin, CapaFields, ComplexEncoder
from capa import inputtypes
from capa import responsetypes
from .progress import Progress
from xmodule.x_module import XModule, module_attr
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
......@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ class CapaDescriptor(CapaFields, RawDescriptor):
def problem_types(self):
""" Low-level problem type introspection for content libraries filtering by problem type """
tree = etree.XML(
registered_tas = inputtypes.registry.registered_tags()
return set([node.tag for node in tree.iter() if node.tag in registered_tas])
registered_tags = responsetypes.registry.registered_tags()
return set([node.tag for node in tree.iter() if node.tag in registered_tags])
# Proxy to CapaModule for access to any of its attributes
answer_available = module_attr('answer_available')
......@@ -39,30 +39,28 @@ def _get_capa_types():
Gets capa types tags and labels
capa_types = {
'annotationinput': _('Annotation'),
'checkboxgroup': _('Checkbox Group'),
'checkboxtextgroup': _('Checkbox Text Group'),
'chemicalequationinput': _('Chemical Equation'),
'choicegroup': _('Choice Group'),
'codeinput': _('Code Input'),
'crystallography': _('Crystallography'),
'designprotein2dinput': _('Design Protein 2D'),
'drag_and_drop_input': _('Drag and Drop'),
'editageneinput': _('Edit A Gene'),
'editamoleculeinput': _('Edit A Molecule'),
'filesubmission': _('File Submission'),
'formulaequationinput': _('Formula Equation'),
'imageinput': _('Image'),
'javascriptinput': _('Javascript Input'),
'jsinput': _('JS Input'),
'matlabinput': _('Matlab'),
'optioninput': _('Select Option'),
'radiogroup': _('Radio Group'),
'radiotextgroup': _('Radio Text Group'),
'schematic': _('Schematic'),
'textbox': _('Code Text Input'),
'textline': _('Text Line'),
'vsepr_input': _('VSEPR'),
# basic tab
'choiceresponse': _('Checkboxes'),
'optionresponse': _('Dropdown'),
'multiplechoiceresponse': _('Multiple Choice'),
'truefalseresponse': _('True/False Choice'),
'numericalresponse': _('Numerical Input'),
'stringresponse': _('Text Input'),
# advanced tab
'schematicresponse': _('Circuit Schematic Builder'),
'customresponse': _('Custom Evaluated Script'),
'imageresponse': _('Image Mapped Input'),
'formularesponse': _('Math Expression Input'),
'jsmeresponse': _('Molecular Structure'),
# not in "Add Component" menu
'javascriptresponse': _('Javascript Input'),
'symbolicresponse': _('Symbolic Math Input'),
'coderesponse': _('Code Input'),
'externalresponse': _('External Grader'),
'annotationresponse': _('Annotation Input'),
'choicetextresponse': _('Checkboxes With Text Input'),
return [{'value': ANY_CAPA_TYPE_VALUE, 'display_name': _('Any Type')}] + sorted([
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class LibraryToolsService(object):
new_libraries = []
for library_key, library in libraries:
def copy_children_recursively(from_block, filter_problem_type=True):
def copy_children_recursively(from_block, filter_problem_type=False):
Internal method to copy blocks from the library recursively
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class StudioLibraryContainerCapaFilterTest(LibraryContentTestBase):
self.assertLessEqual(children_headers, self._problem_headers)
# Choice group test
children_headers = self._set_library_content_settings(count=1, capa_type="Choice Group")
children_headers = self._set_library_content_settings(count=1, capa_type="Multiple Choice")
self.assertEqual(len(children_headers), 1)
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class StudioLibraryContainerCapaFilterTest(LibraryContentTestBase):
# Choice group test
children_headers = self._set_library_content_settings(count=2, capa_type="Select Option")
children_headers = self._set_library_content_settings(count=2, capa_type="Dropdown")
self.assertEqual(len(children_headers), 2)
......@@ -293,5 +293,5 @@ class StudioLibraryContainerCapaFilterTest(LibraryContentTestBase):
# Missing problem type test
children_headers = self._set_library_content_settings(count=2, capa_type="Matlab")
children_headers = self._set_library_content_settings(count=2, capa_type="Custom Evaluated Script")
self.assertEqual(children_headers, set())
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