Commit e85fa651 by Jay Zoldak

Update discussion documentation

parent a36aee5b
......@@ -58,21 +58,24 @@ In the discussion service, notifications are handled asynchronously using a thir
bundle exec rake jobs:work
## Initialize roles and permissions
## From the edx-platform django app, initialize roles and permissions
To fully test the discussion forum, you might want to act as a moderator or an administrator. Currently, moderators can manage everything in the forum, and administrator can manage everything plus assigning and revoking moderator status of other users.
First make sure that the database is up-to-date:
rake django-admin[syncdb]
rake django-admin[migrate]
rake resetdb
If you have created users in the edx-platform django apps when the comment service was not running, you will need to one-way sync the users into the comment service back end database:
rake django-admin[sync_user_info]
For convenience, add the following environment variables to the terminal (assuming that you're using configuration set
Now initialzie roles and permissions, providing a course id eg.:
Now initialize roles and permissions, providing a course id. See the example below. Note that you do not need to do this for Studio-created courses, as the Studio application does this for you. seed_permissions_roles "MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall"
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