Commit e807cbd5 by Christine Lytwynec

Merge pull request #9402 from edx/clytwynec/TNL-2153

Change component types and template links to buttons
parents 15c0d3c2 3470e180
......@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ def _click_advanced():
def _find_matching_link(category, component_type):
def _find_matching_button(category, component_type):
Find the link with the specified text. There should be one and only one.
Find the button with the specified text. There should be one and only one.
# The tab shows links for the given category
links = world.css_find('{} a'.format(category))
# The tab shows buttons for the given category
buttons = world.css_find('{} button'.format(category))
# Find the link whose text matches what you're looking for
matched_links = [link for link in links if link.text == component_type]
# Find the button whose text matches what you're looking for
matched_buttons = [btn for btn in buttons if btn.text == component_type]
# There should be one and only one
assert_equal(len(matched_links), 1)
return matched_links[0]
assert_equal(len(matched_buttons), 1)
return matched_buttons[0]
def click_component_from_menu(category, component_type, is_advanced):
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def click_component_from_menu(category, component_type, is_advanced):
# Retry this in case the list is empty because you tried too fast.
link = world.retry_on_exception(
lambda: _find_matching_link(category, component_type),
lambda: _find_matching_button(category, component_type),
......@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "common/js/spec_helpers/aja
var clickNewComponent;
clickNewComponent = function (index) {
containerPage.$(".new-component .new-component-type a.single-template")[index].click();
containerPage.$(".new-component .new-component-type button.single-template")[index].click();
it('Attaches a handler to new component button', function() {
......@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "common/js/spec_helpers/aja
var showTemplatePicker, verifyCreateHtmlComponent;
showTemplatePicker = function () {
containerPage.$('.new-component .new-component-type a.multiple-templates')[0].click();
containerPage.$('.new-component .new-component-type button.multiple-templates')[0].click();
verifyCreateHtmlComponent = function (test, templateIndex, expectedRequest) {
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "underscore.string", "common/js/spec_helpers/aja
renderContainerPage(test, mockContainerXBlockHtml);
xblockCount = containerPage.$('.studio-xblock-wrapper').length;
containerPage.$('.new-component-html a')[templateIndex].click();
containerPage.$('.new-component-html button')[templateIndex].click();
EditHelpers.verifyXBlockRequest(requests, expectedRequest);
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {"locator": "new_item"});
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview", "common/js/compo
function ($, _, gettext, BaseView, ViewUtils, AddXBlockButton, AddXBlockMenu) {
var AddXBlockComponent = BaseView.extend({
events: {
'click .new-component .new-component-type a.multiple-templates': 'showComponentTemplates',
'click .new-component .new-component-type a.single-template': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component .new-component-type button.multiple-templates': 'showComponentTemplates',
'click .new-component .new-component-type button.single-template': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component .cancel-button': 'closeNewComponent',
'click .new-component-templates .new-component-template a': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component-templates .new-component-template .button-component': 'createNewComponent',
'click .new-component-templates .cancel-button': 'closeNewComponent'
......@@ -43,13 +43,17 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "gettext", "js/views/baseview", "common/js/compo
type = $(event.currentTarget).data('type');
this.$('.new-component-' + type).slideDown(250);
this.$('.new-component-' + type + ' div').focus();
closeNewComponent: function(event) {
type = $(event.currentTarget).data('type');
this.$(' li button[data-type=' + type + ']').focus();
createNewComponent: function(event) {
......@@ -13,40 +13,35 @@
.large-advanced-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 60px;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
width: ($baseline*3);
height: ($baseline*3);
background: url(../images/large-advanced-icon.png) center no-repeat;
.large-discussion-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 60px;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
width: ($baseline*3);
height: ($baseline*3);
background: url(../images/large-discussion-icon.png) center no-repeat;
.large-html-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 60px;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
width: ($baseline*3);
height: ($baseline*3);
background: url(../images/large-html-icon.png) center no-repeat;
.large-problem-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 60px;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
width: ($baseline*3);
height: ($baseline*3);
background: url(../images/large-problem-icon.png) center no-repeat;
.large-video-icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 60px;
margin-right: ($baseline/4);
width: ($baseline*3);
height: ($baseline*3);
background: url(../images/large-video-icon.png) center no-repeat;
......@@ -130,9 +130,10 @@
width: ($baseline*5);
height: ($baseline*5);
margin-bottom: ($baseline/2);
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px $shadow, 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) inset;
border: 1px solid $green-d2;
border-radius: ($baseline/4);
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px $shadow, 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) inset;
padding: 0;
background-color: $green-l1;
text-align: center;
color: $white;
......@@ -195,16 +196,17 @@
a {
.button-component {
@include clearfix();
@include transition(none);
@extend %t-demi-strong;
display: block;
width: 100%;
border: 0px;
padding: 7px $baseline;
background: $white;
color: $gray-d3;
text-align: left;
&:hover {
@include transition(background-color $tmg-f2 linear 0s);
<% if (type === 'advanced' || templates.length > 1) { %>
<a href="#" class="multiple-templates add-xblock-component-button" data-type="<%= type %>">
<button type="button" class="multiple-templates add-xblock-component-button" data-type="<%= type %>">
<% } else { %>
<a href="#" class="single-template add-xblock-component-button" data-type="<%= type %>" data-category="<%= templates[0].category %>">
<button type="button" class="single-template add-xblock-component-button" data-type="<%= type %>" data-category="<%= templates[0].category %>">
<% } %>
<span class="large-template-icon large-<%= type %>-icon"></span>
<span class="sr"> <%= gettext("Add Component:") %></span>
<span class="name"><%= display_name %></span>
<div class="tab-group tabs">
<ul class="problem-type-tabs nav-tabs">
<div class="tab-group tabs" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-label="<%-
gettext('%(type)s Component Template Menu'),
{type: type},
<ul class="problem-type-tabs nav-tabs" tabindex='-1'>
<li class="current">
<a class="link-tab" href="#tab1"><%= gettext("Common Problem Types") %></a>
......@@ -13,16 +19,16 @@
<% if (templates[i].tab == "common") { %>
<% if (!templates[i].boilerplate_name) { %>
<li class="editor-md empty">
<a href="#" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>">
<button type="button" class="button-component" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>">
<span class="name"><%= templates[i].display_name %></span>
<% } else { %>
<li class="editor-md">
<a href="#" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>"
<button type="button" class="button-component" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>"
data-boilerplate="<%= templates[i].boilerplate_name %>">
<span class="name"><%= templates[i].display_name %></span>
<% } %>
<% } %>
......@@ -34,14 +40,14 @@
<% for (var i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { %>
<% if (templates[i].tab == "advanced") { %>
<li class="editor-manual">
<a href="#" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>"
<button type="button" class="button-component" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>"
data-boilerplate="<%= templates[i].boilerplate_name %>">
<span class="name"><%= templates[i].display_name %></span>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<button class="cancel-button" data-type="<%= type %>"><%= gettext("Cancel") %></button>
<a href="#" class="cancel-button"><%= gettext("Cancel") %></a>
<% if (type === 'advanced' || templates.length > 1) { %>
<div class="tab current" id="tab1">
<div class="tab current" id="tab1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-label="<%-
gettext('%(type)s Component Template Menu'),
{type: type},
<ul class="new-component-template">
<% for (var i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { %>
<% if (!templates[i].boilerplate_name) { %>
<li class="editor-md empty">
<a href="#" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>">
<button type="button" class="button-component" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>">
<span class="name"><%= templates[i].display_name %></span>
<% } else { %>
<li class="editor-md">
<a href="#" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>"
<button type="button" class="button-component" data-category="<%= templates[i].category %>"
data-boilerplate="<%= templates[i].boilerplate_name %>">
<span class="name"><%= templates[i].display_name %></span>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<button class="cancel-button" data-type="<%= type %>"><%= gettext("Cancel") %></button>
<a href="#" class="cancel-button"><%= gettext("Cancel") %></a>
<% } %>
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ class ContainerPage(PageObject):
css = '#tab{tab_index} a[data-category={category_type}] span'.format(
css = '#tab{tab_index} button[data-category={category_type}] span'.format(
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def add_discussion(page, menu_index=0):
placement within the page).
click_css(page, 'a>span.large-discussion-icon', menu_index)
click_css(page, 'button>span.large-discussion-icon', menu_index)
def add_advanced_component(page, menu_index, name):
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def add_advanced_component(page, menu_index, name):
# Click on the Advanced icon.
click_css(page, 'a>span.large-advanced-icon', menu_index, require_notification=False)
click_css(page, 'button>span.large-advanced-icon', menu_index, require_notification=False)
# This does an animation to hide the first level of buttons
# and instead show the Advanced buttons that are available.
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def add_advanced_component(page, menu_index, name):
page.wait_for_element_visibility('.new-component-advanced', 'Advanced component menu is visible')
# Now click on the component to add it.
component_css = 'a[data-category={}]'.format(name)
component_css = 'button[data-category={}]'.format(name)
page.wait_for_element_visibility(component_css, 'Advanced component {} is visible'.format(name))
# Adding some components, e.g. the Discussion component, will make an ajax call
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def add_component(page, item_type, specific_type):
'Wait for the add component menu to disappear'
all_options = page.q(css='.new-component-{} li a span'.format(item_type))
all_options = page.q(css='.new-component-{} li button span'.format(item_type))
chosen_option = all_options.filter(lambda el: el.text == specific_type).first
......@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ def add_html_component(page, menu_index, boilerplate=None):
# Click on the HTML icon.
click_css(page, 'a>span.large-html-icon', menu_index, require_notification=False)
click_css(page, 'button>span.large-html-icon', menu_index, require_notification=False)
# Make sure that the menu of HTML components is visible before clicking
page.wait_for_element_visibility('.new-component-html', 'HTML component menu is visible')
# Now click on the component to add it.
component_css = 'a[data-category=html]'
component_css = 'button[data-category=html]'
if boilerplate:
component_css += '[data-boilerplate={}]'.format(boilerplate)
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ CLASS_SELECTORS = {
'create_video': 'a[data-category="video"]',
'create_video': 'button[data-category="video"]',
'handout_download': ' a',
'handout_download_editor': '.wrapper-comp-setting.file-uploader .download-action',
'upload_asset': '.upload-action',
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