Commit e79cc796 by Alison Hodges Committed by Mark Hoeber

Initial draft and images for LMS-2381

parent b7dc8d18
......@@ -11,14 +11,16 @@ Change Log
* - Date
- Change
* - 04/01/14
- Update the :ref:`Establish a Grading Policy` chapter to emphasize that grading is applied to subsections only.
- Update the :ref:`Establish a Grading Policy` chapter to emphasize that grading is applied to subsections only.
* -
- Updated the :ref:`Releasing Your Course Index` section to include :ref:`Launch`.
* - 03/31/14
- Expanded the :ref:`Grades` chapter to include the new :ref:`Review_Answers` section.
* - 03/27/14
- Updated the :ref:`Add Pages` section to reflect feature changes.
* - 3/27/14
* - 03/27/14
- Updated the section on :ref:`Beta_Testing` to include the new "batch add" feature.
* - 3/19/14
* - 03/19/14
- Updated the sections on :ref:`Beta_Testing`, :ref:`Discussions`, :ref:`Grades`, and :ref:`Student Data` with changes to the new Instructor Dashboard.
* - 03/17/14
- Reorganized this document into major sections:
......@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ Change Log
* - 02/24/14
- Created new chapter, :ref:`Getting Started with edX`.
* -
- Updated :ref:`Add a Course Video` section
- Updated :ref:`Add a Course Video` section.
* - 02/21/14
- Added the :ref:`Beta_Testing` chapter.
* - 02/19/14
.. _Launch:
Course Launching Activities
To launch a course, you prepare the course itself, the staff, and the
students. This chapter includes a :ref:`Course Launch Checklist` to use as a
model for your schedule of activities.
To help you communicate to the staff and to all course participants when you
are launching the course, and also while the course runs, you can send email
messages from the Instructor Dashboard. See :ref:`Bulk Email` and :ref:`Email
Task History Report`.
.. _Course Launch Checklist:
Course Launch Checklist
As the start date for your course approaches, a checklist or timeline of
activities can help you make sure that your course, and your students, are
ready to begin. Suggestions for activities to complete before your course
starts follow.
**Verify Course Settings**
* Check the course start date and time in Studio. See :ref:`Set Important
Dates for Your Course`.
* Review the grading policy, and set a grace period for homework assignment
due dates. See :ref:`Establish a Grading Policy`.
**Review First Week Content**
* Verify that all units are present and published. See :ref:`Units`.
* Check all assignments for completeness and verify their due dates. See
:ref:`Working with Problem Components`.
* Verify that videos, transcripts, and download links are in place and
* Review feedback from the course team and beta testers to be sure that the
content has been thoroughly reviewed and tested.
**Welcome Students**
* Two months before the course start date, prepare and send a welcome email
message to currently enrolled students. See :ref:`Send_Bulk_Email`.
* Compose a welcome message and add it to the **Course Info** page. See :ref:`Add
a Course Update`.
* Verify that a syllabus and other references are available on the **Course
Handouts** page. See :ref:`Add Course Handouts`.
* One month before the course start date, prepare and send a welcome email
message to currently enrolled students.
* One week before the course start date, prepare and send a welcome email
message to currently enrolled students.
* Start an "Introduce Yourself" topic in a discussion thread. For a MOOC, you
may want to manage the size of the thread by distributing student responses
across multiple threads. For example, you can start different threads for
introductions based on geographical location, such as "Introduce Yourself:
Europe", "Introduce Yourself: North America", etc. See
* On the course start date, prepare and send a launch email message to
currently enrolled students.
**Prepare Staff**
* Define communication methods for all course contributors, including staff,
instructors, and the discussion team. For example, set up a course-specific
email address.
* Verify that all course contributors know how to record their work, report
issues, and collaborate on tasks.
* Verify that the instructors and course staff selected for your course
have the correct role assignments in the LMS. See :ref:`Course_Staffing`.
* Verify that discussion admins, discussion moderators, and community TAs have
registered and activated their user accounts, enrolled in the course, and been
assigned their roles. See :ref:`Assigning_discussion_roles`.
* Define methods for managing discussions and guidance for discussion
moderators, and distribute to the discussion team. See
:ref:`Moderating_discussions` and :ref:`Guidance for Discussion Moderators`.
.. _Bulk Email:
Bulk Email
With the bulk email feature, you can send email messages to course
participants directly from the Instructor Dashboard. Messages can use HTML
styling, and can include links to videos, social media pages for the course,
and other material. All course contributors who are assigned the course staff
or instructor role can use this feature to communicate with course
participants before, during, and after the course run.
.. note:: The bulk email feature is currently in limited release, and is enabled for new courses only. A gradual rollout of this feature is planned for 2014.
Message Addressing
When you send an email message from the Instructor Dashboard, you choose its
recipients by selecting one of these predefined groups:
* **Myself**, to test out a message before sending it to a larger group.
* **Staff and Instructors**, to contact other members of the administrative
* **All (students, staff and instructors)**, to communicate with all currently
enrolled students and the administrative team.
When you use the bulk email feature, consider that messages **cannot be
cancelled** after they are sent. Before you send a message to all course
participants, be sure to review each draft carefully, and send the message to
yourself for thorough testing.
.. _Send_Bulk_Email:
Send Email Messages to Course Participants
To send an email message to course participants:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** > **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Email**.
#. Select who you want to send the message to from the **Send to** dropdown
list. You can select:
* **Myself**
* **Staff and Instructors**
* **All (students, staff and instructors)**
5. Enter a **Subject** for the message. A subject is required.
#. Enter the the text for the message. Messages can use HTML styling,
including text formatting and links. The email message editor offers the
same formatting options as the HTML component editor in Studio. See
:ref:`Working with HTML Components`.
#. Click **Send Email**. The status of the message displays in the **Pending
Instructor Tasks** section of the page.
Message Queueing and Delivery
When you send a message, it is queued for processing as a bulk email task.
Multiple courses use the same queue to complete these tasks, so it can take
some time for your message to be delivered to its recipients. If your course
is a MOOC, consider limiting the number of messages that you send to all
course participants to no more than one per week.
On the **Email** page, the **Pending Instructor Tasks** section shows the
status of queued messages.
.. image:: ../Images/Bulk_email_pending.png
:width: 800
:alt: Information about an email message, including who submitted it and when, in tabular format
You can perform other tasks on the Instructor Dashboard or navigate to other
pages while you wait for your message to be sent.
.. _Email Task History Report:
Email Task History Report
You can produce a report of all of the bulk email tasks sent for your course.
For each message sent, the report includes the username of the requester, the
date and time it was submitted, the duration and state of the entire
task, the task status, and the task progress.
You can use this history to investigate questions relating to the bulk email
message that have been sent, such as:
* How frequently students are sent course-related email messages.
* Whether a message was sent successfully.
* The number of people who were sent course-related messages over time.
Review the Email Task History
To produce the Email Task History report:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** > **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Email**.
#. In the **Email Task History** section of the page, click **Show Email Task
History**. A report like the following example displays on the Instructor
.. image:: ../Images/Bulk_email_history.png
:width: 800
:alt: A tabular report with a row for each message sent and columns for requester, date and time submitted, duration, state, task status, and task progress.
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......@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ Releasing Your Course
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ To provide access to features on the LMS Instructor Dashboard you assign the Cou
* See course HTML errors.
* Send email messages to course participants.
**Instructors** have access to all of the same options for running the course as the course staff. They can also:
* Add and remove course staff.
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