When you enroll people in a course you have these options:
* **Auto Enroll**. When you choose this option, the people who you enroll do
not need to complete an explicit course enrollment step. Of the list of
email addresses that you supply, those that correspond to a registered user
account are immediately enrolled in the course, and your course displays on the dashboards on log in. Email addresses on the list
that do not match a registered user account are enrolled as soon as that
account is registered and activated.
not need to complete an explicit course enrollment step. Of the list of email
addresses that you supply, those that correspond to a registered user account
are immediately enrolled in the course, and your course displays on the
**Current Courses** dashboard for those users on log in. Email addresses on
the list that do not match a registered user account are enrolled as soon as
that account is registered and activated.
If you do not select **Auto Enroll**, the people who you enroll must also actively locate your course and enroll themselves in it. These students see the course on their dashboards after they have done so.
@@ -165,6 +166,6 @@ To unenroll students, you supply the email addresses of enrolled students.
.. note:: The **Auto Enroll** option has no effect when you click **Unenroll**.
5. Click **Unenroll**. The course is no longer listed on the students'
dashboards, and the students can no longer contribute to discussions or the
wiki or access the courseware.
**Current Courses** dashboards, and the students can no longer contribute to