Commit e73fc035 by ichuang

gitupdate template files and mod to accordion.html

parent 39c61070
......@@ -23,3 +23,9 @@
% for chapter in toc:
% endfor
## add a link to allow course.xml to be reloaded from the git content repo
% if settings.QUICKEDIT:
<h3><a href="#">quickedit</a></h3>
<ul><li><a href="${MITX_ROOT_URL}/quickedit/course.xml">gitreload</a></li></ul>
% endif
<html> <head>
<title>edX gitupdate</title>
<h1>edX gitupdate</h1>
<h2>Coursename: ${coursename}</h2>
% if msg:
% else:
Do you REALLY want to overwrite all the course.xml + problems + html
files with version from the main git repository?
<form method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Do git update" name="gitupdate" />
## <input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancel" />
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${csrf}"/>
% endif
<p><a href="${MITX_ROOT_URL}/courseware">Return to site</a></p>
</body> </html>
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