Commit e655b4a3 by Bridger Maxwell

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature/bridger/new_wiki

parents 82d41469 9bcd3cd4
......@@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ Gemfile.lock
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ $border-color: #ddd;
$blue: rgb(29,157,217);
$pink: rgb(182,37,104);
@mixin hide-text {
background-color: transparent;
border: 0;
## One-off script to sync all user information to the discussion service (later info will be synced automatically)
from import BaseCommand
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import comment_client as cc
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = \
Sync all user ids, usernames, and emails to the discussion
def handle(self, *args, **options):
for user in User.objects.all().iterator():
cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(user)
......@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@ from django.db.models.signals import post_delete, post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_countries import CountryField
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from functools import partial
import comment_client as cc
import logging
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
#from cache_toolbox import cache_model, cache_relation
......@@ -254,8 +263,18 @@ def add_user_to_default_group(user, group):
# @receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def update_user_information(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
cc_user = cc.User.from_django_user(instance)
except Exception as e:
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.discussion")
log.error("update user info to discussion failed for user with id: " + str(
########################## REPLICATION SIGNALS #################################
@receiver(post_save, sender=User)
# @receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def replicate_user_save(sender, **kwargs):
user_obj = kwargs['instance']
if not should_replicate(user_obj):
......@@ -263,7 +282,7 @@ def replicate_user_save(sender, **kwargs):
for course_db_name in db_names_to_replicate_to(
replicate_user(user_obj, course_db_name)
@receiver(post_save, sender=CourseEnrollment)
# @receiver(post_save, sender=CourseEnrollment)
def replicate_enrollment_save(sender, **kwargs):
"""This is called when a Student enrolls in a course. It has to do the
......@@ -289,12 +308,12 @@ def replicate_enrollment_save(sender, **kwargs):
user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user_id=enrollment_obj.user_id)
replicate_model(, user_profile, enrollment_obj.user_id)
@receiver(post_delete, sender=CourseEnrollment)
# @receiver(post_delete, sender=CourseEnrollment)
def replicate_enrollment_delete(sender, **kwargs):
enrollment_obj = kwargs['instance']
return replicate_model(CourseEnrollment.delete, enrollment_obj, enrollment_obj.user_id)
@receiver(post_save, sender=UserProfile)
# @receiver(post_save, sender=UserProfile)
def replicate_userprofile_save(sender, **kwargs):
"""We just updated the UserProfile (say an update to the name), so push that
change to all Course DBs that we're enrolled in."""
......@@ -404,4 +423,3 @@ def should_replicate(instance):
return False
return True
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import logging
from datetime import datetime
from django.test import TestCase
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from .models import User, UserProfile, CourseEnrollment, replicate_user, USER_FIELDS_TO_COPY
......@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ class ReplicationTest(TestCase):
def test_user_replication(self):
"""Test basic user replication."""
raise SkipTest()
portal_user = User.objects.create_user('rusty', '', 'fakepass')
......@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ class ReplicationTest(TestCase):
def test_enrollment_for_existing_user_info(self):
"""Test the effect of Enrolling in a class if you've already got user
data to be copied over."""
raise SkipTest()
# Create our User
portal_user = User.objects.create_user('jack', '', 'fakepass')
portal_user.first_name = "Jack"
......@@ -143,6 +146,8 @@ class ReplicationTest(TestCase):
def test_enrollment_for_user_info_after_enrollment(self):
"""Test the effect of modifying User data after you've enrolled."""
raise SkipTest()
# Create our User
portal_user = User.objects.create_user('patty', '', 'fakepass')
portal_user.first_name = "Patty"
......@@ -140,7 +140,20 @@ def dashboard(request):
if not user.is_active:
message = render_to_string('registration/activate_account_notice.html', {'email':})
context = {'courses': courses, 'message': message}
# Global staff can see what courses errored on their dashboard
staff_access = False
errored_courses = {}
if has_access(user, 'global', 'staff'):
# Show any courses that errored on load
staff_access = True
errored_courses = modulestore().get_errored_courses()
context = {'courses': courses,
'message': message,
'staff_access': staff_access,
'errored_courses': errored_courses,}
return render_to_response('dashboard.html', context)
import json
import logging
import os
import pytz
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
......@@ -84,15 +85,33 @@ def server_track(request, event_type, event, page=None):
"time": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
if event_type=="/event_logs" and request.user.is_staff: # don't log
if event_type.startswith("/event_logs") and request.user.is_staff: # don't log
def view_tracking_log(request):
def view_tracking_log(request,args=''):
if not request.user.is_staff:
return redirect('/')
record_instances = TrackingLog.objects.all().order_by('-time')[0:100]
nlen = 100
username = ''
if args:
for arg in args.split('/'):
if arg.isdigit():
nlen = int(arg)
if arg.startswith('username='):
username = arg[9:]
record_instances = TrackingLog.objects.all().order_by('-time')
if username:
record_instances = record_instances.filter(username=username)
record_instances = record_instances[0:nlen]
# fix dtstamp
fmt = '%a %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S' # "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z"
for rinst in record_instances:
rinst.dtstr = rinst.time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')).strftime(fmt)
return render_to_response('tracking_log.html',{'records':record_instances})
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Each input type takes the xml tree as 'element', the previous answer as 'value',
import logging
import re
import shlex # for splitting quoted strings
import json
from lxml import etree
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
......@@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ def optioninput(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
'state': status,
'msg': msg,
'options': osetdict,
'inline': element.get('inline',''),
html = render_template("optioninput.html", context)
......@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ def extract_choices(element):
raise Exception("[courseware.capa.inputtypes.extract_choices] \
Expected a <choice> tag; got %s instead"
% choice.tag)
choice_text = ''.join([x.text for x in choice])
choice_text = ''.join([etree.tostring(x) for x in choice])
choices.append((choice.get("name"), choice_text))
......@@ -293,7 +295,9 @@ def textline(element, value, status, render_template, msg=""):
hidden = element.get('hidden', '') # if specified, then textline is hidden and id is stored in div of name given by hidden
escapedict = {'"': '&quot;'}
value = saxutils.escape(value, escapedict) # otherwise, answers with quotes in them crashes the system!
context = {'id': eid, 'value': value, 'state': status, 'count': count, 'size': size, 'msg': msg, 'hidden': hidden}
context = {'id': eid, 'value': value, 'state': status, 'count': count, 'size': size, 'msg': msg, 'hidden': hidden,
'inline': element.get('inline',''),
html = render_template("textinput.html", context)
xhtml = etree.XML(html)
......@@ -336,6 +340,11 @@ def filesubmission(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
Upload a single file (e.g. for programming assignments)
eid = element.get('id')
escapedict = {'"': '&quot;'}
allowed_files = json.dumps(element.get('allowed_files', '').split())
allowed_files = saxutils.escape(allowed_files, escapedict)
required_files = json.dumps(element.get('required_files', '').split())
required_files = saxutils.escape(required_files, escapedict)
# Check if problem has been queued
queue_len = 0
......@@ -345,7 +354,8 @@ def filesubmission(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
msg = 'Submitted to grader. (Queue length: %s)' % queue_len
context = { 'id': eid, 'state': status, 'msg': msg, 'value': value,
'queue_len': queue_len
'queue_len': queue_len, 'allowed_files': allowed_files,
'required_files': required_files
html = render_template("filesubmission.html", context)
return etree.XML(html)
<section id="filesubmission_${id}" class="filesubmission">
<input type="file" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value}" multiple="multiple" /><br />
<input type="file" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" value="${value}" multiple="multiple" data-required_files="${required_files}" data-allowed_files="${allowed_files}"/><br />
% if state == 'unsubmitted':
<span class="unanswered" style="display:inline-block;" id="status_${id}"></span>
% elif state == 'correct':
<section id="textinput_${id}" class="textinput">
<% doinline = "inline" if inline else "" %>
<section id="textinput_${id}" class="textinput ${doinline}" >
% if state == 'unsubmitted':
<div class="unanswered" id="status_${id}">
<div class="unanswered ${doinline}" id="status_${id}">
% elif state == 'correct':
<div class="correct" id="status_${id}">
<div class="correct ${doinline}" id="status_${id}">
% elif state == 'incorrect':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
<div class="incorrect ${doinline}" id="status_${id}">
% elif state == 'incomplete':
<div class="incorrect" id="status_${id}">
<div class="incorrect ${doinline}" id="status_${id}">
% endif
% if hidden:
<div style="display:none;" name="${hidden}" inputid="input_${id}" />
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ setup(
"video = xmodule.video_module:VideoDescriptor",
"videodev = xmodule.backcompat_module:TranslateCustomTagDescriptor",
"videosequence = xmodule.seq_module:SequenceDescriptor",
"discussion = xmodule.discussion_module:DiscussionDescriptor",
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class SemanticSectionDescriptor(XModuleDescriptor):
the child element
xml_object = etree.fromstring(xml_data)
system.error_tracker("WARNING: the &lt;{0}> tag is deprecated. Please do not use in new content."
system.error_tracker("WARNING: the <{0}> tag is deprecated. Please do not use in new content."
if len(xml_object) == 1:
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
class Textbook:
def __init__(self, title, book_url):
self.title = title
self.book_url = book_url
self.book_url = book_url
self.table_of_contents = self._get_toc_from_s3()
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
return self.table_of_contents
def _get_toc_from_s3(self):
Accesses the textbook's table of contents (default name "toc.xml") at the URL self.book_url
Returns XML tree representation of the table of contents
toc_url = self.book_url + 'toc.xml'
# Get the table of contents from S3
......@@ -72,6 +72,22 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
self.enrollment_start = self._try_parse_time("enrollment_start")
self.enrollment_end = self._try_parse_time("enrollment_end")
# NOTE: relies on the modulestore to call set_grading_policy() right after
# init. (Modulestore is in charge of figuring out where to load the policy from)
def set_grading_policy(self, policy_str):
"""Parse the policy specified in policy_str, and save it"""
self._grading_policy = load_grading_policy(policy_str)
self.system.error_tracker("Failed to load grading policy")
# Setting this to an empty dictionary will lead to errors when
# grading needs to happen, but should allow course staff to see
# the error log.
self._grading_policy = {}
def definition_from_xml(cls, xml_object, system):
textbooks = []
......@@ -87,25 +103,11 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
def grader(self):
return self.__grading_policy['GRADER']
return self._grading_policy['GRADER']
def grade_cutoffs(self):
return self.__grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS']
def __grading_policy(self):
policy_string = ""
with"grading_policy.json") as grading_policy_file:
policy_string =
except (IOError, ResourceNotFoundError):
log.warning("Unable to load course settings file from grading_policy.json in course " +
grading_policy = load_grading_policy(policy_string)
return grading_policy
return self._grading_policy['GRADE_CUTOFFS']
def grading_context(self):
......@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ section.problem {
.inline {
display: inline;
div {
p {
&.answer {
from lxml import etree
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
import json
class DiscussionModule(XModule):
def get_html(self):
context = {
'discussion_id': self.discussion_id,
return self.system.render_template('discussion/_discussion_module.html', context)
def __init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor, instance_state=None, shared_state=None, **kwargs):
XModule.__init__(self, system, location, definition, descriptor, instance_state, shared_state, **kwargs)
if isinstance(instance_state, str):
instance_state = json.loads(instance_state)
xml_data = etree.fromstring(definition['data'])
self.discussion_id = xml_data.attrib['id']
self.title = xml_data.attrib['for']
self.discussion_category = xml_data.attrib['discussion_category']
class DiscussionDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
module_class = DiscussionModule
import abc
import json
import logging
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
......@@ -14,11 +15,11 @@ def load_grading_policy(course_policy_string):
This loads a grading policy from a string (usually read from a file),
which can be a JSON object or an empty string.
The JSON object can have the keys GRADER and GRADE_CUTOFFS. If either is
missing, it reverts to the default.
default_policy_string = """
"GRADER" : [
......@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ def load_grading_policy(course_policy_string):
# Load the global settings as a dictionary
grading_policy = json.loads(default_policy_string)
......@@ -64,15 +65,15 @@ def load_grading_policy(course_policy_string):
course_policy = {}
if course_policy_string:
course_policy = json.loads(course_policy_string)
# Override any global settings with the course settings
# Here is where we should parse any configurations, so that we can fail early
grading_policy['GRADER'] = grader_from_conf(grading_policy['GRADER'])
return grading_policy
def aggregate_scores(scores, section_name="summary"):
......@@ -130,9 +131,11 @@ def grader_from_conf(conf):
raise ValueError("Configuration has no appropriate grader class.")
except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:
errorString = "Unable to parse grader configuration:\n " + str(subgraderconf) + "\n Error was:\n " + str(error)
raise ValueError(errorString)
# Add info and re-raise
msg = ("Unable to parse grader configuration:\n " +
str(subgraderconf) +
"\n Error was:\n " + str(error))
raise ValueError(msg), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
return WeightedSubsectionsGrader(subgraders)
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class HtmlDescriptor(XmlDescriptor, EditingDescriptor):
# online and has imported all current (fall 2012) courses from xml
if not system.resources_fs.exists(filepath):
candidates = cls.backcompat_paths(filepath)
log.debug("candidates = {0}".format(candidates))
#log.debug("candidates = {0}".format(candidates))
for candidate in candidates:
if system.resources_fs.exists(candidate):
filepath = candidate
......@@ -160,24 +160,42 @@ class @Problem
max_filesize = 4*1000*1000 # 4 MB
file_too_large = false
file_not_selected = false
required_files_not_submitted = false
unallowed_file_submitted = false
errors = []
@inputs.each (index, element) ->
if element.type is 'file'
required_files = $(element).data("required_files")
allowed_files = $(element).data("allowed_files")
for file in element.files
if allowed_files.length != 0 and not in allowed_files
unallowed_file_submitted = true
errors.push "You submitted #{}; only #{allowed_files} are allowed."
if in required_files
required_files.splice(required_files.indexOf(, 1)
if file.size > max_filesize
file_too_large = true
alert 'Submission aborted! Your file "' + '" is too large (max size: ' + max_filesize/(1000*1000) + ' MB)'
errors.push 'Your file "' + '" is too large (max size: ' + max_filesize/(1000*1000) + ' MB)'
fd.append(, file)
if element.files.length == 0
file_not_selected = true
fd.append(, '') # In case we want to allow submissions with no file
if required_files.length != 0
required_files_not_submitted = true
errors.push "You did not submit the required files: #{required_files}."
fd.append(, element.value)
if file_not_selected
alert 'Submission aborted! You did not select any files to submit'
errors.push 'You did not select any files to submit'
if errors.length > 0
alert errors.join("\n")
abort_submission = file_too_large or file_not_selected
abort_submission = file_too_large or file_not_selected or unallowed_file_submitted or required_files_not_submitted
settings =
type: "POST"
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ class @Sequence
@el = $(element).find('.sequence')
@contents = @$('.seq_contents')
@id ='id')
@modx_url ='course_modx_root')
@render parseInt('position'))
......@@ -76,13 +77,14 @@ class @Sequence
if @position != new_position
if @position != undefined
@mark_visited @position
$.postWithPrefix "/modx/#{@id}/goto_position", position: new_position
modx_full_url = @modx_url + '/' + @id + '/goto_position'
$.postWithPrefix modx_full_url, position: new_position
@mark_active new_position
@$('#seq_content').html @contents.eq(new_position - 1).text()
XModule.loadModules('display', @$('#seq_content'))
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub])
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "seq_content"]) # NOTE: Actually redundant. Some other MathJax call also being performed
@position = new_position
......@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ class @Sequence
new_position = $('element')
Logger.log "seq_goto", old: @position, new: new_position, id: @id
# On Sequence chage, destroy any existing polling thread
# for queued submissions, see ../capa/
if window.queuePollerID
......@@ -4,16 +4,17 @@ import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from cStringIO import StringIO
from fs.osfs import OSFS
from importlib import import_module
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import HtmlComment
from path import path
from xmodule.errortracker import ErrorLog, make_error_tracker
from xmodule.x_module import XModuleDescriptor, XMLParsingSystem
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
from xmodule.mako_module import MakoDescriptorSystem
from cStringIO import StringIO
from xmodule.x_module import XModuleDescriptor, XMLParsingSystem
from . import ModuleStoreBase, Location
from .exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
......@@ -134,12 +135,12 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
self.data_dir = path(data_dir)
self.modules = defaultdict(dict) # course_id -> dict(location -> XModuleDescriptor) = {} # course_dir -> XModuleDescriptor for the course
self.errored_courses = {} # course_dir -> errorlog, for dirs that failed to load
if default_class is None:
self.default_class = None
module_path, _, class_name = default_class.rpartition('.')
#log.debug('module_path = %s' % module_path)
class_ = getattr(import_module(module_path), class_name)
self.default_class = class_
......@@ -162,18 +163,27 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
Load a course, keeping track of errors as we go along.
# Special-case code here, since we don't have a location for the
# course before it loads.
# So, make a tracker to track load-time errors, then put in the right
# place after the course loads and we have its location
errorlog = make_error_tracker()
course_descriptor = None
# Special-case code here, since we don't have a location for the
# course before it loads.
# So, make a tracker to track load-time errors, then put in the right
# place after the course loads and we have its location
errorlog = make_error_tracker()
course_descriptor = self.load_course(course_dir, errorlog.tracker)
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to load course '{0}': {1}".format(course_dir, str(e))
if course_descriptor is not None:[course_dir] = course_descriptor
self._location_errors[course_descriptor.location] = errorlog
msg = "Failed to load course '%s'" % course_dir
# Didn't load course. Instead, save the errors elsewhere.
self.errored_courses[course_dir] = errorlog
def __unicode__(self):
......@@ -202,6 +212,28 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
return {}
def read_grading_policy(self, paths, tracker):
"""Load a grading policy from the specified paths, in order, if it exists."""
# Default to a blank policy
policy_str = ""
for policy_path in paths:
if not os.path.exists(policy_path):
log.debug("Loading grading policy from {0}".format(policy_path))
with open(policy_path) as grading_policy_file:
policy_str =
# if we successfully read the file, stop looking at backups
except (IOError):
msg = "Unable to load course settings file from '{0}'".format(policy_path)
return policy_str
def load_course(self, course_dir, tracker):
Load a course into this module store
......@@ -242,9 +274,16 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
course = course_dir
url_name = course_data.get('url_name', course_data.get('slug'))
policy_dir = None
if url_name:
policy_path = self.data_dir / course_dir / 'policies' / '{0}.json'.format(url_name)
policy_dir = self.data_dir / course_dir / 'policies' / url_name
policy_path = policy_dir / 'policy.json'
policy = self.load_policy(policy_path, tracker)
# VS[compat]: remove once courses use the policy dirs.
if policy == {}:
old_policy_path = self.data_dir / course_dir / 'policies' / '{0}.json'.format(url_name)
policy = self.load_policy(old_policy_path, tracker)
policy = {}
# VS[compat] : 'name' is deprecated, but support it for now...
......@@ -268,6 +307,15 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
# after we have the course descriptor.
# Try to load grading policy
paths = [self.data_dir / course_dir / 'grading_policy.json']
if policy_dir:
paths = [policy_dir / 'grading_policy.json'] + paths
policy_str = self.read_grading_policy(paths, tracker)
log.debug('========> Done with course import from {0}'.format(course_dir))
return course_descriptor
......@@ -318,6 +366,12 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
def get_errored_courses(self):
Return a dictionary of course_dir -> [(msg, exception_str)], for each
course_dir where course loading failed.
return dict( (k, self.errored_courses[k].errors) for k in self.errored_courses)
def create_item(self, location):
raise NotImplementedError("XMLModuleStores are read-only")
......@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ class ImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(toy_ch.display_name, "Overview")
self.assertEqual(two_toys_ch.display_name, "Two Toy Overview")
# Also check that the grading policy loaded
self.assertEqual(two_toys.grade_cutoffs['C'], 0.5999)
def test_definition_loading(self):
"""When two courses share the same org and course name and
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def get_metadata_from_xml(xml_object, remove=True):
if meta is None:
return ''
dmdata = meta.text
log.debug('meta for %s loaded: %s' % (xml_object,dmdata))
#log.debug('meta for %s loaded: %s' % (xml_object,dmdata))
if remove:
return dmdata
Simple course. If start dates are on, non-staff users should see Overview, but not Ch 2.
\ No newline at end of file
<chapter url_name="Overview">
<videosequence url_name="Toy_Videos">
<html url_name="toylab"/>
<video url_name="Video_Resources" youtube="1.0:1bK-WdDi6Qw"/>
<video url_name="Welcome" youtube="1.0:p2Q6BrNhdh8"/>
<chapter url_name="Ch2">
<html url_name="test_html">
<b>Lab 2A: Superposition Experiment</b>
<p>Isn't the toy course great?</p>
<html filename="toylab.html"/>
\ No newline at end of file
"course/2012_Fall": {
"graceperiod": "2 days 5 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds",
"start": "2011-07-17T12:00",
"display_name": "Toy Course"
"chapter/Overview": {
"display_name": "Overview"
"chapter/Ch2": {
"display_name": "Chapter 2",
"start": "2015-07-17T12:00"
"videosequence/Toy_Videos": {
"display_name": "Toy Videos",
"format": "Lecture Sequence"
"html/toylab": {
"display_name": "Toy lab"
"video/Video_Resources": {
"display_name": "Video Resources"
"video/Welcome": {
"display_name": "Welcome"
<course org="edX" course="test_start_date" url_name="2012_Fall"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<html filename="toylab.html"/>
\ No newline at end of file
"GRADER" : [
"type" : "Homework",
"min_count" : 12,
"drop_count" : 2,
"short_label" : "HW",
"weight" : 0.15
"type" : "Lab",
"min_count" : 12,
"drop_count" : 2,
"category" : "Labs",
"weight" : 0.15
"type" : "Midterm",
"name" : "Midterm Exam",
"short_label" : "Midterm",
"weight" : 0.3
"type" : "Final",
"name" : "Final Exam",
"short_label" : "Final",
"weight" : 0.4
"A" : 0.87,
"B" : 0.7,
"C" : 0.5999
# Running the discussion service
## Instruction for Mac
## Installing Mongodb
If you haven't done so already:
brew install mongodb
Make sure that you have mongodb running. You can simply open a new terminal tab and type:
## Installing elasticsearch
brew install elasticsearch
For debugging, it's often more convenient to have elasticsearch running in a terminal tab instead of in background. To do so, simply open a new terminal tab and then type:
elasticsearch -f
## Setting up the discussion service
First, make sure that you have access to the [github repository]( If this were not the case, send an email to
First go into the mitx_all directory. Then type
git clone
cd cs_comments_service/
If you see a prompt asking "Do you wish to trust this .rvmrc file?", type "y"
Now if you see this error "Gemset 'cs_comments_service' does not exist," run the following command to create the gemset and then use the rvm environment manually:
rvm gemset create 'cs_comments_service'
rvm use 1.9.3@cs_comments_service
Now use the following command to install required packages:
bundle install
The following command creates database indexes:
bundle exec rake db:init
Now use the following command to generate seeds (basically some random comments in Latin):
bundle exec rake db:seed
It's done! Launch the app now:
ruby app.rb
## Running the delayed job worker
In the discussion service, notifications are handled asynchronously using a third party gem called delayed_job. If you want to test this functionality, run the following command in a separate tab:
bundle exec rake jobs:work
## Initialize roles and permissions
To fully test the discussion forum, you might want to act as a moderator or an administrator. Currently, moderators can manage everything in the forum, and administrator can manage everything plus assigning and revoking moderator status of other users.
First make sure that the database is up-to-date:
rake django-admin[syncdb]
rake django-admin[migrate]
For convenience, add the following environment variables to the terminal (assuming that you're using configuration set
Now initialzie roles and permissions: seed_permissions_roles
To assign yourself as a moderator, use the following command (assuming your username is "test", and the course id is "MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall"): assign_role test Moderator "MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall"
To assign yourself as an administrator, use the following command assign_role test Administrator "MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall"
## Some other useful commands
### generate seeds for a specific forum
The seed generating command above assumes that you have the following discussion tags somewhere in the course data:
<discussion for="Welcome Video" id="video_1" discussion_category="Video"/>
<discussion for="Lab 0: Using the Tools" id="lab_1" discussion_category="Lab"/>
<discussion for="Lab Circuit Sandbox" id="lab_2" discussion_category="Lab"/>
For example, you can insert them into overview section as following:
<chapter name="Overview">
<section format="Video" name="Welcome">
<video youtube="0.75:izygArpw-Qo,1.0:p2Q6BrNhdh8,1.25:1EeWXzPdhSA,1.50:rABDYkeK0x8"/>
<discussion for="Welcome Video" id="video_1" discussion_category="Video"/>
<section format="Lecture Sequence" name="System Usage Sequence">
<%include file="sections/introseq.xml"/>
<section format="Lab" name="Lab0: Using the tools">
<html> See the <a href="/section/labintro"> Lab Introduction </a> or <a href="/static/handouts/schematic_tutorial.pdf">Interactive Lab Usage Handout </a> for information on how to do the lab </html>
<problem name="Lab 0: Using the Tools" filename="Lab0" rerandomize="false"/>
<discussion for="Lab 0: Using the Tools" id="lab_1" discussion_category="Lab"/>
<section format="Lab" name="Circuit Sandbox">
<problem name="Circuit Sandbox" filename="Lab_sandbox" rerandomize="false"/>
<discussion for="Lab Circuit Sandbox" id="lab_2" discussion_category="Lab"/>
Currently, only the attribute "id" is actually used, which identifies discussion forum. In the code for the data generator, the corresponding lines are:
We also have a command for generating comments within a forum with the specified id:
bundle exec rake db:generate_comments[type_the_discussion_id_here]
For instance, if you want to generate comments for a new discussion tab named "lab_3", then use the following command
bundle exec rake db:generate_comments[lab_3]
### Running tests for the service
bundle exec rspec
Warning: the development and test environments share the same elasticsearch index. After running tests, search may not work in the development environment. You simply need to reindex:
bundle exec rake db:reindex_search
### debugging the service
You can use the following command to launch a console within the service environment:
bundle exec rake console
### show user roles and permissions
Use the following command to see the roles and permissions of a user in a given course (assuming, again, that the username is "test"): show_permissions moderator
You need to make sure that the environment variables are exported. Otherwise you would need to do show_permissions moderator --pythonpath=.
......@@ -74,5 +74,4 @@ There is also a script "" that automates these steps.
$ syncdb --pythonpath=.
$ migrate --pythonpath=.
$ runserver --pythonpath=.
......@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ def has_access(user, obj, action):
if isinstance(obj, Location):
return _has_access_location(user, obj, action)
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
return _has_access_string(user, obj, action)
# Passing an unknown object here is a coding error, so rather than
# returning a default, complain.
raise TypeError("Unknown object type in has_access(): '{0}'"
......@@ -238,6 +241,30 @@ def _has_access_location(user, location, action):
return _dispatch(checkers, action, user, location)
def _has_access_string(user, perm, action):
Check if user has certain special access, specified as string. Valid strings:
Valid actions:
'staff' -- global staff access.
def check_staff():
if perm != 'global':
debug("Deny: invalid permission '%s'", perm)
return False
return _has_global_staff_access(user)
checkers = {
'staff': check_staff
return _dispatch(checkers, action, user, perm)
##### Internal helper methods below
def _dispatch(table, action, user, obj):
......@@ -266,6 +293,15 @@ def _course_staff_group_name(location):
return 'staff_%s' % Location(location).course
def _has_global_staff_access(user):
if user.is_staff:
debug("Allow: user.is_staff")
return True
debug("Deny: not user.is_staff")
return False
def _has_staff_access_to_location(user, location):
Returns True if the given user has staff access to a location. For now this
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ def get_course_by_id(course_id):
raise Http404("Course not found.")
def get_course_with_access(user, course_id, action):
Given a course_id, look up the corresponding course descriptor,
......@@ -142,6 +141,35 @@ def get_course_info_section(course, section_key):
raise KeyError("Invalid about key " + str(section_key))
# TODO: Fix this such that these are pulled in as extra course-specific tabs.
# arjun will address this by the end of October if no one does so prior to
# then.
def get_course_syllabus_section(course, section_key):
This returns the snippet of html to be rendered on the syllabus page,
given the key for the section.
Valid keys:
- syllabus
- guest_syllabus
# Many of these are stored as html files instead of some semantic
# markup. This can change without effecting this interface when we find a
# good format for defining so many snippets of text/html.
if section_key in ['syllabus', 'guest_syllabus']:
with"syllabus") / section_key + ".html") as htmlFile:
return replace_urls('utf-8'),
except ResourceNotFoundError:
log.exception("Missing syllabus section {key} in course {url}".format(
key=section_key, url=course.location.url()))
return "! Syllabus missing !"
raise KeyError("Invalid about key " + str(section_key))
def get_courses_by_university(user, domain=None):
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ def grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache=None):
output from the course grader, augmented with the final letter
grade. The keys in the output are:
course: a CourseDescriptor
- grade : A final letter grade.
- percent : The final percent for the class (rounded up).
- section_breakdown : A breakdown of each section that makes
......@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ def grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache=None):
grading_context = course.grading_context
if student_module_cache == None:
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(student, grading_context['all_descriptors'])
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(, student, grading_context['all_descriptors'])
totaled_scores = {}
# This next complicated loop is just to collect the totaled_scores, which is
......@@ -56,7 +58,8 @@ def grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache=None):
should_grade_section = False
# If we haven't seen a single problem in the section, we don't have to grade it at all! We can assume 0%
for moduledescriptor in section['xmoduledescriptors']:
if student_module_cache.lookup(moduledescriptor.category, moduledescriptor.location.url() ):
if student_module_cache.lookup(, moduledescriptor.category, moduledescriptor.location.url()):
should_grade_section = True
......@@ -64,10 +67,9 @@ def grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache=None):
scores = []
# TODO: We need the request to pass into here. If we could forgo that, our arguments
# would be simpler
course_id = CourseDescriptor.location_to_id(course.location)
section_module = get_module(student, request,
section_descriptor.location, student_module_cache,
if section_module is None:
# student doesn't have access to this module, or something else
# went wrong.
......@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ def grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache=None):
# TODO: We may be able to speed this up by only getting a list of children IDs from section_module
# Then, we may not need to instatiate any problems if they are already in the database
for module in yield_module_descendents(section_module):
(correct, total) = get_score(student, module, student_module_cache)
(correct, total) = get_score(, student, module, student_module_cache)
if correct is None and total is None:
......@@ -171,7 +173,9 @@ def progress_summary(student, course, grader, student_module_cache):
graded = s.metadata.get('graded', False)
scores = []
for module in yield_module_descendents(s):
(correct, total) = get_score(student, module, student_module_cache)
# course is a module, not a descriptor...
course_id =
(correct, total) = get_score(course_id, student, module, student_module_cache)
if correct is None and total is None:
......@@ -200,7 +204,7 @@ def progress_summary(student, course, grader, student_module_cache):
return chapters
def get_score(user, problem, student_module_cache):
def get_score(course_id, user, problem, student_module_cache):
Return the score for a user on a problem, as a tuple (correct, total).
......@@ -215,10 +219,11 @@ def get_score(user, problem, student_module_cache):
correct = 0.0
# If the ID is not in the cache, add the item
instance_module = get_instance_module(user, problem, student_module_cache)
instance_module = get_instance_module(course_id, user, problem, student_module_cache)
# instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(problem.category,
# if instance_module is None:
# instance_module = StudentModule(module_type=problem.category,
# course_id=????,
# student=user,
# state=None,
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
# TODO (cpennington): Get coursename in a legitimate way
course_location = 'i4x://edx/6002xs12/course/6.002_Spring_2012'
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
sample_user, modulestore().get_item(course_location))
course = get_module(sample_user, None, course_location, student_module_cache)
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
# NOTE (vshnayder): This constraint has the wrong field order, so it doesn't actually
# do anything in sqlite. Migration 0004 actually removes this index for sqlite.
# Removing unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['module_id', 'module_type', 'student']
db.delete_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['module_id', 'module_type', 'student_id'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from south.db import db
from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
from django.db import models
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
# Adding field 'StudentModule.course_id'
db.add_column('courseware_studentmodule', 'course_id','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default="", max_length=255, db_index=True),
# Removing unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['module_id', 'student']
db.delete_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['module_id', 'student_id'])
# NOTE: manually remove this constaint (from 0001)--0003 tries, but fails for sqlite.
# Removing unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['module_id', 'module_type', 'student']
if db.backend_name == "sqlite3":
db.delete_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['student_id', 'module_id', 'module_type'])
# Adding unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['course_id', 'module_state_key', 'student']
db.create_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['student_id', 'module_id', 'course_id'])
def backwards(self, orm):
# Removing unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['studnet_id', 'module_state_key', 'course_id']
db.delete_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['student_id', 'module_id', 'course_id'])
# Deleting field 'StudentModule.course_id'
db.delete_column('courseware_studentmodule', 'course_id')
# Adding unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['module_id', 'student']
db.create_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['module_id', 'student_id'])
# Adding unique constraint on 'StudentModule', fields ['module_id', 'module_type', 'student']
db.create_unique('courseware_studentmodule', ['student_id', 'module_id', 'module_type'])
models = {
'': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'},
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}),
'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'})
'auth.permission': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'},
'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'})
'auth.user': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'},
'about': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
'avatar_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'n'", 'max_length': '1'}),
'bronze': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'consecutive_days_visit_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'country': ('django_countries.fields.CountryField', [], {'max_length': '2', 'blank': 'True'}),
'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
'date_of_birth': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'display_tag_filter_strategy': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}),
'email_isvalid': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'email_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'null': 'True'}),
'email_tag_filter_strategy': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '1'}),
'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}),
'gold': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'gravatar': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}),
'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'ignored_tags': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
'interesting_tags': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}),
'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}),
'last_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
'location': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
'new_response_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}),
'questions_per_page': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '10'}),
'real_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
'reputation': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '1'}),
'seen_response_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'show_country': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'silver': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'status': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'w'", 'max_length': '2'}),
'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}),
'website': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'})
'contenttypes.contenttype': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"},
'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'})
'courseware.studentmodule': {
'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('course_id', 'student', 'module_state_key'),)", 'object_name': 'StudentModule'},
'course_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'done': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'na'", 'max_length': '8', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'grade': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'max_grade': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'module_state_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_column': "'module_id'", 'db_index': 'True'}),
'module_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'problem'", 'max_length': '32', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'state': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'student': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']"})
complete_apps = ['courseware']
......@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class StudentModule(models.Model):
Keeps student state for a particular module in a particular course.
# For a homework problem, contains a JSON
# object consisting of state
MODULE_TYPES = (('problem', 'problem'),
......@@ -37,9 +40,10 @@ class StudentModule(models.Model):
# Filename for homeworks, etc.
module_state_key = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True, db_column='module_id')
student = models.ForeignKey(User, db_index=True)
course_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
class Meta:
unique_together = (('student', 'module_state_key'),)
unique_together = (('student', 'module_state_key', 'course_id'),)
## Internal state of the object
state = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
......@@ -57,7 +61,8 @@ class StudentModule(models.Model):
modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, db_index=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return '/'.join([self.module_type, self.student.username, self.module_state_key, str(self.state)[:20]])
return '/'.join([self.course_id, self.module_type,
self.student.username, self.module_state_key, str(self.state)[:20]])
# TODO (cpennington): Remove these once the LMS switches to using XModuleDescriptors
......@@ -67,20 +72,20 @@ class StudentModuleCache(object):
A cache of StudentModules for a specific student
def __init__(self, user, descriptors, select_for_update=False):
def __init__(self, course_id, user, descriptors, select_for_update=False):
Find any StudentModule objects that are needed by any descriptor
in descriptors. Avoids making multiple queries to the database.
Note: Only modules that have store_state = True or have shared
state will have a StudentModule.
user: The user for which to fetch maching StudentModules
descriptors: An array of XModuleDescriptors.
select_for_update: Flag indicating whether the rows should be locked until end of transaction
if user.is_authenticated():
module_ids = self._get_module_state_keys(descriptors)
module_ids = self._get_module_state_keys(descriptors)
# This works around a limitation in sqlite3 on the number of parameters
# that can be put into a single query
......@@ -89,78 +94,86 @@ class StudentModuleCache(object):
for id_chunk in [module_ids[i:i + chunk_size] for i in xrange(0, len(module_ids), chunk_size)]:
if select_for_update:
self.cache = []
def cache_for_descriptor_descendents(cls, user, descriptor, depth=None, descriptor_filter=lambda descriptor: True, select_for_update=False):
def cache_for_descriptor_descendents(cls, course_id, user, descriptor, depth=None,
descriptor_filter=lambda descriptor: True,
course_id: the course in the context of which we want StudentModules.
user: the django user for whom to load modules.
descriptor: An XModuleDescriptor
depth is the number of levels of descendent modules to load StudentModules for, in addition to
the supplied descriptor. If depth is None, load all descendent StudentModules
descriptor_filter is a function that accepts a descriptor and return wether the StudentModule
descriptor_filter is a function that accepts a descriptor and return wether the StudentModule
should be cached
select_for_update: Flag indicating whether the rows should be locked until end of transaction
def get_child_descriptors(descriptor, depth, descriptor_filter):
if descriptor_filter(descriptor):
descriptors = [descriptor]
descriptors = []
if depth is None or depth > 0:
new_depth = depth - 1 if depth is not None else depth
for child in descriptor.get_children():
descriptors.extend(get_child_descriptors(child, new_depth, descriptor_filter))
return descriptors
descriptors = get_child_descriptors(descriptor, depth, descriptor_filter)
return StudentModuleCache(user, descriptors, select_for_update)
return StudentModuleCache(course_id, user, descriptors, select_for_update)
def _get_module_state_keys(self, descriptors):
Get a list of the state_keys needed for StudentModules
required for this module descriptor
descriptor_filter is a function that accepts a descriptor and return wether the StudentModule
descriptor_filter is a function that accepts a descriptor and return wether the StudentModule
should be cached
keys = []
for descriptor in descriptors:
if descriptor.stores_state:
shared_state_key = getattr(descriptor, 'shared_state_key', None)
if shared_state_key is not None:
return keys
def lookup(self, module_type, module_state_key):
def lookup(self, course_id, module_type, module_state_key):
Look for a student module with the given type and id in the cache.
Look for a student module with the given course_id, type, and id in the cache.
cache -- list of student modules
returns first found object, or None
for o in self.cache:
if o.module_type == module_type and o.module_state_key == module_state_key:
if (o.course_id == course_id and
o.module_type == module_type and
o.module_state_key == module_state_key):
return o
return None
......@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ def toc_for_course(user, request, course, active_chapter, active_section, course
None if this is not the case.
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(user, course, depth=2)
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
course_id, user, course, depth=2)
course = get_module(user, request, course.location, student_module_cache, course_id)
chapters = list()
......@@ -159,14 +160,16 @@ def get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, course_id, positio
shared_module = None
if user.is_authenticated():
if descriptor.stores_state:
instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(descriptor.category,
instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(
course_id, descriptor.category, descriptor.location.url())
shared_state_key = getattr(descriptor, 'shared_state_key', None)
if shared_state_key is not None:
shared_module = student_module_cache.lookup(descriptor.category,
shared_module = student_module_cache.lookup(course_id,
instance_state = instance_module.state if instance_module is not None else None
shared_state = shared_module.state if shared_module is not None else None
......@@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ def get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, course_id, positio
return module
def get_instance_module(user, module, student_module_cache):
def get_instance_module(course_id, user, module, student_module_cache):
Returns instance_module is a StudentModule specific to this module for this student,
or None if this is an anonymous user
......@@ -251,11 +254,12 @@ def get_instance_module(user, module, student_module_cache):
+ str( + " which does not store state.")
return None
instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(module.category,
instance_module = student_module_cache.lookup(
course_id, module.category, module.location.url())
if not instance_module:
instance_module = StudentModule(
......@@ -284,6 +288,7 @@ def get_shared_instance_module(course_id, user, module, student_module_cache):
if not shared_module:
shared_module = StudentModule(
......@@ -316,14 +321,14 @@ def xqueue_callback(request, course_id, userid, id, dispatch):
# Retrieve target StudentModule
user = User.objects.get(id=userid)
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(course_id,
user, modulestore().get_instance(course_id, id), depth=0, select_for_update=True)
instance = get_module(user, request, id, student_module_cache, course_id)
if instance is None:
log.debug("No module {0} for user {1}--access denied?".format(id, user))
raise Http404
instance_module = get_instance_module(user, instance, student_module_cache)
instance_module = get_instance_module(course_id, user, instance, student_module_cache)
if instance_module is None:
log.debug("Couldn't find instance of module '%s' for user '%s'", id, user)
......@@ -369,7 +374,7 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch, location, course_id):
# ''' (fix emacs broken parsing)
# Check for submitted files and basic file size checks
p = request.POST.dict()
p = request.POST.copy()
if request.FILES:
for fileinput_id in request.FILES.keys():
inputfiles = request.FILES.getlist(fileinput_id)
......@@ -386,7 +391,7 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch, location, course_id):
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': file_too_big_msg}))
p[fileinput_id] = inputfiles
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(course_id,
request.user, modulestore().get_instance(course_id, location))
instance = get_module(request.user, request, location, student_module_cache, course_id)
......@@ -396,7 +401,7 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch, location, course_id):
log.debug("No module {0} for user {1}--access denied?".format(location, user))
raise Http404
instance_module = get_instance_module(request.user, instance, student_module_cache)
instance_module = get_instance_module(course_id, request.user, instance, student_module_cache)
shared_module = get_shared_instance_module(course_id, request.user, instance, student_module_cache)
# Don't track state for anonymous users (who don't have student modules)
......@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ import logging
import urllib
import itertools
from functools import partial
from functools import partial
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.context_processors import csrf
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
......@@ -21,6 +25,11 @@ from import (get_course_with_access, get_courses_by_universit
from models import StudentModuleCache
from module_render import toc_for_course, get_module, get_section
from student.models import UserProfile
from multicourse import multicourse_settings
from django_comment_client.utils import get_discussion_title
from student.models import UserTestGroup, CourseEnrollment
from util.cache import cache, cache_if_anonymous
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
......@@ -29,6 +38,11 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import InvalidLocationError, ItemNotFoundError, NoPathToItem
from import path_to_location
import comment_client
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
template_imports = {'urllib': urllib}
......@@ -135,8 +149,7 @@ def index(request, course_id, chapter=None, section=None,
section_descriptor = get_section(course, chapter, section)
if section_descriptor is not None:
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
course_id, request.user, section_descriptor)
module = get_module(request.user, request,
student_module_cache, course_id)
......@@ -219,6 +232,19 @@ def course_info(request, course_id):
return render_to_response('courseware/info.html', {'course': course,
'staff_access': staff_access,})
# TODO arjun: remove when custom tabs in place, see courseware/
def syllabus(request, course_id):
Display the course's syllabus.html, or 404 if there is no such course.
Assumes the course_id is in a valid format.
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
staff_access = has_access(request.user, course, 'staff')
return render_to_response('courseware/syllabus.html', {'course': course,
'staff_access': staff_access,})
def registered_for_course(course, user):
'''Return CourseEnrollment if user is registered for course, else False'''
......@@ -256,6 +282,26 @@ def university_profile(request, org_id):
return render_to_response(template_file, context)
def render_notifications(request, course, notifications):
context = {
'notifications': notifications,
'get_discussion_title': partial(get_discussion_title, request=request, course=course),
'course': course,
return render_to_string('notifications.html', context)
def news(request, course_id):
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
notifications = comment_client.get_notifications(
context = {
'course': course,
'content': render_notifications(request, course, notifications),
return render_to_response('news.html', context)
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
......@@ -276,7 +322,8 @@ def progress(request, course_id, student_id=None):
raise Http404
student = User.objects.get(id=int(student_id))
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(request.user, course)
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
course_id, request.user, course)
course_module = get_module(request.user, request, course.location,
student_module_cache, course_id)
......@@ -346,4 +393,3 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
context = {'course': course,
'staff_access': True,}
return render_to_response('courseware/instructor_dashboard.html', context)
# call some function from permissions so that the post_save hook is imported
from permissions import assign_default_role
from django.conf.urls.defaults import url, patterns
import django_comment_client.base.views
urlpatterns = patterns('django_comment_client.base.views',
url(r'upload$', 'upload', name='upload'),
url(r'users/(?P<user_id>\w+)/update_moderator_status$', 'update_moderator_status', name='update_moderator_status'),
url(r'threads/tags/autocomplete$', 'tags_autocomplete', name='tags_autocomplete'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/update$', 'update_thread', name='update_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/reply$', 'create_comment', name='create_comment'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/delete', 'delete_thread', name='delete_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/upvote$', 'vote_for_thread', {'value': 'up'}, name='upvote_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/downvote$', 'vote_for_thread', {'value': 'down'}, name='downvote_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/unvote$', 'undo_vote_for_thread', name='undo_vote_for_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/follow$', 'follow_thread', name='follow_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/unfollow$', 'unfollow_thread', name='unfollow_thread'),
url(r'threads/(?P<thread_id>[\w\-]+)/close$', 'openclose_thread', name='openclose_thread'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/update$', 'update_comment', name='update_comment'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/endorse$', 'endorse_comment', name='endorse_comment'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/reply$', 'create_sub_comment', name='create_sub_comment'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/delete$', 'delete_comment', name='delete_comment'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/upvote$', 'vote_for_comment', {'value': 'up'}, name='upvote_comment'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/downvote$', 'vote_for_comment', {'value': 'down'}, name='downvote_comment'),
url(r'comments/(?P<comment_id>[\w\-]+)/unvote$', 'undo_vote_for_comment', name='undo_vote_for_comment'),
url(r'(?P<commentable_id>[\w\-]+)/threads/create$', 'create_thread', name='create_thread'),
# TODO should we search within the board?
url(r'(?P<commentable_id>[\w\-]+)/threads/search_similar$', 'search_similar_threads', name='search_similar_threads'),
url(r'(?P<commentable_id>[\w\-]+)/follow$', 'follow_commentable', name='follow_commentable'),
url(r'(?P<commentable_id>[\w\-]+)/unfollow$', 'unfollow_commentable', name='unfollow_commentable'),
from django.conf.urls.defaults import url, patterns
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'users/(?P<user_id>\w+)$', 'user_profile', name='user_profile'),
url(r'(?P<discussion_id>\w+)/threads/(?P<thread_id>\w+)$', 'single_thread', name='single_thread'),
url(r'(?P<discussion_id>\w+)/inline$', 'inline_discussion', name='inline_discussion'),
url(r'', 'forum_form_discussion', name='forum_form_discussion'),
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.core.context_processors import csrf
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string
from import get_course_with_access
from courseware.access import has_access
from urllib import urlencode
from django_comment_client.permissions import check_permissions_by_view
from django_comment_client.utils import merge_dict, extract, strip_none
import json
import dateutil
import django_comment_client.utils as utils
import comment_client as cc
def _general_discussion_id(course_id):
return course_id.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_')
def _should_perform_search(request):
return bool(request.GET.get('text', False) or \
request.GET.get('tags', False))
def render_accordion(request, course, discussion_id):
discussion_info = utils.get_categorized_discussion_info(request, course)
context = {
'course': course,
'discussion_info': discussion_info,
'active': discussion_id,
'csrf': csrf(request)['csrf_token'],
return render_to_string('discussion/_accordion.html', context)
def render_discussion(request, course_id, threads, *args, **kwargs):
discussion_id = kwargs.get('discussion_id')
user_id = kwargs.get('user_id')
discussion_type = kwargs.get('discussion_type', 'inline')
query_params = kwargs.get('query_params', {})
template = {
'inline': 'discussion/_inline.html',
'forum': 'discussion/_forum.html',
'user': 'discussion/_user_active_threads.html',
base_url = {
'inline': (lambda: reverse('', args=[course_id, discussion_id])),
'forum': (lambda: reverse('', args=[course_id])),
'user': (lambda: reverse('', args=[course_id, user_id])),
annotated_content_infos = map(lambda x: utils.get_annotated_content_infos(course_id, x, request.user), threads)
annotated_content_info = reduce(merge_dict, annotated_content_infos, {})
context = {
'threads': threads,
'discussion_id': discussion_id,
'user_id': user_id,
'user_info': json.dumps(cc.User.from_django_user(request.user).to_dict()),
'course_id': course_id,
'request': request,
'performed_search': _should_perform_search(request),
'pages_nearby_delta': PAGES_NEARBY_DELTA,
'discussion_type': discussion_type,
'base_url': base_url,
'query_params': strip_none(extract(query_params, ['page', 'sort_key', 'sort_order', 'tags', 'text'])),
'annotated_content_info': json.dumps(annotated_content_info),
context = dict(context.items() + query_params.items())
return render_to_string(template, context)
def render_inline_discussion(*args, **kwargs):
return render_discussion(discussion_type='inline', *args, **kwargs)
def render_forum_discussion(*args, **kwargs):
return render_discussion(discussion_type='forum', *args, **kwargs)
def render_user_discussion(*args, **kwargs):
return render_discussion(discussion_type='user', *args, **kwargs)
def get_threads(request, course_id, discussion_id=None):
default_query_params = {
'page': 1,
'per_page': THREADS_PER_PAGE,
'sort_key': 'activity',
'sort_order': 'desc',
'text': '',
'tags': '',
'commentable_id': discussion_id,
'course_id': course_id,
query_params = merge_dict(default_query_params,
strip_none(extract(request.GET, ['page', 'sort_key', 'sort_order', 'text', 'tags'])))
threads, page, num_pages =
query_params['page'] = page
query_params['num_pages'] = num_pages
return threads, query_params
# discussion per page is fixed for now
def inline_discussion(request, course_id, discussion_id):
threads, query_params = get_threads(request, course_id, discussion_id)
html = render_inline_discussion(request, course_id, threads, discussion_id=discussion_id, \
return utils.HtmlResponse(html)
def render_search_bar(request, course_id, discussion_id=None, text=''):
if not discussion_id:
return ''
context = {
'discussion_id': discussion_id,
'text': text,
'course_id': course_id,
return render_to_string('discussion/_search_bar.html', context)
def forum_form_discussion(request, course_id):
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
threads, query_params = get_threads(request, course_id)
content = render_forum_discussion(request, course_id, threads, discussion_id=_general_discussion_id(course_id), query_params=query_params)
recent_active_threads = cc.search_recent_active_threads(
trending_tags = cc.search_trending_tags(
if request.is_ajax():
return utils.HtmlResponse(content)
context = {
'csrf': csrf(request)['csrf_token'],
'course': course,
'content': content,
'recent_active_threads': recent_active_threads,
'trending_tags': trending_tags,
'staff_access' : has_access(request.user, course, 'staff'),
# print "start rendering.."
return render_to_response('discussion/index.html', context)
def render_single_thread(request, discussion_id, course_id, thread_id):
thread = cc.Thread.find(thread_id).retrieve(recursive=True)
annotated_content_info = utils.get_annotated_content_infos(course_id, thread=thread.to_dict(), user=request.user)
context = {
'discussion_id': discussion_id,
'thread': thread,
'user_info': json.dumps(cc.User.from_django_user(request.user).to_dict()),
'annotated_content_info': json.dumps(annotated_content_info),
'course_id': course_id,
'request': request,
return render_to_string('discussion/_single_thread.html', context)
def single_thread(request, course_id, discussion_id, thread_id):
if request.is_ajax():
thread = cc.Thread.find(thread_id).retrieve(recursive=True)
annotated_content_info = utils.get_annotated_content_infos(course_id, thread, request.user)
context = {'thread': thread.to_dict(), 'course_id': course_id}
html = render_to_string('discussion/_ajax_single_thread.html', context)
return utils.JsonResponse({
'html': html,
'annotated_content_info': annotated_content_info,
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
context = {
'discussion_id': discussion_id,
'csrf': csrf(request)['csrf_token'],
'init': '',
'content': render_single_thread(request, discussion_id, course_id, thread_id),
'accordion': render_accordion(request, course, discussion_id),
'course': course,
return render_to_response('discussion/index.html', context)
def user_profile(request, course_id, user_id):
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
profiled_user = cc.User(id=user_id, course_id=course_id)
query_params = {
'page': request.GET.get('page', 1),
'per_page': THREADS_PER_PAGE, # more than threads_per_page to show more activities
threads, page, num_pages = profiled_user.active_threads(query_params)
query_params['page'] = page
query_params['num_pages'] = num_pages
content = render_user_discussion(request, course_id, threads, user_id=user_id, query_params=query_params)
if request.is_ajax():
return utils.HtmlResponse(content)
context = {
'course': course,
'user': request.user,
'django_user': User.objects.get(id=user_id),
'profiled_user': profiled_user.to_dict(),
'content': content,
return render_to_response('discussion/user_profile.html', context)
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
from utils import *
from mustache_helpers import mustache_helpers
from functools import partial
import pystache_custom as pystache
import urllib
def pluralize(singular_term, count):
if int(count) >= 2:
return singular_term + 's'
return singular_term
def show_if(text, condition):
if condition:
return text
return ''
def render_content(content, additional_context={}):
content_info = {
'displayed_title': content.get('highlighted_title') or content.get('title', ''),
'displayed_body': content.get('highlighted_body') or content.get('body', ''),
'raw_tags': ','.join(content.get('tags', [])),
context = {
'content': merge_dict(content, content_info),
content['type']: True,
context = merge_dict(context, additional_context)
partial_mustache_helpers = {k: partial(v, content) for k, v in mustache_helpers.items()}
context = merge_dict(context, partial_mustache_helpers)
return render_mustache('discussion/_content.mustache', context)
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django_comment_client.models import Permission, Role
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = 'user role course_id'
help = 'Assign a role to a user'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
role = Role.objects.get(name=args[1], course_id=args[2])
if '@' in args[0]:
user = User.objects.get(email=args[0])
user = User.objects.get(username=args[0])
\ No newline at end of file
This must be run only after!
Creates default roles for all users currently in the database. Just runs through
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from django_comment_client.permissions import assign_default_role
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = 'course_id'
help = 'Seed default permisssions and roles'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if len(args) != 0:
raise CommandError("This Command takes no arguments")
print "Updated roles for ",
for i, enrollment in enumerate(CourseEnrollment.objects.all(), start=1):
assign_default_role(None, enrollment)
if i % 1000 == 0:
print "{0}...".format(i),
\ No newline at end of file
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django_comment_client.models import Permission, Role
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = 'course_id'
help = 'Seed default permisssions and roles'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if len(args) != 1:
raise CommandError("The number of arguments does not match. ")
course_id = args[0]
administrator_role = Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Administrator", course_id=course_id)[0]
moderator_role = Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Moderator", course_id=course_id)[0]
student_role = Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Student", course_id=course_id)[0]
for per in ["vote", "update_thread", "follow_thread", "unfollow_thread",
"update_comment", "create_sub_comment", "unvote" , "create_thread",
"follow_commentable", "unfollow_commentable", "create_comment", ]:
for per in ["edit_content", "delete_thread", "openclose_thread",
"endorse_comment", "delete_comment"]:
for per in ["manage_moderator"]:
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django_comment_client.models import Permission, Role
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = 'user'
help = "Show a user's roles and permissions"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
print args
if len(args) != 1:
raise CommandError("The number of arguments does not match. ")
if '@' in args[0]:
user = User.objects.get(email=args[0])
user = User.objects.get(username=args[0])
except User.DoesNotExist:
print "User %s does not exist. " % args[0]
print "Available users: "
print User.objects.all()
roles = user.roles.all()
print "%s has %d roles:" % (user, len(roles))
for role in roles:
print "\t%s" % role
for role in roles:
print "%s has permissions: " % role
print role.permissions.all()
from comment_client import CommentClientError
from django_comment_client.utils import JsonError
import json
class AjaxExceptionMiddleware(object):
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
if isinstance(exception, CommentClientError) and request.is_ajax():
return JsonError(json.loads(exception.message))
return None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from south.db import db
from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
from django.db import models
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
# Adding model 'Role'
db.create_table('django_comment_client_role', (
('course_id','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(db_index=True, max_length=255, blank=True)),
db.send_create_signal('django_comment_client', ['Role'])
# Adding M2M table for field users on 'Role'
db.create_table('django_comment_client_role_users', (
('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
('role', models.ForeignKey(orm['django_comment_client.role'], null=False)),
('user', models.ForeignKey(orm['auth.user'], null=False))
db.create_unique('django_comment_client_role_users', ['role_id', 'user_id'])
# Adding model 'Permission'
db.create_table('django_comment_client_permission', (
('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=30, primary_key=True)),
db.send_create_signal('django_comment_client', ['Permission'])
# Adding M2M table for field roles on 'Permission'
db.create_table('django_comment_client_permission_roles', (
('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
('permission', models.ForeignKey(orm['django_comment_client.permission'], null=False)),
('role', models.ForeignKey(orm['django_comment_client.role'], null=False))
db.create_unique('django_comment_client_permission_roles', ['permission_id', 'role_id'])
def backwards(self, orm):
# Deleting model 'Role'
# Removing M2M table for field users on 'Role'
# Deleting model 'Permission'
# Removing M2M table for field roles on 'Permission'
models = {
'': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'},
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}),
'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'})
'auth.permission': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'},
'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'})
'auth.user': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'},
'about': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
'avatar_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'n'", 'max_length': '1'}),
'bronze': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'consecutive_days_visit_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'country': ('django_countries.fields.CountryField', [], {'max_length': '2', 'blank': 'True'}),
'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
'date_of_birth': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'display_tag_filter_strategy': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}),
'email_isvalid': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'email_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'null': 'True'}),
'email_tag_filter_strategy': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '1'}),
'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}),
'gold': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'gravatar': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}),
'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'ignored_tags': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
'interesting_tags': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}),
'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}),
'last_seen': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
'location': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
'new_response_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}),
'questions_per_page': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '10'}),
'real_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
'reputation': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '1'}),
'seen_response_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'show_country': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'silver': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
'status': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'w'", 'max_length': '2'}),
'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}),
'website': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'})
'contenttypes.contenttype': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"},
'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'})
'django_comment_client.permission': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Permission'},
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'primary_key': 'True'}),
'roles': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'related_name': "'permissions'", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['django_comment_client.Role']"})
'django_comment_client.role': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Role'},
'course_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30'}),
'users': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'related_name': "'roles'", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['auth.User']"})
complete_apps = ['django_comment_client']
\ No newline at end of file
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import logging
class Role(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=False, blank=False)
users = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name="roles")
course_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, db_index=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return + " for " + (self.course_id if self.course_id else "all courses")
def inherit_permissions(self, role): # TODO the name of this method is a little bit confusing,
# since it's one-off and doesn't handle inheritance later
if role.course_id and role.course_id != self.course_id:
logging.warning("%s cannot inheret permissions from %s due to course_id inconsistency" %
(self, role))
for per in role.permissions.all():
def add_permission(self, permission):
def has_permission(self, permission):
return self.permissions.filter(name=permission).exists()
class Permission(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=False, blank=False, primary_key=True)
roles = models.ManyToManyField(Role, related_name="permissions")
def __unicode__(self):
import django.core.urlresolvers as urlresolvers
import urllib
import sys
import inspect
def pluralize(content, text):
num, word = text.split(' ')
if int(num or '0') >= 2:
return num + ' ' + word + 's'
return num + ' ' + word
def url_for_user(content, user_id):
return urlresolvers.reverse('', args=[content['course_id'], user_id])
def url_for_tags(content, tags): # assume that attribute 'tags' is in the format u'a, b, c'
return urlresolvers.reverse('', args=[content['course_id']]) + '?' + urllib.urlencode({'tags': tags})
def close_thread_text(content):
if content.get('closed'):
return 'Re-open thread'
return 'Close thread'
current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
all_functions = inspect.getmembers(current_module, inspect.isfunction)
mustache_helpers = {k: v for k, v in all_functions if not k.startswith('_')}
from .models import Role, Permission
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
import logging
from util.cache import cache
@receiver(post_save, sender=CourseEnrollment)
def assign_default_role(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if instance.user.is_staff:
role = Role.objects.get_or_create(course_id=instance.course_id, name="Moderator")[0]
role = Role.objects.get_or_create(course_id=instance.course_id, name="Student")[0]"assign_default_role: adding %s as %s" % (instance.user, role))
def cached_has_permission(user, permission, course_id=None):
Call has_permission if it's not cached. A change in a user's role or
a role's permissions will only become effective after CACHE_LIFESPAN seconds.
key = "permission_%d_%s_%s" % (, str(course_id), permission)
val = cache.get(key, None)
if val not in [True, False]:
val = has_permission(user, permission, course_id=course_id)
cache.set(key, val, CACHE_LIFESPAN)
return val
def has_permission(user, permission, course_id=None):
for role in user.roles.filter(course_id=course_id):
if role.has_permission(permission):
return True
return False
CONDITIONS = ['is_open', 'is_author']
def check_condition(user, condition, course_id, data):
def check_open(user, condition, course_id, data):
return data and not data['content']['closed']
except KeyError:
return False
def check_author(user, condition, course_id, data):
return data and data['content']['user_id'] == str(
except KeyError:
return False
handlers = {
'is_open' : check_open,
'is_author' : check_author,
return handlers[condition](user, condition, course_id, data)
def check_conditions_permissions(user, permissions, course_id, **kwargs):
Accepts a list of permissions and proceed if any of the permission is valid.
Note that ["can_view", "can_edit"] will proceed if the user has either
"can_view" or "can_edit" permission. To use AND operator in between, wrap them in
a list.
def test(user, per, operator="or"):
if isinstance(per, basestring):
if per in CONDITIONS:
return check_condition(user, per, course_id, kwargs)
return cached_has_permission(user, per, course_id=course_id)
elif isinstance(per, list) and operator in ["and", "or"]:
results = [test(user, x, operator="and") for x in per]
if operator == "or":
return True in results
elif operator == "and":
return not False in results
return test(user, permissions, operator="or")
'update_thread' : ['edit_content', ['update_thread', 'is_open', 'is_author']],
'create_comment' : [["create_comment", "is_open"]],
'delete_thread' : ['delete_thread'],
'update_comment' : ['edit_content', ['update_comment', 'is_open', 'is_author']],
'endorse_comment' : ['endorse_comment'],
'openclose_thread' : ['openclose_thread'],
'create_sub_comment': [['create_sub_comment', 'is_open']],
'delete_comment' : ['delete_comment'],
'vote_for_comment' : [['vote', 'is_open']],
'undo_vote_for_comment': [['unvote', 'is_open']],
'vote_for_thread' : [['vote', 'is_open']],
'undo_vote_for_thread': [['unvote', 'is_open']],
'follow_thread' : ['follow_thread'],
'follow_commentable': ['follow_commentable'],
'follow_user' : ['follow_user'],
'unfollow_thread' : ['unfollow_thread'],
'unfollow_commentable': ['unfollow_commentable'],
'unfollow_user' : ['unfollow_user'],
'create_thread' : ['create_thread'],
'update_moderator_status' : ['manage_moderator'],
def check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, name):
except KeyError:
logging.warning("Permission for view named %s does not exist in" % name)
return check_conditions_permissions(user, p, course_id, content=content)
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from student.models import CourseEnrollment, \
replicate_enrollment_save, \
replicate_enrollment_delete, \
update_user_information, \
from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed, pre_delete, pre_save, post_delete, post_save
from django.dispatch.dispatcher import _make_id
import string
import random
from .permissions import has_permission
from .models import Role, Permission
class PermissionsTestCase(TestCase):
def random_str(self, length=15, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(length))
def setUp(self):
self.course_id = "MITx/6.002x/2012_Fall"
self.moderator_role = Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Moderator", course_id=self.course_id)[0]
self.student_role = Role.objects.get_or_create(name="Student", course_id=self.course_id)[0]
self.student = User.objects.create(username=self.random_str(),
password="123456", email="")
self.moderator = User.objects.create(username=self.random_str(),
password="123456", email="")
self.moderator.is_staff = True
self.student_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.create(user=self.student, course_id=self.course_id)
self.moderator_enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.create(user=self.moderator, course_id=self.course_id)
def tearDown(self):
# Do we need to have this? We shouldn't be deleting students, ever
# self.student.delete()
# self.moderator.delete()
def testDefaultRoles(self):
self.assertTrue(self.student_role in self.student.roles.all())
self.assertTrue(self.moderator_role in self.moderator.roles.all())
def testPermission(self):
name = self.random_str()
self.assertTrue(has_permission(self.moderator, name, self.course_id))
self.assertTrue(has_permission(self.student, name, self.course_id))
from django.conf.urls.defaults import url, patterns, include
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'forum/', include('')),
url(r'', include('django_comment_client.base.urls')),
from importlib import import_module
from courseware.models import StudentModuleCache
from courseware.module_render import get_module
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.db import connection
from django.conf import settings
from django_comment_client.permissions import check_permissions_by_view
from mitxmako import middleware
import logging
import operator
import itertools
import pystache_custom as pystache
def extract(dic, keys):
return {k: dic.get(k) for k in keys}
def strip_none(dic):
return dict([(k, v) for k, v in dic.iteritems() if v is not None])
def strip_blank(dic):
def _is_blank(v):
return isinstance(v, str) and len(v.strip()) == 0
return dict([(k, v) for k, v in dic.iteritems() if not _is_blank(v)])
def merge_dict(dic1, dic2):
return dict(dic1.items() + dic2.items())
def get_full_modules():
class_path = settings.MODULESTORE['default']['ENGINE']
module_path, _, class_name = class_path.rpartition('.')
class_ = getattr(import_module(module_path), class_name)
modulestore = class_(**dict(settings.MODULESTORE['default']['OPTIONS'].items() + [('eager', True)]))
_FULLMODULES = modulestore.modules
def get_categorized_discussion_info(request, course):
return a dict of the form {category: modules}
initialize_discussion_info(request, course)
return _DISCUSSIONINFO['categorized']
def get_discussion_title(request, course, discussion_id):
initialize_discussion_info(request, course)
title = _DISCUSSIONINFO['by_id'].get(discussion_id, {}).get('title', '(no title)')
return title
def initialize_discussion_info(request, course):
course_id =
_, course_name, _ = course_id.split('/')
user = request.user
url_course_id = course_id.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_')
_is_course_discussion = lambda x: x[0].dict()['category'] == 'discussion' \
and x[0].dict()['course'] == course_name
_get_module_descriptor = operator.itemgetter(1)
def _get_module(module_descriptor):
print module_descriptor
module = get_module(user, request, module_descriptor.location, student_module_cache)
return module
def _extract_info(module):
return {
'title': module.title,
'discussion_id': module.discussion_id,
'category': module.discussion_category,
def _pack_with_id(info):
return (info['discussion_id'], info)
discussion_module_descriptors = map(_get_module_descriptor,
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(user, course)
discussion_info = map(_extract_info, map(_get_module, discussion_module_descriptors))
_DISCUSSIONINFO['by_id'] = dict(map(_pack_with_id, discussion_info))
_DISCUSSIONINFO['categorized'] = dict((category, list(l)) \
for category, l in itertools.groupby(discussion_info, operator.itemgetter('category')))
_DISCUSSIONINFO['categorized']['General'] = [{
'title': 'General discussion',
'discussion_id': url_course_id,
'category': 'General',
class JsonResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, data=None):
content = simplejson.dumps(data)
super(JsonResponse, self).__init__(content,
mimetype='application/json; charset=utf8')
class JsonError(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, error_messages=[]):
if isinstance(error_messages, str):
error_messages = [error_messages]
content = simplejson.dumps({'errors': error_messages},
super(JsonError, self).__init__(content,
mimetype='application/json; charset=utf8', status=400)
class HtmlResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, html=''):
super(HtmlResponse, self).__init__(html, content_type='text/plain')
class ViewNameMiddleware(object):
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
request.view_name = view_func.__name__
class QueryCountDebugMiddleware(object):
This middleware will log the number of queries run
and the total time taken for each request (with a
status code of 200). It does not currently support
multi-db setups.
def process_response(self, request, response):
if response.status_code == 200:
total_time = 0
for query in connection.queries:
query_time = query.get('time')
if query_time is None:
# django-debug-toolbar monkeypatches the connection
# cursor wrapper and adds extra information in each
# item in connection.queries. The query time is stored
# under the key "duration" rather than "time" and is
# in milliseconds, not seconds.
query_time = query.get('duration', 0) / 1000
total_time += float(query_time)'%s queries run, total %s seconds' % (len(connection.queries), total_time))
return response
def get_annotated_content_info(course_id, content, user):
return {
'editable': check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, "update_thread" if content['type'] == 'thread' else "update_comment"),
'can_reply': check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, "create_comment" if content['type'] == 'thread' else "create_sub_comment"),
'can_endorse': check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, "endorse_comment") if content['type'] == 'comment' else False,
'can_delete': check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, "delete_thread" if content['type'] == 'thread' else "delete_comment"),
'can_openclose': check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, "openclose_thread") if content['type'] == 'thread' else False,
'can_vote': check_permissions_by_view(user, course_id, content, "vote_for_thread" if content['type'] == 'thread' else "vote_for_comment"),
def get_annotated_content_infos(course_id, thread, user):
infos = {}
def _annotate(content):
infos[str(content['id'])] = get_annotated_content_info(course_id, content, user)
for child in content.get('children', []):
return infos
def render_mustache(template_name, dictionary, *args, **kwargs):
template = middleware.lookup['main'].get_template(template_name).source
return pystache.render(template, dictionary)
......@@ -6,41 +6,53 @@
import os, sys, string, re
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = ''
from import *
except Exception as err:
print "Run this script from the top-level mitx directory (mitx_all/mitx), not a subdirectory."
from import BaseCommand
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from path import path
from lxml import etree
data_dir = settings.DATA_DIR
print "data_dir = %s" % data_dir
def create_groups():
Create staff and instructor groups for all classes in the data_dir
data_dir = settings.DATA_DIR
print "data_dir = %s" % data_dir
for course_dir in os.listdir(data_dir):
for course_dir in os.listdir(data_dir):
# print course_dir
if not os.path.isdir(path(data_dir) / course_dir):
if course_dir.startswith('.'):
if not os.path.isdir(path(data_dir) / course_dir):
cxfn = path(data_dir) / course_dir / 'course.xml'
coursexml = etree.parse(cxfn)
except Exception as err:
print "Oops, cannot read %s, skipping" % cxfn
cxmlroot = coursexml.getroot()
course = cxmlroot.get('course') # TODO (vshnayder!!): read metadata from policy file(s) instead of from course.xml
if course is None:
print "oops, can't get course id for %s" % course_dir
print "course=%s for course_dir=%s" % (course,course_dir)
cxfn = path(data_dir) / course_dir / 'course.xml'
coursexml = etree.parse(cxfn)
cxmlroot = coursexml.getroot()
course = cxmlroot.get('course')
if course is None:
print "oops, can't get course id for %s" % course_dir
print "course=%s for course_dir=%s" % (course,course_dir)
gname = 'staff_%s' % course
create_group('staff_%s' % course) # staff group
create_group('instructor_%s' % course) # instructor group (can manage staff group list)
def create_group(gname):
if Group.objects.filter(name=gname):
print "group exists for %s" % gname
print " group exists for %s" % gname
g = Group(name=gname)
print "created group %s" % gname
print " created group %s" % gname
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Create groups associated with all courses in data_dir."
def handle(self, *args, **options):
......@@ -8,21 +8,13 @@ import os, sys, string, re
import datetime
from getpass import getpass
import json
from random import choice
import readline
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = ''
from import *
except Exception as err:
print "Run this script from the top-level mitx directory (mitx_all/mitx), not a subdirectory."
from import BaseCommand
from student.models import UserProfile, Registration
from external_auth.models import ExternalAuthMap
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from random import choice
class MyCompleter(object): # Custom completer
......@@ -47,103 +39,108 @@ def GenPasswd(length=8, chars=string.letters + string.digits):
return ''.join([choice(chars) for i in range(length)])
# main
# main command
while True:
uname = raw_input('username: ')
if User.objects.filter(username=uname):
print "username %s already taken" % uname
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Create user, interactively; can add ExternalAuthMap for MIT user if email@MIT.EDU resolves properly."
make_eamap = False
if raw_input('Create MIT ExternalAuth? [n] ').lower()=='y':
email = '%s@MIT.EDU' % uname
if not email.endswith('@MIT.EDU'):
print "Failed - email must be @MIT.EDU"
mit_domain = 'ssl:MIT'
if ExternalAuthMap.objects.filter(external_id = email, external_domain = mit_domain):
print "Failed - email %s already exists as external_id" % email
make_eamap = True
password = GenPasswd(12)
# get name from kerberos
kname = os.popen("finger %s | grep 'name:'" % email).read().strip().split('name: ')[1].strip()
name = raw_input('Full name: [%s] ' % kname).strip()
if name=='':
name = kname
print "name = %s" % name
while True:
password = getpass()
password2 = getpass()
if password == password2:
print "Oops, passwords do not match, please retry"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
while True:
email = raw_input('email: ')
if User.objects.filter(email=email):
print "email %s already taken" % email
while True:
uname = raw_input('username: ')
if User.objects.filter(username=uname):
print "username %s already taken" % uname
make_eamap = False
if raw_input('Create MIT ExternalAuth? [n] ').lower()=='y':
email = '%s@MIT.EDU' % uname
if not email.endswith('@MIT.EDU'):
print "Failed - email must be @MIT.EDU"
mit_domain = 'ssl:MIT'
if ExternalAuthMap.objects.filter(external_id = email, external_domain = mit_domain):
print "Failed - email %s already exists as external_id" % email
make_eamap = True
password = GenPasswd(12)
# get name from kerberos
kname = os.popen("finger %s | grep 'name:'" % email).read().strip().split('name: ')[1].strip()
name = raw_input('Full name: [%s] ' % kname).strip()
if name=='':
name = kname
print "name = %s" % name
while True:
password = getpass()
password2 = getpass()
if password == password2:
print "Oops, passwords do not match, please retry"
name = raw_input('Full name: ')
while True:
email = raw_input('email: ')
if User.objects.filter(email=email):
print "email %s already taken" % email
name = raw_input('Full name: ')
user = User(username=uname, email=email, is_active=True)
except IntegrityError:
print "Oops, failed to create user %s, IntegrityError" % user
r = Registration()
up = UserProfile(user=user) = name
if make_eamap:
credentials = "/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/O=Massachusetts Institute of Technology/OU=Client CA v1/CN=%s/emailAddress=%s" % (name,email)
eamap = ExternalAuthMap(external_id = email,
external_email = email,
external_domain = mit_domain,
external_name = name,
internal_password = password,
external_credentials = json.dumps(credentials),
eamap.user = user
eamap.dtsignup =
print "User %s created successfully!" % user
if not raw_input('Add user %s to any groups? [n] ' % user).lower()=='y':
print "Here are the groups available:"
groups = [str( for g in Group.objects.all()]
print groups
completer = MyCompleter(groups)
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
while True:
gname = raw_input("Add group (tab to autocomplete, empty line to end): ")
if not gname:
if not gname in groups:
print "Unknown group %s" % gname
g = Group.objects.get(name=gname)
print "Added %s to group %s" % (user,g)
print "Done!"
user = User(username=uname, email=email, is_active=True)
except IntegrityError:
print "Oops, failed to create user %s, IntegrityError" % user
r = Registration()
up = UserProfile(user=user) = name
if make_eamap:
credentials = "/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/O=Massachusetts Institute of Technology/OU=Client CA v1/CN=%s/emailAddress=%s" % (name,email)
eamap = ExternalAuthMap(external_id = email,
external_email = email,
external_domain = mit_domain,
external_name = name,
internal_password = password,
external_credentials = json.dumps(credentials),
eamap.user = user
eamap.dtsignup =
print "User %s created successfully!" % user
if not raw_input('Add user %s to any groups? [n] ' % user).lower()=='y':
print "Here are the groups available:"
groups = [str( for g in Group.objects.all()]
print groups
completer = MyCompleter(groups)
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
while True:
gname = raw_input("Add group (tab to autocomplete, empty line to end): ")
if not gname:
if not gname in groups:
print "Unknown group %s" % gname
g = Group.objects.get(name=gname)
print "Added %s to group %s" % (user,g)
print "Done!"
......@@ -2,13 +2,21 @@
# migration tools for content team to go from stable-edx4edx to LMS+CMS
import json
import logging
import os
from pprint import pprint
import xmodule.modulestore.django as xmodule_django
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.conf import settings
import track.views
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
except ImportError:
from django.contrib.csrf.middleware import csrf_exempt
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.lms_migrate")
......@@ -18,6 +26,15 @@ def escape(s):
"""escape HTML special characters in string"""
return str(s).replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;')
def getip(request):
Extract IP address of requester from header, even if behind proxy
ip = request.META.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP','') # nginx reverse proxy
if not ip:
ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR','None')
return ip
def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
Manage the static in-memory modulestores.
......@@ -32,9 +49,7 @@ def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
# check on IP address of requester
ip = request.META.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP','') # nginx reverse proxy
if not ip:
ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR','None')
ip = getip(request)
html += '<h3>IP address: %s ' % ip
......@@ -48,7 +63,7 @@ def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
html += 'Permission denied'
html += "</body></html>"
log.debug('request denied, ALLOWED_IPS=%s' % ALLOWED_IPS)
return HttpResponse(html)
return HttpResponse(html, status=403)
# reload course if specified
......@@ -108,3 +123,66 @@ def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
html += "</body></html>"
return HttpResponse(html)
def gitreload(request, reload_dir=None):
This can be used as a github WebHook Service Hook, for reloading of the content repo used by the LMS.
If reload_dir is not None, then instruct the xml loader to reload that course directory.
html = "<html><body>"
ip = getip(request)
html += '<h3>IP address: %s ' % ip
html += '<h3>User: %s ' % request.user
ALLOWED_IPS = [] # allow none by default
if hasattr(settings,'ALLOWED_GITRELOAD_IPS'): # allow override in settings
if not (ip in ALLOWED_IPS or 'any' in ALLOWED_IPS):
if request.user and request.user.is_staff:
log.debug('request allowed because user=%s is staff' % request.user)
html += 'Permission denied'
html += "</body></html>"
log.debug('request denied from %s, ALLOWED_IPS=%s' % (ip,ALLOWED_IPS))
return HttpResponse(html)
# see if request is from github (POST with JSON)
if reload_dir is None and 'payload' in request.POST:
payload = request.POST['payload']
log.debug("payload=%s" % payload)
gitargs = json.loads(payload)
log.debug("gitargs=%s" % gitargs)
reload_dir = gitargs['repository']['name']
log.debug("github reload_dir=%s" % reload_dir)
gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / reload_dir
if not os.path.exists(gdir):
log.debug("====> ERROR in gitreload - no such directory %s" % reload_dir)
return HttpResponse('Error')
cmd = "cd %s; git reset --hard HEAD; git clean -f -d; git pull origin; chmod g+w course.xml" % gdir
if hasattr(settings,'GITRELOAD_HOOK'): # hit this hook after reload, if set
gh = settings.GITRELOAD_HOOK
if gh:
ghurl = '%s/%s' % (gh,reload_dir)
r = requests.get(ghurl)
log.debug("GITRELOAD_HOOK to %s: %s" % (ghurl, r.text))
# reload course if specified
if reload_dir is not None:
def_ms = modulestore()
if reload_dir not in
html += "<h2><font color='red'>Error: '%s' is not a valid course directory</font></h2>" % reload_dir
html += "<h2><font color='blue'>Reloaded course directory '%s'</font></h2>" % reload_dir
track.views.server_track(request, 'reloaded %s' % reload_dir, {}, page='migrate')
return HttpResponse(html)
......@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend'
SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage'
# Disable askbot, enable Berkeley forums
########################### NON-SECURE ENV CONFIG ##############################
# Things like server locations, ports, etc.
with open(ENV_ROOT / "env.json") as env_file:
......@@ -42,6 +47,7 @@ LOGGING = get_logger_config(LOG_DIR,
syslog_addr=(ENV_TOKENS['SYSLOG_SERVER'], 514),
############################## SECURE AUTH ITEMS ###############################
# Secret things: passwords, access keys, etc.
ASKBOT_URL = "courses/{0}/discussions/".format(ENV_TOKENS['COURSE_ID'])
......@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ import djcelery
from path import path
from .askbotsettings import * # this is where LIVESETTINGS_OPTIONS comes from
from .discussionsettings import *
################################### FEATURES ###################################
......@@ -54,8 +55,13 @@ MITX_FEATURES = {
# course_ids (see for an example)
# TODO: This will be removed once course-specific tabs are in place. see
# courseware/
......@@ -258,6 +264,14 @@ USE_L10N = True
# Messages
#################################### GITHUB #######################################
# gitreload is used in LMS-workflow to pull content from github
# gitreload requests are only allowed from these IP addresses, which are
# the advertised public IPs of the github WebHook servers.
# These are listed, eg at
#################################### AWS #######################################
# S3BotoStorage insists on a timeout for uploaded assets. We should make it
# permanent instead, but rather than trying to figure out exactly where that
......@@ -303,6 +317,7 @@ SIMPLE_WIKI_REQUIRE_LOGIN_VIEW = False
WIKI_EDITOR = 'course_wiki.editors.CodeMirror'
WIKI_SHOW_MAX_CHILDREN = 0 # We don't use the little menu that shows children of an article in the breadcrumb
WIKI_ANONYMOUS = False # Don't allow anonymous access until the styling is figured out
################################# Jasmine ###################################
......@@ -328,6 +343,7 @@ TEMPLATE_LOADERS = (
......@@ -350,6 +366,9 @@ MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (
# 'askbot.middleware.pagesize.QuestionsPageSizeMiddleware',
# 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware',
############################### Pipeline #######################################
......@@ -564,13 +583,16 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
'course_wiki', # Our customizations
# For testing
# Discussion
# For Askbot
......@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_LMS_MIGRATION'] = True
MITX_FEATURES['ACCESS_REQUIRE_STAFF_FOR_COURSE'] = False # require that user be in the staff_* group to be able to enroll
INSTALLED_APPS += ('lms_migration',)
################################ OpenID Auth #################################
......@@ -17,14 +17,19 @@ MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_TEXTBOOK'] = False
MITX_FEATURES['ACCESS_REQUIRE_STAFF_FOR_COURSE'] = True # require that user be in the staff_* group to be able to enroll
# MITX_FEATURES['USE_DJANGO_PIPELINE']=False # don't recompile scss
myhost = socket.gethostname()
if ('edxvm' in myhost) or ('ocw' in myhost):
MITX_FEATURES['DISABLE_LOGIN_BUTTON'] = True # auto-login with MIT certificate
MITX_FEATURES['USE_XQA_SERVER'] = '' # needs to be ssl or browser blocks it
MITX_FEATURES['USE_DJANGO_PIPELINE']=False # don't recompile scss
if ('domU' in myhost):
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
MITX_FEATURES['REROUTE_ACTIVATION_EMAIL'] = '' # nonempty string = address for all activation emails
MITX_FEATURES['USE_DJANGO_PIPELINE']=False # don't recompile scss
SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL', 'https') # django 1.4 for nginx ssl proxy
......@@ -33,4 +38,9 @@ SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL', 'https') # django 1.4 fo
INSTALLED_APPS = tuple([ app for app in INSTALLED_APPS if not app.startswith('debug_toolbar') ])
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = tuple([ mcl for mcl in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES if not mcl.startswith('debug_toolbar') ])
TEMPLATE_LOADERS = tuple([ app for app in TEMPLATE_LOADERS if not app.startswith('askbot') ])
#TEMPLATE_LOADERS = tuple([ app for app in TEMPLATE_LOADERS if not app.startswith('askbot') ])
#TEMPLATE_LOADERS = tuple([ app for app in TEMPLATE_LOADERS if not app.startswith('mitxmako') ])
DISCUSSION_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.bmp', '.png', '.tiff')
from comment_client import *
from utils import CommentClientError, CommentClientUnknownError
from utils import *
import models
import settings
class Comment(models.Model):
accessible_fields = [
'id', 'body', 'anonymous', 'course_id',
'endorsed', 'parent_id', 'thread_id',
'username', 'votes', 'user_id', 'closed',
'created_at', 'updated_at', 'depth',
'at_position_list', 'type',
updatable_fields = [
'body', 'anonymous', 'course_id', 'closed',
'user_id', 'endorsed',
initializable_fields = updatable_fields
base_url = "{prefix}/comments".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
type = 'comment'
def url_for_comments(cls, params={}):
if params.get('thread_id'):
return _url_for_thread_comments(params['thread_id'])
return _url_for_comment(params['parent_id'])
def url(cls, action, params={}):
if action in ['post']:
return cls.url_for_comments(params)
return super(Comment, cls).url(action, params)
def _url_for_thread_comments(thread_id):
return "{prefix}/threads/{thread_id}/comments".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, thread_id=thread_id)
def _url_for_comment(comment_id):
return "{prefix}/comments/{comment_id}".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, comment_id=comment_id)
from comment import Comment
from thread import Thread
from user import User
from commentable import Commentable
from utils import *
import settings
def search_similar_threads(course_id, recursive=False, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'course_id': course_id, 'recursive': recursive}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
return perform_request('get', _url_for_search_similar_threads(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def search_recent_active_threads(course_id, recursive=False, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'course_id': course_id, 'recursive': recursive}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
return perform_request('get', _url_for_search_recent_active_threads(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def search_trending_tags(course_id, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'course_id': course_id}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
return perform_request('get', _url_for_search_trending_tags(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def tags_autocomplete(value, *args, **kwargs):
return perform_request('get', _url_for_threads_tags_autocomplete(), {'value': value}, *args, **kwargs)
def _url_for_search_similar_threads():
return "{prefix}/search/threads/more_like_this".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
def _url_for_search_recent_active_threads():
return "{prefix}/search/threads/recent_active".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
def _url_for_search_trending_tags():
return "{prefix}/search/tags/trending".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
def _url_for_threads_tags_autocomplete():
return "{prefix}/threads/tags/autocomplete".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
from utils import *
import models
import settings
class Commentable(models.Model):
base_url = "{prefix}/commentables".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
type = 'commentable'
def delete_threads(commentable_id, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('delete', _url_for_commentable_threads(commentable_id), *args, **kwargs)
def get_threads(commentable_id, recursive=False, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'page': 1, 'per_page': 20, 'recursive': recursive}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
response = _perform_request('get', _url_for_threads(commentable_id), \
attributes, *args, **kwargs)
return response.get('collection', []), response.get('page', 1), response.get('num_pages', 1)
def search_threads(course_id, recursive=False, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'page': 1, 'per_page': 20, 'course_id': course_id, 'recursive': recursive}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
response = _perform_request('get', _url_for_search_threads(), \
attributes, *args, **kwargs)
return response.get('collection', []), response.get('page', 1), response.get('num_pages', 1)
def search_similar_threads(course_id, recursive=False, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'course_id': course_id, 'recursive': recursive}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_search_similar_threads(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def search_recent_active_threads(course_id, recursive=False, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'course_id': course_id, 'recursive': recursive}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_search_recent_active_threads(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def search_trending_tags(course_id, query_params={}, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'course_id': course_id}
attributes = dict(default_params.items() + query_params.items())
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_search_trending_tags(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def create_user(attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('post', _url_for_users(), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def update_user(user_id, attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('put', _url_for_user(user_id), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def get_threads_tags(*args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_threads_tags(), {}, *args, **kwargs)
def tags_autocomplete(value, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_threads_tags_autocomplete(), {'value': value}, *args, **kwargs)
def create_thread(commentable_id, attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('post', _url_for_threads(commentable_id), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def get_thread(thread_id, recursive=False, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_thread(thread_id), {'recursive': recursive}, *args, **kwargs)
def update_thread(thread_id, attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('put', _url_for_thread(thread_id), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def create_comment(thread_id, attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('post', _url_for_thread_comments(thread_id), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def delete_thread(thread_id, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('delete', _url_for_thread(thread_id), *args, **kwargs)
def get_comment(comment_id, recursive=False, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_comment(comment_id), {'recursive': recursive}, *args, **kwargs)
def update_comment(comment_id, attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('put', _url_for_comment(comment_id), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def create_sub_comment(comment_id, attributes, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('post', _url_for_comment(comment_id), attributes, *args, **kwargs)
def delete_comment(comment_id, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('delete', _url_for_comment(comment_id), *args, **kwargs)
def vote_for_comment(comment_id, user_id, value, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('put', _url_for_vote_comment(comment_id), {'user_id': user_id, 'value': value}, *args, **kwargs)
def undo_vote_for_comment(comment_id, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('delete', _url_for_vote_comment(comment_id), {'user_id': user_id}, *args, **kwargs)
def vote_for_thread(thread_id, user_id, value, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('put', _url_for_vote_thread(thread_id), {'user_id': user_id, 'value': value}, *args, **kwargs)
def undo_vote_for_thread(thread_id, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('delete', _url_for_vote_thread(thread_id), {'user_id': user_id}, *args, **kwargs)
def get_notifications(user_id, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_notifications(user_id), *args, **kwargs)
def get_user_info(user_id, complete=True, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('get', _url_for_user(user_id), {'complete': complete}, *args, **kwargs)
def subscribe(user_id, subscription_detail, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('post', _url_for_subscription(user_id), subscription_detail, *args, **kwargs)
def subscribe_user(user_id, followed_user_id, *args, **kwargs):
return subscribe(user_id, {'source_type': 'user', 'source_id': followed_user_id})
follow = subscribe_user
def subscribe_thread(user_id, thread_id, *args, **kwargs):
return subscribe(user_id, {'source_type': 'thread', 'source_id': thread_id})
def subscribe_commentable(user_id, commentable_id, *args, **kwargs):
return subscribe(user_id, {'source_type': 'other', 'source_id': commentable_id})
def unsubscribe(user_id, subscription_detail, *args, **kwargs):
return _perform_request('delete', _url_for_subscription(user_id), subscription_detail, *args, **kwargs)
def unsubscribe_user(user_id, followed_user_id, *args, **kwargs):
return unsubscribe(user_id, {'source_type': 'user', 'source_id': followed_user_id})
unfollow = unsubscribe_user
def unsubscribe_thread(user_id, thread_id, *args, **kwargs):
return unsubscribe(user_id, {'source_type': 'thread', 'source_id': thread_id})
def unsubscribe_commentable(user_id, commentable_id, *args, **kwargs):
return unsubscribe(user_id, {'source_type': 'other', 'source_id': commentable_id})
def _perform_request(method, url, data_or_params=None, *args, **kwargs):
if method in ['post', 'put', 'patch']:
response = requests.request(method, url, data=data_or_params)
response = requests.request(method, url, params=data_or_params)
if 200 < response.status_code < 500:
raise CommentClientError(response.text)
elif response.status_code == 500:
raise CommentClientUnknownError(response.text)
if kwargs.get("raw", False):
return response.text
return json.loads(response.text)
def _url_for_threads(commentable_id):
return "{prefix}/{commentable_id}/threads".format(prefix=PREFIX, commentable_id=commentable_id)
def _url_for_thread(thread_id):
return "{prefix}/threads/{thread_id}".format(prefix=PREFIX, thread_id=thread_id)
def _url_for_thread_comments(thread_id):
return "{prefix}/threads/{thread_id}/comments".format(prefix=PREFIX, thread_id=thread_id)
def _url_for_comment(comment_id):
return "{prefix}/comments/{comment_id}".format(prefix=PREFIX, comment_id=comment_id)
def _url_for_vote_comment(comment_id):
return "{prefix}/comments/{comment_id}/votes".format(prefix=PREFIX, comment_id=comment_id)
def _url_for_vote_thread(thread_id):
return "{prefix}/threads/{thread_id}/votes".format(prefix=PREFIX, thread_id=thread_id)
def _url_for_notifications(user_id):
return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/notifications".format(prefix=PREFIX, user_id=user_id)
def _url_for_subscription(user_id):
return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/subscriptions".format(prefix=PREFIX, user_id=user_id)
def _url_for_user(user_id):
return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}".format(prefix=PREFIX, user_id=user_id)
def _url_for_search_threads():
return "{prefix}/search/threads".format(prefix=PREFIX)
def _url_for_search_similar_threads():
return "{prefix}/search/threads/more_like_this".format(prefix=PREFIX)
def _url_for_search_recent_active_threads():
return "{prefix}/search/threads/recent_active".format(prefix=PREFIX)
def _url_for_search_trending_tags():
return "{prefix}/search/tags/trending".format(prefix=PREFIX)
def _url_for_threads_tags():
return "{prefix}/threads/tags".format(prefix=PREFIX)
def _url_for_threads_tags_autocomplete():
return "{prefix}/threads/tags/autocomplete".format(prefix=PREFIX)
def _url_for_users():
return "{prefix}/users".format(prefix=PREFIX)
from utils import *
class Model(object):
accessible_fields = ['id']
updatable_fields = ['id']
initializable_fields = ['id']
base_url = None
default_retrieve_params = {}
DEFAULT_ACTIONS_WITH_ID = ['get', 'put', 'delete']
DEFAULT_ACTIONS_WITHOUT_ID = ['get_all', 'post']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.attributes = extract(kwargs, self.accessible_fields)
self.retrieved = False
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'id':
return self.attributes.get('id', None)
return self.attributes[name]
except KeyError:
if self.retrieved or == None:
raise AttributeError("Field {0} does not exist".format(name))
return self.__getattr__(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == 'attributes' or name not in self.accessible_fields:
super(Model, self).__setattr__(name, value)
self.attributes[name] = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self.accessible_fields:
raise KeyError("Field {0} does not exist".format(key))
return self.attributes.get(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key not in self.accessible_fields:
raise KeyError("Field {0} does not exist".format(key))
self.attributes.__setitem__(key, value)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.attributes.get(*args, **kwargs)
def to_dict(self):
return self.attributes
def retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.retrieved:
self._retrieve(*args, **kwargs)
self.retrieved = True
return self
def _retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.url(action='get', params=self.attributes)
response = perform_request('get', url, self.default_retrieve_params)
def find(cls, id):
return cls(id=id)
def update_attributes(self, *args, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k in self.accessible_fields:
self.__setattr__(k, v)
raise AttributeError("Field {0} does not exist".format(k))
def updatable_attributes(self):
return extract(self.attributes, self.updatable_fields)
def initializable_attributes(self):
return extract(self.attributes, self.initializable_fields)
def before_save(cls, instance):
def after_save(cls, instance):
def save(self):
if # if we have id already, treat this as an update
url = self.url(action='put', params=self.attributes)
response = perform_request('put', url, self.updatable_attributes())
else: # otherwise, treat this as an insert
url = self.url(action='post', params=self.attributes)
response = perform_request('post', url, self.initializable_attributes())
self.retrieved = True
def delete(self):
url = self.url(action='delete', params=self.attributes)
response = perform_request('delete', url)
self.retrieved = True
def url_with_id(cls, params={}):
return cls.base_url + '/' + str(params['id'])
def url_without_id(cls, params={}):
return cls.base_url
def url(cls, action, params={}):
if cls.base_url is None:
raise CommentClientError("Must provide base_url when using default url function")
if action not in cls.DEFAULT_ACTIONS:
raise ValueError("Invalid action {0}. The supported action must be in {1}".format(action, str(cls.DEFAULT_ACTIONS)))
elif action in cls.DEFAULT_ACTIONS_WITH_ID:
return cls.url_with_id(params)
except KeyError:
raise CommentClientError("Cannot perform action {0} without id".format(action))
else: # action must be in DEFAULT_ACTIONS_WITHOUT_ID now
return cls.url_without_id()
from django.conf import settings
if hasattr(settings, "COMMENTS_SERVICE_URL"):
SERVICE_HOST = 'http://localhost:4567'
from utils import *
import models
import settings
class Thread(models.Model):
accessible_fields = [
'id', 'title', 'body', 'anonymous',
'course_id', 'closed', 'tags', 'votes',
'commentable_id', 'username', 'user_id',
'created_at', 'updated_at', 'comments_count',
'at_position_list', 'children', 'type',
updatable_fields = [
'title', 'body', 'anonymous', 'course_id',
'closed', 'tags', 'user_id', 'commentable_id',
initializable_fields = updatable_fields
base_url = "{prefix}/threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
default_retrieve_params = {'recursive': False}
type = 'thread'
def search(cls, query_params, *args, **kwargs):
default_params = {'page': 1,
'per_page': 20,
'course_id': query_params['course_id'],
'recursive': False}
params = merge_dict(default_params, strip_blank(strip_none(query_params)))
if query_params.get('text') or query_params.get('tags'):
url = cls.url(action='search')
url = cls.url(action='get_all', params=extract(params, 'commentable_id'))
if params.get('commentable_id'):
del params['commentable_id']
response = perform_request('get', url, params, *args, **kwargs)
return response.get('collection', []), response.get('page', 1), response.get('num_pages', 1)
def url_for_threads(cls, params={}):
if params.get('commentable_id'):
return "{prefix}/{commentable_id}/threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, commentable_id=params['commentable_id'])
return "{prefix}/threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
def url_for_search_threads(cls, params={}):
return "{prefix}/search/threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
def url(cls, action, params={}):
if action in ['get_all', 'post']:
return cls.url_for_threads(params)
elif action == 'search':
return cls.url_for_search_threads(params)
return super(Thread, cls).url(action, params)
def _retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.url(action='get', params=self.attributes)
response = perform_request('get', url, {'recursive': kwargs.get('recursive')})
from utils import *
import models
import settings
class User(models.Model):
accessible_fields = ['username', 'email', 'follower_ids', 'upvoted_ids', 'downvoted_ids',
'id', 'external_id', 'subscribed_user_ids', 'children', 'course_id',
'subscribed_thread_ids', 'subscribed_commentable_ids',
'threads_count', 'comments_count',
updatable_fields = ['username', 'external_id', 'email']
initializable_fields = updatable_fields
base_url = "{prefix}/users".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX)
default_retrieve_params = {'complete': True}
type = 'user'
def from_django_user(cls, user):
return cls(id=str(,
def follow(self, source):
params = {'source_type': source.type, 'source_id':}
response = perform_request('post', _url_for_subscription(, params)
def unfollow(self, source):
params = {'source_type': source.type, 'source_id':}
response = perform_request('delete', _url_for_subscription(, params)
def vote(self, voteable, value):
if voteable.type == 'thread':
url = _url_for_vote_thread(
elif voteable.type == 'comment':
url = _url_for_vote_comment(
raise CommentClientError("Can only vote / unvote for threads or comments")
params = {'user_id':, 'value': value}
request = perform_request('put', url, params)
def unvote(self, voteable):
if voteable.type == 'thread':
url = _url_for_vote_thread(
elif voteable.type == 'comment':
url = _url_for_vote_comment(
raise CommentClientError("Can only vote / unvote for threads or comments")
params = {'user_id':}
request = perform_request('delete', url, params)
def active_threads(self, query_params={}):
if not self.course_id:
raise CommentClientError("Must provide course_id when retrieving active threads for the user")
url = _url_for_user_active_threads(
params = {'course_id': self.course_id}
params = merge_dict(params, query_params)
response = perform_request('get', url, params)
return response.get('collection', []), response.get('page', 1), response.get('num_pages', 1)
def _retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.url(action='get', params=self.attributes)
retrieve_params = self.default_retrieve_params
if self.attributes.get('course_id'):
retrieve_params['course_id'] = self.course_id
response = perform_request('get', url, retrieve_params)
def _url_for_vote_comment(comment_id):
return "{prefix}/comments/{comment_id}/votes".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, comment_id=comment_id)
def _url_for_vote_thread(thread_id):
return "{prefix}/threads/{thread_id}/votes".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, thread_id=thread_id)
def _url_for_subscription(user_id):
return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/subscriptions".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, user_id=user_id)
def _url_for_user_active_threads(user_id):
return "{prefix}/users/{user_id}/active_threads".format(prefix=settings.PREFIX, user_id=user_id)
import requests
import json
import settings
def strip_none(dic):
return dict([(k, v) for k, v in dic.iteritems() if v is not None])
def strip_blank(dic):
def _is_blank(v):
return isinstance(v, str) and len(v.strip()) == 0
return dict([(k, v) for k, v in dic.iteritems() if not _is_blank(v)])
def extract(dic, keys):
if isinstance(keys, str):
return strip_none({keys: dic.get(keys)})
return strip_none({k: dic.get(k) for k in keys})
def merge_dict(dic1, dic2):
return dict(dic1.items() + dic2.items())
def perform_request(method, url, data_or_params=None, *args, **kwargs):
data_or_params['api_key'] = settings.API_KEY
if method in ['post', 'put', 'patch']:
response = requests.request(method, url, data=data_or_params)
response = requests.request(method, url, params=data_or_params)
if 200 < response.status_code < 500:
raise CommentClientError(response.text)
elif response.status_code == 500:
raise CommentClientUnknownError(response.text)
if kwargs.get("raw", False):
return response.text
return json.loads(response.text)
class CommentClientError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.message = msg
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.message)
class CommentClientUnknownError(CommentClientError):
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string
import track.views
from lxml import etree
from courseware.module_render import make_track_function, ModuleSystem, get_module
from courseware.models import StudentModule
from multicourse import multicourse_settings
# Mostly adapted from
$ ->
if not MathJax?
HUB = MathJax.Hub
class MathJaxProcessor
\$\$? # normal inline or display delimiter
| \\(?:begin|end)\{[a-z]*\*?\} # \begin{} \end{} style
| \\[\\{}$]
| [{}]
| (?:\n\s*)+ # only treat as math when there's single new line
| @@\d+@@ # delimiter similar to the one used internally
) ///i
(^|[^\\]) # match beginning or any previous character other than escape delimiter ('/')
(`+) # code span starts
([^\n]*?[^`\n]) # code content
\2 # code span ends
constructor: (inlineMark, displayMark) ->
@inlineMark = inlineMark || "$"
@displayMark = displayMark || "$$"
@math = null
@blocks = null
processMath: (start, last, preProcess) ->
block = @blocks.slice(start, last + 1).join("").replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
if HUB.Browser.isMSIE
block = block.replace /(%[^\n]*)\n/g, "$1<br/>\n"
@blocks[i] = "" for i in [start+1..last]
@blocks[start] = "@@#{@math.length}@@"
block = preProcess(block) if preProcess
@math.push block
removeMath: (text) ->
@math = []
start = end = last = null
braces = 0
hasCodeSpans = /`/.test text
if hasCodeSpans
text = text.replace(/~/g, "~T").replace CODESPAN, ($0) -> # replace dollar sign in code span temporarily
$0.replace /\$/g, "~D"
deTilde = (text) ->
text.replace /~([TD])/g, ($0, $1) ->
{T: "~", D: "$"}[$1]
deTilde = (text) -> text
@blocks = _split(text.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"), MATHSPLIT)
for current in [1...@blocks.length] by 2
block = @blocks[current]
if block.charAt(0) == "@"
@blocks[current] = "@@#{@math.length}@@"
@math.push block
else if start
if block == end
if braces
last = current
@processMath(start, current, deTilde)
start = end = last = null
else if block.match /\n.*\n/
if last
current = last
@processMath(start, current, deTilde)
start = end = last = null
braces = 0
else if block == "{"
else if block == "}" and braces
if block == @inlineMark or block == @displayMark
start = current
end = block
braces = 0
else if block.substr(1, 5) == "begin"
start = current
end = "\\end" + block.substr(6)
braces = 0
if last
@processMath(start, last, deTilde)
start = end = last = null
@removeMathWrapper: (_this) ->
(text) -> _this.removeMath(text)
replaceMath: (text) ->
text = text.replace /@@(\d+)@@/g, ($0, $1) => @math[$1]
@math = null
@replaceMathWrapper: (_this) ->
(text) -> _this.replaceMath(text)
if Markdown?
Markdown.getMathCompatibleConverter = (postProcessor) ->
postProcessor ||= ((text) -> text)
converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter()
processor = new MathJaxProcessor()
converter.hooks.chain "preConversion", MathJaxProcessor.removeMathWrapper(processor)
converter.hooks.chain "postConversion", (text) ->
Markdown.makeWmdEditor = (elem, appended_id, imageUploadUrl, postProcessor) ->
$elem = $(elem)
if not $elem.length
console.log "warning: elem for makeWmdEditor doesn't exist"
if not $elem.find(".wmd-panel").length
initialText = $elem.html()
_append = appended_id || ""
$wmdPanel = $("<div>").addClass("wmd-panel")
.append($("<div>").attr("id", "wmd-button-bar#{_append}"))
.append($("<textarea>").addClass("wmd-input").attr("id", "wmd-input#{_append}").html(initialText))
.append($("<div>").attr("id", "wmd-preview#{_append}").addClass("wmd-panel wmd-preview"))
converter = Markdown.getMathCompatibleConverter(postProcessor)
ajaxFileUpload = (imageUploadUrl, input, startUploadHandler) ->
$("#loading").ajaxStart(-> $(this).show()).ajaxComplete(-> $(this).hide())
$("#upload").ajaxStart(-> $(this).hide()).ajaxComplete(-> $(this).show())
url: imageUploadUrl
secureuri: false
fileElementId: 'file-upload'
dataType: 'json'
success: (data, status) ->
fileURL = data['result']['file_url']
error = data['result']['error']
if error != ''
alert error
if startUploadHandler
console.log error
$(input).attr('value', fileURL)
error: (data, status, e) ->
if startUploadHandler
imageUploadHandler = (elem, input) ->
ajaxFileUpload(imageUploadUrl, input, imageUploadHandler)
editor = new Markdown.Editor(
appended_id, # idPostfix
null, # help handler
delayRenderer = new MathJaxDelayRenderer()
editor.hooks.chain "onPreviewPush", (text, previewSet) ->
text: text
previewSetter: previewSet
if not @Discussion?
@Discussion = {}
Discussion = @Discussion
initializeFollowDiscussion = (discussion) ->
$discussion = $(discussion)
id = $following.attr("_id")
$local = Discussion.generateLocal()
.append(Discussion.subscriptionLink('discussion', id))
@Discussion = $.extend @Discussion,
initializeDiscussion: (discussion) ->
$discussion = $(discussion)
$discussion.find(".thread").each (index, thread) ->
$discussion.find(".comment").each (index, comment) ->
#initializeFollowDiscussion(discussion) TODO move this somewhere else
bindDiscussionEvents: (discussion) ->
$discussion = $(discussion)
$discussionNonContent = $discussion.children(".discussion-non-content")
$local = Discussion.generateLocal($discussion.children(".discussion-local"))
id = $discussion.attr("_id")
handleSubmitNewPost = (elem) ->
title = $local(".new-post-title").val()
body = Discussion.getWmdContent $discussion, $local, "new-post-body"
tags = $local(".new-post-tags").val()
url = Discussion.urlFor('create_thread', id)
$elem: $(elem)
url: url
type: "POST"
dataType: 'json'
title: title
body: body
tags: tags
error: Discussion.formErrorHandler($local(".new-post-form-errors"))
success: (response, textStatus) ->
$thread = $(response.html)
Discussion.setWmdContent $discussion, $local, "new-post-body", ""
if $discussion.hasClass("inline-discussion")
else if $discussion.hasClass("forum-discussion")
handleCancelNewPost = (elem) ->
if $discussion.hasClass("inline-discussion")
else if $discussion.hasClass("forum-discussion")
handleSimilarPost = (elem) ->
$title = $local(".new-post-title")
$wrapper = $local(".new-post-similar-posts-wrapper")
$similarPosts = $local(".new-post-similar-posts")
prevText = $title.attr("prev-text")
text = $title.val()
if text == prevText
if $local(".similar-post").length
else if $.trim(text).length
$elem: $(elem)
url: Discussion.urlFor 'search_similar_threads', id
type: "GET"
dateType: 'json'
text: $local(".new-post-title").val()
success: (response, textStatus) ->
console.log response
if $.type(response) == "array" and response.length
for thread in response
#singleThreadUrl = Discussion.urlFor 'retrieve_single_thread
$similarPost = $("<a>").addClass("similar-post")
.attr("href", "javascript:void(0)") #TODO
$title.attr("prev-text", text)
initializeNewPost = ->
view = { discussion_id: id }
$discussionNonContent = $discussion.children(".discussion-non-content")
if not $local(".wmd-panel").length
$discussionNonContent.append Mustache.render Discussion.newPostTemplate, view
$newPostBody = $local(".new-post-body")
Discussion.makeWmdEditor $discussion, $local, "new-post-body"
$input = Discussion.getWmdInput($discussion, $local, "new-post-body")
$input.attr("placeholder", "post a new topic...")
if $discussion.hasClass("inline-discussion")
$input.bind 'focus', (e) ->
else if $discussion.hasClass("forum-discussion")
$local(".new-post-tags").tagsInput Discussion.tagsInputOptions()
$local(".new-post-title").blur ->
$local(".hide-similar-posts").click ->
$local(".discussion-submit-post").click ->
$local(".discussion-cancel-post").click ->
handleAjaxReloadDiscussion = (elem, url) ->
if not url then return
$elem = $(elem)
$discussion = $elem.parents("section.discussion")
$elem: $elem
url: url
type: "GET"
dataType: 'html'
success: (data, textStatus) ->
$data = $(data)
$parent = $discussion.parent()
$discussion = $parent.children(".discussion")
handleAjaxSearch = (elem) ->
$elem = $(elem)
url = URI($elem.attr("action")).addSearch({text: $local(".search-input").val()})
handleAjaxReloadDiscussion($elem, url)
handleAjaxSort = (elem) ->
$elem = $(elem)
url = $elem.attr("sort-url")
handleAjaxReloadDiscussion($elem, url)
handleAjaxPage = (elem) ->
$elem = $(elem)
url = $elem.attr("page-url")
handleAjaxReloadDiscussion($elem, url)
if $discussion.hasClass("inline-discussion")
if $discussion.hasClass("forum-discussion")
$discussionSidebar = $(".discussion-sidebar")
if $discussionSidebar.length
$sidebarLocal = Discussion.generateLocal($discussionSidebar)
Discussion.bindLocalEvents $sidebarLocal,
"click .sidebar-new-post-button": (event) ->
Discussion.bindLocalEvents $local,
"submit .search-wrapper>.discussion-search-form": (event) ->
"click .discussion-search-link": ->
"click .discussion-sort-link": ->
$discussion.children(".discussion-paginator").find(".discussion-page-link").unbind('click').click ->
if not @Discussion?
@Discussion = {}
Discussion = @Discussion
@Discussion = $.extend @Discussion,
initializeDiscussionModule: (elem) ->
$discussionModule = $(elem)
$local = Discussion.generateLocal($discussionModule)
handleShowDiscussion = (elem) ->
$elem = $(elem)
if not $local("section.discussion").length
discussion_id = $elem.attr("discussion_id")
url = Discussion.urlFor 'retrieve_discussion', discussion_id
$elem: $elem
url: url
type: "GET"
success: (data, textStatus, xhr) ->
discussion = $local("section.discussion")
$elem.html("Hide Discussion")
$elem.unbind('click').click ->
dataType: 'html'
$elem.html("Hide Discussion")
$elem.unbind('click').click ->
handleHideDiscussion = (elem) ->
$elem = $(elem)
$elem.html("Show Discussion")
$elem.unbind('click').click ->
$local(".discussion-show").click ->
$ ->
toggle = ->
Discussion = window.Discussion
if $('#accordion').length
active = $('#accordion ul:has(').index('#accordion ul')
$('#accordion').bind('accordionchange', @log).accordion
active: if active >= 0 then active else 1
header: 'h3'
autoHeight: false
$('#open_close_accordion a').click toggle
$(".discussion-module").each (index, elem) ->
$("section.discussion").each (index, discussion) ->
if not @Discussion?
@Discussion = {}
Discussion = @Discussion
@Discussion = $.extend @Discussion,
newPostTemplate: """
<form class="new-post-form collapsed" id="new-post-form" style="display: block; ">
<ul class="new-post-form-errors discussion-errors"></ul>
<input type="text" class="new-post-title title-input" placeholder="Title" />
<div class="new-post-similar-posts-wrapper" style="display: none">
Similar Posts:
<a class="hide-similar-posts" href="javascript:void(0)">Hide</a>
<div class="new-post-similar-posts"></div>
<div class="new-post-body reply-body"></div>
<input class="new-post-tags" placeholder="Tags" />
<div class="post-options">
<input type="checkbox" class="discussion-post-anonymously" id="discussion-post-anonymously-${discussion_id}">
<label for="discussion-post-anonymously-${discussion_id}">post anonymously</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="discussion-auto-watch" id="discussion-autowatch-${discussion_id}" checked="">
<label for="discussion-auto-watch-${discussion_id}">follow this thread</label>
<div class="new-post-control post-control">
<a class="discussion-cancel-post" href="javascript:void(0)">Cancel</a>
<a class="discussion-submit-post control-button" href="javascript:void(0)">Submit</a>
replyTemplate: """
<form class="discussion-reply-new">
<ul class="discussion-errors"></ul>
<div class="reply-body"></div>
<input type="checkbox" class="discussion-post-anonymously" id="discussion-post-anonymously-{{id}}" />
<label for="discussion-post-anonymously-{{id}}">post anonymously</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="discussion-auto-watch" id="discussion-autowatch-{{id}}" checked />
<label for="discussion-auto-watch-{{id}}">follow this thread</label>
<br />
<div class = "reply-post-control">
<a class="discussion-cancel-post" href="javascript:void(0)">Cancel</a>
<a class="discussion-submit-post control-button" href="javascript:void(0)">Submit</a>
editThreadTemplate: """
<form class="discussion-content-edit discussion-thread-edit" _id="{{id}}">
<ul class="discussion-errors discussion-update-errors"></ul>
<input type="text" class="thread-title-edit title-input" placeholder="Title" value="{{title}}"/>
<div class="thread-body-edit body-input">{{body}}</div>
<input class="thread-tags-edit" placeholder="Tags" value="{{tags}}" />
<div class = "edit-post-control">
<a class="discussion-cancel-update" href="javascript:void(0)">Cancel</a>
<a class="discussion-submit-update control-button" href="javascript:void(0)">Update</a>
editCommentTemplate: """
<form class="discussion-content-edit discussion-comment-edit" _id="{{id}}">
<ul class="discussion-errors discussion-update-errors"></ul>
<div class="comment-body-edit body-input">{{body}}</div>
<div class = "edit-post-control">
<a class="discussion-cancel-update" href="javascript:void(0)">Cancel</a>
<a class="discussion-submit-update control-button" href="javascript:void(0)">Update</a>
if not @Discussion?
@Discussion = {}
Discussion = @Discussion
@Discussion = $.extend @Discussion,
initializeUserProfile: ($userProfile) ->
$local = Discussion.generateLocal $userProfile
handleUpdateModeratorStatus = (elem, isModerator) ->
confirmValue = confirm("Are you sure?")
if not confirmValue then return
url = Discussion.urlFor('update_moderator_status', $$profiled_user_id)
$elem: $(elem)
url: url
type: "POST"
dataType: 'json'
is_moderator: isModerator
error: (response, textStatus, e) ->
console.log e
success: (response, textStatus) ->
parent = $userProfile.parent()
Discussion.initializeUserProfile parent.children(".user-profile")
Discussion.bindLocalEvents $local,
"click .sidebar-revoke-moderator-button": (event) ->
handleUpdateModeratorStatus(this, false)
"click .sidebar-promote-moderator-button": (event) ->
handleUpdateModeratorStatus(this, true)
initializeUserActiveDiscussion: ($discussion) ->
if not @Discussion?
@Discussion = {}
Discussion = @Discussion
wmdEditors = {}
@Discussion = $.extend @Discussion,
generateLocal: (elem) ->
(selector) -> $(elem).find(selector)
generateDiscussionLink: (cls, txt, handler) ->
.attr("href", "javascript:void(0)")
.click -> handler(this)
urlFor: (name, param, param1, param2) ->
follow_discussion : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/#{param}/follow"
unfollow_discussion : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/#{param}/unfollow"
create_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/#{param}/threads/create"
search_similar_threads : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/#{param}/threads/search_similar"
update_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/update"
create_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/reply"
delete_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/delete"
upvote_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/upvote"
downvote_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/downvote"
undo_vote_for_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/unvote"
follow_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/follow"
unfollow_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/unfollow"
update_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/update"
endorse_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/endorse"
create_sub_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/reply"
delete_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/delete"
upvote_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/upvote"
downvote_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/downvote"
undo_vote_for_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/comments/#{param}/unvote"
upload : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/upload"
search : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/forum/search"
tags_autocomplete : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/tags/autocomplete"
retrieve_discussion : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/forum/#{param}/inline"
retrieve_single_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/forum/#{param}/threads/#{param1}"
update_moderator_status : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/users/#{param}/update_moderator_status"
openclose_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/threads/#{param}/close"
permanent_link_thread : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/forum/#{param}/threads/#{param1}"
permanent_link_comment : "/courses/#{$$course_id}/discussion/forum/#{param}/threads/#{param1}##{param2}"
safeAjax: (params) ->
$elem = params.$elem
if $elem.attr("disabled")
$elem.attr("disabled", "disabled")
$.ajax(params).always ->
handleAnchorAndReload: (response) ->
#window.location = window.location.pathname + "#" + response['id']
bindLocalEvents: ($local, eventsHandler) ->
for eventSelector, handler of eventsHandler
[event, selector] = eventSelector.split(' ')
$local(selector).unbind(event)[event] handler
tagsInputOptions: ->
autocomplete_url: Discussion.urlFor('tags_autocomplete')
remoteDataType: 'json'
interactive: true
height: '30px'
width: '100%'
defaultText: "Tag your post: press enter after each tag"
removeWithBackspace: true
isSubscribed: (id, type) ->
$$user_info? and (
if type == "thread"
id in $$user_info.subscribed_thread_ids
else if type == "commentable" or type == "discussion"
id in $$user_info.subscribed_commentable_ids
id in $$user_info.subscribed_user_ids
isUpvoted: (id) ->
$$user_info? and (id in $$user_info.upvoted_ids)
isDownvoted: (id) ->
$$user_info? and (id in $$user_info.downvoted_ids)
formErrorHandler: (errorsField) ->
(xhr, textStatus, error) ->
response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
if response.errors? and response.errors.length > 0
for error in response.errors
clearFormErrors: (errorsField) ->
postMathJaxProcessor: (text) ->
RE_INLINEMATH = /^\$([^\$]*)\$/g
RE_DISPLAYMATH = /^\$\$([^\$]*)\$\$/g
Discussion.processEachMathAndCode text, (s, type) ->
if type == 'display'
s.replace RE_DISPLAYMATH, ($0, $1) ->
"\\[" + $1 + "\\]"
else if type == 'inline'
s.replace RE_INLINEMATH, ($0, $1) ->
"\\(" + $1 + "\\)"
makeWmdEditor: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
elem = $local(".#{cls_identifier}")
id = $content.attr("_id")
appended_id = "-#{cls_identifier}-#{id}"
imageUploadUrl = Discussion.urlFor('upload')
editor = Markdown.makeWmdEditor elem, appended_id, imageUploadUrl, Discussion.postMathJaxProcessor
wmdEditors["#{cls_identifier}-#{id}"] = editor
getWmdEditor: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
id = $content.attr("_id")
getWmdInput: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
id = $content.attr("_id")
getWmdContent: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
Discussion.getWmdInput($content, $local, cls_identifier).val()
setWmdContent: ($content, $local, cls_identifier, text) ->
Discussion.getWmdInput($content, $local, cls_identifier).val(text)
Discussion.getWmdEditor($content, $local, cls_identifier).refreshPreview()
getContentInfo: (id, attr) ->
if not window.$$annotated_content_info?
window.$$annotated_content_info = {}
(window.$$annotated_content_info[id] || {})[attr]
setContentInfo: (id, attr, value) ->
if not window.$$annotated_content_info?
window.$$annotated_content_info = {}
window.$$annotated_content_info[id] ||= {}
window.$$annotated_content_info[id][attr] = value
extendContentInfo: (id, newInfo) ->
if not window.$$annotated_content_info?
window.$$annotated_content_info = {}
window.$$annotated_content_info[id] = newInfo
bulkExtendContentInfo: (newInfos) ->
if not window.$$annotated_content_info?
window.$$annotated_content_info = {}
window.$$annotated_content_info = $.extend window.$$annotated_content_info, newInfos
subscriptionLink: (type, id) ->
followLink = ->
Discussion.generateDiscussionLink("discussion-follow-#{type}", "Follow", handleFollow)
unfollowLink = ->
Discussion.generateDiscussionLink("discussion-unfollow-#{type}", "Unfollow", handleUnfollow)
handleFollow = (elem) ->
$elem: $(elem)
url: Discussion.urlFor("follow_#{type}", id)
type: "POST"
success: (response, textStatus) ->
if textStatus == "success"
$(elem).replaceWith unfollowLink()
dataType: 'json'
handleUnfollow = (elem) ->
$elem: $(elem)
url: Discussion.urlFor("unfollow_#{type}", id)
type: "POST"
success: (response, textStatus) ->
if textStatus == "success"
$(elem).replaceWith followLink()
dataType: 'json'
if Discussion.isSubscribed(id, type)
processEachMathAndCode: (text, processor) ->
codeArchive = []
RE_DISPLAYMATH = /^([^\$]*?)\$\$([^\$]*?)\$\$(.*)$/m
RE_INLINEMATH = /^([^\$]*?)\$([^\$]+?)\$(.*)$/m
processedText = ""
$div = $("<div>").html(text)
$div.find("code").each (index, code) ->
codeArchive.push $(code).html()
$(code).html(codeArchive.length - 1)
text = $div.html()
text = text.replace /\\\$/g, ESCAPED_DOLLAR
while true
if RE_INLINEMATH.test(text)
text = text.replace RE_INLINEMATH, ($0, $1, $2, $3) ->
processedText += $1 + processor("$" + $2 + "$", 'inline')
else if RE_DISPLAYMATH.test(text)
text = text.replace RE_DISPLAYMATH, ($0, $1, $2, $3) ->
processedText += $1 + processor("$$" + $2 + "$$", 'display')
processedText += text
text = processedText
text = text.replace(new RegExp(ESCAPED_DOLLAR, 'g'), '\\$')
text = text.replace /\\\\\\\\/g, ESCAPED_BACKSLASH
text = text.replace /\\begin\{([a-z]*\*?)\}([\s\S]*?)\\end\{\1\}/img, ($0, $1, $2) ->
processor("\\begin{#{$1}}" + $2 + "\\end{#{$1}}")
text = text.replace(new RegExp(ESCAPED_BACKSLASH, 'g'), '\\\\\\\\')
$div = $("<div>").html(text)
cnt = 0
$div.find("code").each (index, code) ->
$(code).html(processor(codeArchive[cnt], 'code'))
cnt += 1
text = $div.html()
getTime = ->
new Date().getTime()
class @MathJaxDelayRenderer
maxDelay: 3000
mathjaxRunning: false
elapsedTime: 0
mathjaxDelay: 0
mathjaxTimeout: undefined
bufferId = "mathjax_delay_buffer"
numBuffers = 0
constructor: (params) ->
params = params || {}
@maxDelay = params["maxDelay"] || @maxDelay
@bufferId = params["bufferId"] || (bufferId + numBuffers)
numBuffers += 1
@$buffer = $("<div>").attr("id", @bufferId).css("display", "none").appendTo($("body"))
# render: (params) ->
# params:
# elem: jquery element to be rendered
# text: text to be rendered & put into the element;
# if blank, then just render the current text in the element
# preprocessor: pre-process the text before rendering using MathJax
# if text is blank, it will pre-process the html in the element
# previewSetter: if provided, will pass text back to it instead of
# directly setting the element
render: (params) ->
elem = params["element"]
previewSetter = params["previewSetter"]
text = params["text"]
if not text?
text = $(elem).html()
preprocessor = params["preprocessor"]
if params["delay"] == false
if preprocessor?
text = preprocessor(text)
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, $(elem).attr("id")]
if @mathjaxTimeout
@mathjaxTimeout = undefined
delay = Math.min @elapsedTime + @mathjaxDelay, @maxDelay
renderer = =>
if @mathjaxRunning
prevTime = getTime()
if preprocessor?
text = preprocessor(text)
curTime = getTime()
@elapsedTime = curTime - prevTime
if MathJax
prevTime = getTime()
@mathjaxRunning = true
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, @$buffer.attr("id")], =>
@mathjaxRunning = false
curTime = getTime()
@mathjaxDelay = curTime - prevTime
if previewSetter
@mathjaxDelay = 0
@mathjaxTimeout = window.setTimeout(renderer, delay)
.acInput {
width: 200px;
.acResults {
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border: 1px solid WindowFrame;
background-color: Window;
overflow: hidden;
.acResults ul {
margin: 0px;
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list-style: none;
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display: block;
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font-size: 12px;
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background : url('indicator.gif') right center no-repeat;
.acSelect {
background-color: Highlight;
color: HighlightText;
Markdown is supported
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