Commit e624ff3b by Don Mitchell Committed by Calen Pennington

Make path_to_location use bulk_write_operation for performance.

parent 7d8088d2
......@@ -651,5 +651,8 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
If course_id is None, the default store is used.
store = self._get_modulestore_for_courseid(course_id)
with store.bulk_write_operations(course_id):
if hasattr(store, 'bulk_write_operations'):
with store.bulk_write_operations(course_id):
......@@ -68,39 +68,41 @@ def path_to_location(modulestore, usage_key):
newpath = (next_usage, path)
queue.append((parent, newpath))
if not modulestore.has_item(usage_key):
raise ItemNotFoundError(usage_key)
path = find_path_to_course()
if path is None:
raise NoPathToItem(usage_key)
n = len(path)
course_id = path[0].course_key
# pull out the location names
chapter = path[1].name if n > 1 else None
section = path[2].name if n > 2 else None
# Figure out the position
position = None
# This block of code will find the position of a module within a nested tree
# of modules. If a problem is on tab 2 of a sequence that's on tab 3 of a
# sequence, the resulting position is 3_2. However, no positional modules
# (e.g. sequential and videosequence) currently deal with this form of
# representing nested positions. This needs to happen before jumping to a
# module nested in more than one positional module will work.
if n > 3:
position_list = []
for path_index in range(2, n - 1):
category = path[path_index].block_type
if category == 'sequential' or category == 'videosequence':
section_desc = modulestore.get_item(path[path_index])
# this calls get_children rather than just children b/c old mongo includes private children
# in children but not in get_children
child_locs = [c.location for c in section_desc.get_children()]
# positions are 1-indexed, and should be strings to be consistent with
# url parsing.
position_list.append(str(child_locs.index(path[path_index + 1]) + 1))
position = "_".join(position_list)
return (course_id, chapter, section, position)
# doesn't write but does multiple reads. bulk_write minimizes reads too
with modulestore.bulk_write_operations(usage_key.course_key):
if not modulestore.has_item(usage_key):
raise ItemNotFoundError(usage_key)
path = find_path_to_course()
if path is None:
raise NoPathToItem(usage_key)
n = len(path)
course_id = path[0].course_key
# pull out the location names
chapter = path[1].name if n > 1 else None
section = path[2].name if n > 2 else None
# Figure out the position
position = None
# This block of code will find the position of a module within a nested tree
# of modules. If a problem is on tab 2 of a sequence that's on tab 3 of a
# sequence, the resulting position is 3_2. However, no positional modules
# (e.g. sequential and videosequence) currently deal with this form of
# representing nested positions. This needs to happen before jumping to a
# module nested in more than one positional module will work.
if n > 3:
position_list = []
for path_index in range(2, n - 1):
category = path[path_index].block_type
if category == 'sequential' or category == 'videosequence':
section_desc = modulestore.get_item(path[path_index])
# this calls get_children rather than just children b/c old mongo includes private children
# in children but not in get_children
child_locs = [c.location for c in section_desc.get_children()]
# positions are 1-indexed, and should be strings to be consistent with
# url parsing.
position_list.append(str(child_locs.index(path[path_index + 1]) + 1))
position = "_".join(position_list)
return (course_id, chapter, section, position)
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why draft send count is 5
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why draft find count is 18
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why split find count is 16'draft', [18, 5], 0), ('split', [16, 6], 0))'draft', [19, 5], 0), ('split', [2, 2], 0))
def test_path_to_location(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
......@@ -736,7 +736,6 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
(course_key, "Chapter_x", None, None)),
mongo_store =
for location, expected in should_work:
with check_mongo_calls(num_finds.pop(0), num_sends):
self.assertEqual(path_to_location(, location), expected)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from xblock.runtime import KeyValueStore
from xblock.exceptions import KeyValueMultiSaveError, InvalidScopeError
from xblock.fields import Scope, UserScope
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ class FieldDataCache(object):
return descriptors
descriptors = get_child_descriptors(descriptor, depth, descriptor_filter)
with modulestore().bulk_write_operations(descriptor.location.course_key):
descriptors = get_child_descriptors(descriptor, depth, descriptor_filter)
return FieldDataCache(descriptors, course_id, user, select_for_update)
......@@ -326,14 +326,15 @@ class TestTOC(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.request = factory.get(chapter_url)
self.request.user = UserFactory()
self.modulestore =
self.toy_course =, depth=2)
with check_mongo_calls(num_finds, num_sends):
self.toy_course =, depth=2)
self.field_data_cache = FieldDataCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
self.toy_loc, self.request.user, self.toy_course, depth=2)
self.toy_loc, self.request.user, self.toy_course, depth=2
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why split find count is 21, 3, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 21, 0)), 1, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 5, 0))
def test_toc_toy_from_chapter(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
......@@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ class TestTOC(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertIn(toc_section, actual)
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why split find count is 21, 3, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 21, 0)), 1, 0), (ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 5, 0))
def test_toc_toy_from_section(self, default_ms, num_finds, num_sends):
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