@@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ from django.utils.http import urlquote_plus
<pclass="copy">${_("We're creating your certificate. You can keep working in your courses and a link to it will appear here and on your Dashboard when it is ready.")}</p>
%elif not is_id_verified or is_unverified:
## Translators: This message appears to users when the users have not completed identity verification.
<pclass="copy">${_("You have not received a certificate because you do not have a current {platform_name} verified identity. ").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)} <ahref="${reverse('verify_student_reverify')}"> ${_("Verify your identity now.")}</a></p>
<h2class="title">${_("Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate!")}</h2>
${Text(_("Your {cert_name_long} is being held pending confirmation that the issuance of your {cert_name_short} is in compliance with strict U.S. embargoes on Iran, Cuba, Syria and Sudan. If you think our system has mistakenly identified you as being connected with one of those countries, please let us know by contacting {email}.")).format(email=HTML('<aclass="contact-link"href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>.').format(email=settings.CONTACT_EMAIL), cert_name_short=cert_name_short, cert_name_long=cert_name_long)}
% elif cert_status['status'] == 'unverified':
${Text(_("Your certificate was not issued because you do not have a current verified identity with {platform_name}. ")).format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
<ahref="${reverify_link}"> ${Text(_("Verify your identity now."))}</a>