Commit e5f58329 by polesye

Address comments.

parent 39e97225
* File: lti.js
* Purpose: LTI module constructor. Given an LTI element, we process it.
* Inside the element there is a form. If that form has a valid action
* attribute, then we do one of:
* 1.) Submit the form. The results will be shown on the current page in an
* iframe.
* 2.) Attach a handler function to a link which will submit the form. The
* results will be shown in a new window.
* The 'open_in_a_new_page' data attribute of the LTI element dictates which of
* the two actions will be performed.
* So the thing to do when working on a motorcycle, as in any other task, is to
* cultivate the peace of mind which does not separate one's self from one's
* surroundings. When that is done successfully, then everything else follows
* naturally. Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right
* thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce
* work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity
* at the center of it all.
* ~ Robert M. Pirsig
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
// JavaScript LTI XModule
function () {
var LTI = LTIConstructor;
LTI.prototype = {
submitFormHandler: submitFormHandler,
getNewSignature: getNewSignature,
handleAjaxUpdateSignature: handleAjaxUpdateSignature
return LTI;
// JavaScript LTI XModule constructor
function LTIConstructor(element) {
var _this = this;
// In cms (Studio) the element is already a jQuery object. In lms it is
// a DOM object.
// To make sure that there is no error, we pass it through the $()
// function. This will make it a jQuery object if it isn't already so.
this.el = $(element);
this.formEl = this.el.find('.ltiLaunchForm');
this.formAction = this.formEl.attr('action');
// If action is empty string, or action is the default URL that should
// not cause a form submit.
if (!this.formAction || this.formAction === '') {
// Nothing to do - no valid action provided. Error message will be
// displaced in browser (HTML).
this.ltiEl = this.el.find('.lti');
// We want a Boolean 'true' or 'false'. First we will retrieve the data
// attribute.
this.openInANewPage ='open_in_a_new_page');
// Then we will parse it via native JSON.parse().
this.openInANewPage = JSON.parse(this.openInANewPage);
// The URL where we can request for a new OAuth signature for form
// submission to the LTI provider.
this.ajaxUrl ='ajax_url');
// The OAuth signature can only be used once (because of timestamp
// and nonce). This will be reset each time the form is submitted so
// that we know to fetch a new OAuth signature on subsequent form
// submit.
this.signatureIsNew = true;
// If the Form's action attribute is set (i.e. we can perform a normal
// submit), then we (depending on instance settings) submit the form
// when user will click on a link, or submit the form immediately.
if (this.openInANewPage === true) {
// From the start, the button is enabled.
this.disableOpenNewWindowBtn = false;
this.newWindowBtnEl = this.el.find('.link_lti_new_window')
function () {
// Don't allow clicking repeatedly on this button
// if we are waiting for an AJAX response (with new
// OAuth signature).
if (_this.disableOpenNewWindowBtn === true) {
return _this.submitFormHandler();
} else {
// At this stage the form exists on the page and has a valid
// action. We are safe to submit it, even if `openInANewPage` is
// set to some weird value.
// The form submit handler. Before the form is submitted, we must check if
// the OAuth signature is new (valid). If it is not new, block form
// submission and request for a signature. After a new signature is
// fetched, the form will be submitted.
function submitFormHandler() {
if (this.signatureIsNew) {
// Continue with submitting the form.
// If the OAuth signature is new, mark it as old.
this.signatureIsNew = false;
// If we have an "Open LTI in a new window" button.
if (this.newWindowBtnEl) {
// Enable clicking on the button again.
this.disableOpenNewWindowBtn = false;
} else {
// The OAuth signature is old. Request for a new OAuth signature.
// Don't submit the form. It will be submitted once a new OAuth
// signature is received.
// Request form the server a new OAuth signature.
function getNewSignature() {
var _this = this;
// If we have an "Open LTI in a new window" button.
if (this.newWindowBtnEl) {
// Make sure that while we are waiting for a new signature, the
// user can't click on the "Open LTI in a new window" button
// repeatedly.
this.disableOpenNewWindowBtn = true;
this.ajaxUrl + '/regenerate_signature',
function (response) {
return _this.handleAjaxUpdateSignature(response);
// When a new OAuth signature is received, and if the data received back is
// OK, update the form, and submit it.
function handleAjaxUpdateSignature(response) {
var _this = this;
// If the response is valid, and contains expected data.
if ($.isPlainObject(response.input_fields)) {
// We received a new OAuth signature.
this.signatureIsNew = true;
// Update the form fields with new data, and new OAuth
// signature.
$.each(response.input_fields, function (name, value) {
var inputEl = _this.formEl.find("input[name='" + name + "']");
// Submit the form.
} else {
console.log('[LTI info]: ' + response.error);
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define));
(function (requirejs, require, define) {
// In the case when the LTI constructor will be called before
// RequireJS finishes loading all of the LTI dependencies, we will have
// a mock function that will collect all the elements that must be
// initialized as LTI elements.
// Once RequireJS will load all of the necessary dependencies, main code
// will invoke the mock function with the second parameter set to truthy value.
// This will trigger the actual LTI constructor on all elements that
// are stored in a temporary list.
window.LTI = (function () {
// Temporary storage place for elements that must be initialized as LTI
// elements.
var tempCallStack = [];
return function (element, processTempCallStack) {
// If mock function was called with second parameter set to truthy
// value, we invoke the real `window.LTI` on all the stored elements
// so far.
if (processTempCallStack) {
$.each(tempCallStack, function (index, element) {
// By now, `window.LTI` is the real constructor.
// If normal call to `window.LTI` constructor, store the element
// for later initializing.
// Real LTI constructor returns `undefined`. The mock constructor will
// return the same value. Making this explicit.
return undefined;
// Main module.
function (
) {
var oldLTI = window.LTI;
window.LTI = LTIConstructor;
// Invoke the mock LTI constructor so that the elements stored within
// it can be processed by the real `window.LTI` constructor.
oldLTI(null, true);
}(RequireJS.requirejs, RequireJS.require, RequireJS.define));
......@@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ class LTIModule(LTIFields, XModule):
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/lti/lti.scss')]}
js_module_name = "LTI"
def get_input_fields(self):
# LTI provides a list of default parameters that might be passed as
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<h3 class="title">
${display_name} (${_('External resource')})
<p class="lti-link external"><a target="_blank" class='link_lti_new_window' href="${form_url}">
<p class="lti-link external"><a target="_blank" class="link_lti_new_window" href="${form_url}">
${_('View resource in a new window')}
<i class="icon-external-link"></i>
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<input type="submit" value="Press to Launch" />
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(d) {
(function (d) {
var element = d.getElementById("lti-${element_id}");
if (element) {
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