Commit e524f5be by ichuang Committed by Carson Gee

add push_to_lms to Studio; uses MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_PUSH_TO_LMS']

parent 2b2d97cd
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from .item import *
from .import_export import *
from .preview import *
from .public import *
from .push_to_lms import *
from .user import *
from .tabs import *
from .transcripts_ajax import *
import os
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from .access import get_location_and_verify_access
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def push_to_lms(request, org, course, name):
This method serves up the 'Push to LMS' page
location = get_location_and_verify_access(request, org, course, name)
course_module = modulestore().get_item(location)
log.debug('push_to_lms course_module=%s' % course_module)
msg = ""
if 'action' in request.GET and course_module.lms.giturl:
# do the push, using script
doexport = getattr(settings, 'CMS_EXPORT_COURSE_SCRIPT', '')
if doexport and os.path.exists(doexport):
cmd = '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(doexport,, request.user, course_module.lms.giturl)
msg = os.popen(cmd).read()
return render_to_response('push_to_lms.html', {
'context_course': course_module,
'msg': msg,
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%inherit file="base.html" />
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
<%! from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse %>
<%block name="title">${_("Push Course to LMS")}</%block>
<%block name="bodyclass">is-signedin course tools export</%block>
<%block name="content">
<div class="wrapper-mast wrapper">
<header class="mast has-subtitle">
<h1 class="page-header">
<small class="subtitle">${_("Tools")}</small>
<span class="sr">&gt; </span>${_("Push to LMS")}
<div class="main-wrapper">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<article class="export-overview">
<div class="description">
<h2>${_("About Push to LMS")}</h2>
<p>${_("Use this to export your course to its github site.")}</p>
<p>${_("This will then trigger an automatic update of the main LMS site")}
${_("and update the contents of your course visible there to students.")}</p>
<li>${_("Your course:")} <font color="green">${}</font></li>
<li>${_("Course github site:")} <font color="blue">${context_course.lms.giturl}</font></li>
% if msg:
<li>msg: <pre>${msg|n}</pre></li>
% endif
<!-- default state -->
<div class="export-form-wrapper">
<form action="${reverse('push_to_lms', kwargs=dict(, course=context_course.location.course,}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="export-form">
<h2>${_("Push Course:")}</h2>
% if not context_course.lms.giturl:
<p style="color:red">${_("giturl must be defined in your course settings before you can push to LMS")}</p>
% else:
<a href="${reverse('push_to_lms', kwargs=dict(, course=context_course.location.course,}?action=push" class="button-export">${_("Push to LMS")}</a>
% endif
......@@ -104,6 +104,11 @@
<li class="nav-item nav-course-tools-export">
<a href="${export_url}">${_("Export")}</a>
% if settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('ENABLE_PUSH_TO_LMS') and 'allow_push_to_lms' in context_course.advanced_modules:
<li class="nav-item nav-course-tools-push">
<a href="${reverse('push_to_lms', kwargs=dict(, course=ctx_loc.course,}">${_("Push to LMS")}</a>
% endif
......@@ -96,8 +96,16 @@ urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^i18n.js$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),
urlpatterns += patterns('',
if settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_PUSH_TO_LMS'):
urlpatterns += (url(r'^(?P<org>[^/]+)/(?P<course>[^/]+)/push/(?P<name>[^/]+)$',
'contentstore.views.push_to_lms', name='push_to_lms'),)
if settings.ENABLE_JASMINE:
urlpatterns += (url(r'^_jasmine/', include('django_jasmine.urls')),)
urlpatterns += (
url(r'^status/', include('service_status.urls')),
# python script to export course from CMS to github
# Usage: python cms_export_to_github <course_location> <username> <github_ssl_url> [<repo_dir>]
import os, sys, string, re
import datetime
DIR = "/mnt/data_export"
# usage
def usage():
print "Usage: python cms_export_to_github <course_location> <username> <github_ssl_url> [<repo_dir>]"
course_loc = sys.argv.pop(1)
username = sys.argv.pop(1)
repo = sys.argv.pop(1)
if course_loc.startswith('i4x://'):
course_loc = course_loc[6:]
m = re.match('git@[^ ]+\.git', repo)
if not m:
print "Oops, not a git ssh url?"
print repo
print "Expecting something like"
if len(sys.argv)>1:
rdir = sys.argv.pop(1)
rdir = os.path.basename(rdir)
rdir = repo.rsplit('/',1)[-1].rsplit('.git',1)[0]
print "rdir = %s" % rdir
rdirp = '%s/%s' % (DIR, rdir)
if os.path.exists(rdirp):
print "directory already exists, doing a git pull instead of git clone"
cmd = 'cd %s/%s; git pull' % (DIR, rdir)
cmd = 'cd %s; git clone "%s"' % (DIR, repo)
print cmd
ret_git = os.popen(cmd).read()
print ret_git
if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (DIR, rdir)):
print "git clone failed!"
# export course
cmd = "./DJANGO-ADMIN-CMS export %s %s" % (course_loc, rdirp)
print cmd
ret_export = os.popen(cmd).read()
print ret_export
# push to github
dt =
cmd = 'cd %s; git add .; git commit -a -m "(%s) Export %s"; git push' % (rdirp, username, dt)
print cmd
ret_push = os.popen(cmd).read()
print ret_push
cd ~/mitx_all
source STARTUP
cd edx-platform
python scripts/cms_export_to_github $*
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