Commit e4ebd113 by Matt Drayer Committed by Jonathan Piacenti

mattdrayer/api-serialize-content-fix: Addressed id/key issue

parent 62fa253a
......@@ -24,11 +24,17 @@ from courseware.models import StudentModule
from courseware.views import get_static_tab_contents
from django_comment_common.models import FORUM_ROLE_MODERATOR
from gradebook.models import StudentGradebook
from progress.models import StudentProgress, StudentProgressHistory
from instructor.access import revoke_access, update_forum_role
from lms.lib.comment_client.user import get_course_social_stats
from lms.lib.comment_client.thread import get_course_thread_stats
from lms.lib.comment_client.utils import CommentClientRequestError
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from progress.models import StudentProgress, StudentProgressHistory
from projects.models import Project, Workgroup
from projects.serializers import ProjectSerializer, BasicWorkgroupSerializer
from student.models import CourseEnrollment, CourseEnrollmentAllowed
from student.roles import CourseRole, CourseAccessRole, CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, CourseObserverRole, CourseAssistantRole, UserBasedRole
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from api_manager.courseware_access import get_course, get_course_child, get_course_leaf_nodes, get_course_key, \
......@@ -38,16 +44,10 @@ from api_manager.models import CourseGroupRelationship, CourseContentGroupRelati
from api_manager.permissions import SecureAPIView, SecureListAPIView
from api_manager.users.serializers import UserSerializer, UserCountByCitySerializer
from api_manager.utils import generate_base_uri, str2bool, get_time_series_data, parse_datetime
from projects.models import Project, Workgroup
from projects.serializers import ProjectSerializer, BasicWorkgroupSerializer
from .serializers import CourseModuleCompletionSerializer, CourseSerializer
from .serializers import GradeSerializer, CourseLeadersSerializer, CourseCompletionsLeadersSerializer
from lms.lib.comment_client.user import get_course_social_stats
from lms.lib.comment_client.thread import get_course_thread_stats
from lms.lib.comment_client.utils import CommentClientRequestError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -69,52 +69,57 @@ def _get_content_children(content, content_type=None):
return children
def _serialize_content(request, content_key, content_descriptor):
def _serialize_content(request, course_key, content_descriptor):
Loads the specified content object into the response dict
This should probably evolve to use DRF serializers
protocol = 'http'
if request.is_secure():
protocol = protocol + 's'
base_content_uri = '{}://{}/api/server/courses'.format(
data = {}
if hasattr(content_descriptor, 'id') and unicode( == unicode(content_key):
content_id = unicode(content_key)
content_id = unicode(content_descriptor.scope_ids.usage_id)
data['id'] = unicode(content_id)
if hasattr(content_descriptor, 'display_name'):
data['name'] = content_descriptor.display_name
data['category'] = content_descriptor.location.category
if hasattr(content_descriptor, 'due'):
data['due'] = content_descriptor.due
protocol = 'http'
if request.is_secure():
protocol = protocol + 's'
content_uri = '{}://{}/api/server/courses/{}'.format(
data['start'] = getattr(content_descriptor, 'start', None)
data['end'] = getattr(content_descriptor, 'end', None)
data['category'] = content_descriptor.location.category
# Some things we do only if the content object is a course
if (unicode(content_key) == content_id):
# Some things we only do if the content object is a course
if hasattr(content_descriptor, 'category') and content_descriptor.category == 'course':
content_id = unicode(
content_uri = '{}/{}'.format(base_content_uri, content_id)
data['number'] = content_descriptor.location.course
data['org'] =
# Other things we do only if the content object is not a course
content_uri = '{}/content/{}'.format(content_uri, content_id)
data['uri'] = content_uri
content_id = unicode(content_descriptor.location)
# Need to use the CourseKey here, which will possibly result in a different (but valid)
# URI due to the change in key formats during the "opaque keys" transition
content_uri = '{}/{}/content/{}'.format(base_content_uri, unicode(course_key), content_id)
if hasattr(content_descriptor, 'due'):
data['due'] = content_descriptor.due
data['id'] = unicode(content_id)
data['uri'] = content_uri
data['start'] = getattr(content_descriptor, 'start', None)
data['end'] = getattr(content_descriptor, 'end', None)
# Include any additional fields requested by the caller
include_fields = request.QUERY_PARAMS.get('include_fields', None)
if include_fields:
include_fields = include_fields.split(',')
for field in include_fields:
data[field] = getattr(content_descriptor, field, None)
return data
......@@ -360,8 +365,8 @@ def _get_course_data(request, course_key, course_descriptor, depth=0):
base_uri_without_qs = generate_base_uri(request, True)
if unicode(course_key) not in base_uri_without_qs:
base_uri_without_qs = '{}/{}'.format(base_uri_without_qs, unicode(course_key))
if unicode( not in base_uri_without_qs:
base_uri_without_qs = '{}/{}'.format(base_uri_without_qs, unicode(
data['course_image_url'] = course_image_url(course_descriptor)
data['resources'] = []
resource_uri = '{}/content/'.format(base_uri_without_qs)
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