${_('Showing all matching content eligible to be added into {display_name}. Each student will be assigned {mode} {max_count} components from this list.').format(max_count=max_count, display_name=display_name, mode=mode)}
${_('Showing all matching content eligible to be added into {display_name}. Each student will be assigned {max_count} component[s] drawn randomly from this list.').format(max_count=max_count, display_name=display_name)}
<p>${_('This component will be replaced by {mode} {max_count} components from the {num_children} matching components from {lib_names}.').format(mode=mode, max_count=max_count, num_children=num_children, lib_names=', '.join(library_names))}</p>
% if update_status == UpdateStatus.NEEDED:
<p><strong>${_('This component is out of date.')}</strong><ahref="#"class="library-update-btn">↻ ${_('Update now with latest components from the library')}</a></p>
% elif update_status == UpdateStatus.UP_TO_DATE:
<p>${_(u'✓ Up to date.')}</p>
% endif
% endif
<p>${_('This component will be replaced by {max_count} component[s] randomly chosen from the {num_children} matching components in {lib_names}.').format(mode=mode, max_count=max_count, num_children=num_children, lib_names=', '.join(library_names))}</p>