Commit e4635aaa by Ben McMorran Committed by cahrens

Don't release date if it hasn't been changed.

parent 391ab846
......@@ -184,6 +184,14 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/modals/base_mod
ReleaseDateView = BaseDateView.extend({
fieldName: 'start',
startingReleaseDate: null,
afterRender: function () {;
// Store the starting date and time so that we can determine if the user
// actually changed it when "Save" is pressed.
this.startingReleaseDate = this.getValue();
getValue: function () {
return DateUtils.getDate(this.$('#start_date'), this.$('#start_time'));
......@@ -195,8 +203,12 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/modals/base_mod
getMetadata: function () {
var newReleaseDate = this.getValue();
if (JSON.stringify(newReleaseDate) === JSON.stringify(this.startingReleaseDate)) {
return {};
return {
'start': this.getValue()
'start': newReleaseDate
......@@ -375,6 +375,30 @@ class EditingSectionsTest(CourseOutlineTest):
self.assertEqual(u'Problem', progress_page.grading_formats[0])
def test_unchanged_release_date_is_not_saved(self):
Scenario: Saving a subsection without changing the release date will not override the release date
Given that I have created a section with a subsection
When I open the settings modal for the subsection
And I pressed save
And I open the settings modal for the section
And I change the release date to 07/20/1969
And I press save
Then the subsection and the section have the release date 07/20/1969
modal = self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).subsection_at(0).edit()
modal = self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).edit()
modal.release_date = '7/20/1969'
release_text = 'Released: Jul 20, 1969'
self.assertIn(release_text, self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).release_date)
self.assertIn(release_text, self.course_outline_page.section_at(0).subsection_at(0).release_date)
class EditNamesTest(CourseOutlineTest):
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