Commit e4613749 by Omar Khan

Registration: don't require terms of service if checkbox is hidden

parent d114be73
......@@ -1628,7 +1628,7 @@ def create_account_with_params(request, params):
not do_external_auth
# Can't have terms of service for certain SHIB users, like at Stanford
tos_required = (
tos_required = settings.REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS.get('terms_of_service') != 'hidden' and (
not settings.FEATURES.get("AUTH_USE_SHIB") or
not settings.FEATURES.get("SHIB_DISABLE_TOS") or
not do_external_auth or
......@@ -1683,6 +1683,16 @@ class RegistrationViewTest(ThirdPartyAuthTestMixin, ApiTestCase):
@override_settings(REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS={"honor_code": "hidden", "terms_of_service": "hidden"})
def test_register_hidden_honor_code_and_terms_of_service(self):
response =, {
"email": self.EMAIL,
"name": self.NAME,
"username": self.USERNAME,
"password": self.PASSWORD,
def test_missing_fields(self):
response =
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