Commit e3bd509a by Usman Khalid

Re-enable skipped video player tests.

This reverts commit f5876487.
parent ebed8cd4
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
import datetime
import json
import ddt
from unittest import skip
from ..helpers import EventsTestMixin
from .test_video_module import VideoBaseTest
......@@ -196,7 +195,6 @@ class VideoBumperEventsTest(VideoEventsTestMixin):
('', wait_for_state)
@skip("Failing on master; To see remove is_youtube_available() form base class")
def test_video_control_events(self, event_type, action):
Scenario: Video component with pre-roll emits events correctly
......@@ -287,7 +285,6 @@ class VideoBumperEventsTest(VideoEventsTestMixin):
self.assert_events_match([expected_event], [video_event])
@skip("Failing on master; To see remove is_youtube_available() form base class")
def test_strict_event_format(self):
This test makes a very strong assertion about the fields present in events. The goal of it is to ensure that new
......@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@ class YouTubeVideoTest(VideoBaseTest):
@skip('Failing on master; To see remove is_youtube_available() form base class')
def test_download_transcript_button_works_correctly(self):
Scenario: Download Transcript button works correctly
......@@ -713,7 +712,6 @@ class YouTubeVideoTest(VideoBaseTest):
self.assertEqual(, {'zh_HANS': 'Simplified Chinese', 'zh_HANT': 'Traditional Chinese'})
@skip('Failing on master; To see remove is_youtube_available() form base class')
def test_video_bumper_render(self):
Scenario: Multiple videos with bumper in sequentials all load and work, switching between sequentials
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