Commit e337292b by Jay Zoldak

Fix existing advanced settings lettuce tests.

parent c10dc838
......@@ -45,30 +45,37 @@ def create_new_entries(step):
def they_are_alphabetized(step):
assert_policy_entries(["a", "display_name", "z"], ['"zebra"', '"Robot Super Course"', '"apple"'])
@step('I create a JSON object$')
def create_JSON_object(step):
create_entry("json", '{"key": "value", "key_2": "value_2"}')
@step('it is displayed as formatted$')
def it_is_formatted(step):
assert_policy_entries(["display_name", "json"], ['"Robot Super Course"', '{\n "key": "value",\n "key_2": "value_2"\n}'])
# TODO: this is copied from terrain's Need to figure out how to share that code.
@step('I reload the page$')
def reload_the_page(step):
def create_entry(key, value):
newKey = css_find('#__new_advanced_key__ input').first
# Scroll down the page so the button is visible
css_click_at('', 10, 10)
new_key_css = 'div#__new_advanced_key__ input'
new_key_element = css_find(new_key_css).first
# For some reason have to get the instance for each command (get error that it is no longer attached to the DOM)
# Have to do all this because Selenium has a bug that fill does not remove existing text
css_find('.CodeMirror textarea').last.double_click()
css_find('.CodeMirror textarea').last._element.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE)
css_find('.CodeMirror textarea').last._element.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE)
css_find('.CodeMirror textarea').last.fill(value)
new_value_css = 'div.CodeMirror textarea'
css_find(new_value_css).last._element.send_keys(Keys.DELETE, Keys.DELETE)
def delete_entry(index):
......@@ -91,11 +98,12 @@ def assert_entries(css, expected_values):
assert_equal(len(expected_values), len(webElements))
# Sometimes get stale reference if I hold on to the array of elements
for counter in range(len(expected_values)):
assert_equal(expected_values[counter], css_find(css)[counter].value)
assert_equal(expected_values[counter], css_find(css)[counter].value)
def click_save():
css = ".save-button"
def is_shown(driver):
visible = css_find(css).first.visible
if visible:
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ logger = getLogger(__name__)
########### STEP HELPERS ##############
@step('I (?:visit|access|open) the Studio homepage$')
def i_visit_the_studio_homepage(step):
# To make this go to port 8001, put
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def i_have_opened_a_new_course(step):
####### HELPER FUNCTIONS ##############
def create_studio_user(
......@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ def i_am_an_edx_user(step):
#### helper functions
def scroll_to_bottom():
# Maximize the browser
world.browser.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, screen.height);")
def create_user(uname):
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