<p>${_("To view a sample certificate, choose a course mode and select {em_start}Preview Certificate{em_end}.").format(em_start='<strong>', em_end="</strong>")}</p>
<h3class="title-3">${_("Issuing Certificates to Learners")}</h3>
<p>${_("To begin issuing certificates, a course team member with the Admin role selects {em_start}Activate{em_end}. Only course team members with the Admin role can edit or delete an activated certificate.").format(em_start="<strong>", em_end="</strong>")}</p>
<p>${_("To begin issuing course certificates, a course team member with either the Staff or Admin role selects {em_start}Activate{em_end}. Only course team members with these roles can edit or delete an activated certificate.").format(em_start="<strong>", em_end="</strong>")}</p>
<p>${_("{em_start}Do not{em_end} delete certificates after a course has started; learners who have already earned certificates will no longer be able to access them.").format(em_start="<strong>", em_end="</strong>")}</p>
<p><ahref="${get_online_help_info(online_help_token())['doc_url']}"target="_blank"class="button external-help-button">${_("Learn more about certificates")}</a></p>