Commit e29818b1 by Sylvia Pearce

Add MIT and Delft courses to available course list

parent ba9e8031
......@@ -84,6 +84,20 @@ Testers** Google group page for updates.
help you get to know the edX learning experience. Perfect to take before you
start another course.
* `MITx 6.002x - Circuits and Electronics
electronics-2606#.VDKwoSldV58>`_: A course that teaches the fundamentals of
circuit and electronic analysis.
* `MITx 4.605x - A Global History of Architecture — Part 1
architecture-2721#.VDKwoildV58>`_: A history of architecture from a global
* `DelftX ET.3034TU - Solar Energy <
3034tu-solar-energy-1996#.VDKwpCldV58>`_: A course that allows students to
discover the power of solar energy and design a complete photovoltaic system.
Can I take a course entirely on my mobile device?
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